Volcanic and Venomous Badges
Volcanic.. I have found them harder to find once they revamped the Hollows as well, but they are certainly there. I usually make sure I, or a teammate, have some AoEs or pets to make them pop out of the ground. Another thing you can do is Ouro or EX down to the lvl range of the zone so they will pop up and try to go after you. Sometimes, changing your difficulty settings and/or having a team will help you get more bosses to spawn. (I have found 3 to be the "magic number" when it comes to team size for Zone-hunting bosses.)
This is what the ground looks like before they pop out. It' not guaranteed there will be a Boss there, but this is what to look for:
Click for larger picture
Besides that, get some people together and run the Cavern Trial a couple of times. It's a very short and quick trial (speed runs often done in less than 10 mins), but the final (only) room has several of the bosses you need for that badge. Just stick around and clear the room after you finish the mission.
Venomous.. You are right, RWZ is usually the place people go for these. You can also pick up some missions in Warburg. (The Toxics in Warburg are "Rogue" and don't count, but I believe the ones in mission are the regular ones that count.) Some people also suggest Zone-hunting RV, but PvP areas aren't for everybody.
Personally, I used to farm the first mission of the STF to get these. It usually only took a couple of runs. You can also pick up the Mu Guardian Gladiator on that mission at the same time as well. There is usually interest in the Badge channels to go after this, so they don't mind resetting a couple of times to get everybody their badges.
Once Ouro came out, I think the Mender Silos instanced mission in Sirens Call became a good place for Toxics/Mus as well.
The way that I got my Toxic badge was via RWZ. I would start my search in front of the Vanguard base, and work my way to the South East corner and back. Basically stay in the green zones on your map, that's where they spawn. It took me several hours of doing this to get it, but eventually I had the badge. And a week later they reduced the number of toxics required...
Topher Wade lvl 50 Claws/Regen
The Crimson Heroes Society SG
Chaos Faction VG
Official Naturalized Citizen of Justice since 2007
Was hoping somebody out there had some advice on how to best acquire the Volcanic and Venomous badges. I have only found the Magmite Lords in The Hollows, and let me tell you - they're few and far between.
Same situation with Venomous badge - toxic tarantulas. I noticed I had about a dozen after I reached lvl 50 with my scrapper, but I don't remember where or how I ran into them. The only thing I've found online about them is that they can occasionally be found in RWZ. Also told they might be found in Recluse's Victory - but all I find in there are Fire tarantulas and such - no toxic tarantulas. |
If I was hunting them today.... the first thing I would try is setting virtual team size to 8 and try some door missions in Warburg. This is pretty effective with a full team so it MIGHT also work with the virtual team settings. I've seen as many as 7 or 8 in one mission (with a full team - have not tried this with the new settings).
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
High level SGs can also spawn TTS (Redside just hunt in GV - plenty there)
Magmite bosses - look for the burning patches in the Hollows and hit it with an AoE and they will spawn. Note you need to be able to aggro them but cannot target them individually if you are too high a level until they spawn and they won't aggro on you from proximity if you are out of the level range.
Easier to pick up on CoT trial - no shortage on the way to the main room as long as you aren't stealthing it.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Magmite bosses - look for the burning patches in the Hollows and hit it with an AoE and they will spawn. Note you need to be able to aggro them but cannot target them individually if you are too high a level until they spawn and they won't aggro on you from proximity if you are out of the level range.
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
The one thing i ended up doing for the Volcanic badge was I oroed down and ran Julius the Trolls first mission but set it to -1 level and 8 people, no bosses. All the magma lords would be lts but still count. I had wanted to pop shivans and/or a HVAS but that was when they were busted. Instead since I was a DB/WP scrapper I just ran from mob to mob killing the magma guys and ignored everything else. I would kill all the bosses, quit the TF, start it again and repeat, took a while but I finished it in the afternoon.
Still working on the toxic badge but the new ninja run certainly helps with the street hunting
The one thing i ended up doing for the Volcanic badge was I oroed down and ran Julius the Trolls first mission but set it to -1 level and 8 people, no bosses. All the magma lords would be lts but still count. I had wanted to pop shivans and/or a HVAS but that was when they were busted. Instead since I was a DB/WP scrapper I just ran from mob to mob killing the magma guys and ignored everything else. I would kill all the bosses, quit the TF, start it again and repeat, took a while but I finished it in the afternoon.
Still working on the toxic badge but the new ninja run certainly helps with the street hunting |
Was hoping somebody out there had some advice on how to best acquire the Volcanic and Venomous badges. I have only found the Magmite Lords in The Hollows, and let me tell you - they're few and far between. In the hours I've spent there, scouring the area where these guys are supposed to hang out, I've only gotten 10 so far. So if there's a better place to find them - or even some missions I could run to spawn them, I'm open for suggestions.
Same situation with Venomous badge - toxic tarantulas. I noticed I had about a dozen after I reached lvl 50 with my scrapper, but I don't remember where or how I ran into them. The only thing I've found online about them is that they can occasionally be found in RWZ. Also told they might be found in Recluse's Victory - but all I find in there are Fire tarantulas and such - no toxic tarantulas.
So if anybody has suggestions on where to find them or missions (oroborous, I'm assuming?) that could spawn them - I'll welcome any advice.