~Flashing Back with Mr E (Villain Side) - Wed, Nov 11~




A Mr E-Man Production

Featuring Mr E-Villain

Mission: Flashing Back with Mr E – Villain Side
Contact: Aspects of the Pillar of Ice and Flame
Location: Ouroboros

Date & Time: Wednesday, November 11 @ 10:30PM Eastern/7:30PM Pacific

Level Range: Various

Combatants: Various

Arch-Villain(s)/Hero(es): Various

Current Team Roster:

1: Mr E-Villain: SS/Inv Brute
2: Robin Rogue: Dark/Kin Corruptor
3: Gabriel Keats: Fire/Rad Corruptor
4: Turg: TBA
5: Ewing: Crab
6: Xippo-: Fire/Inv Brute
7: Infinite Agony: Mind/Thorn Dominator
8: Nericus: TBA
9: ghoost: TBA
10: Proto-Zero: DB/EA Stalker
11: Childe: Dark/Dark Corruptor
12: Cryptid: Widow

Flashback Info & Stats:

  • Flashbacking requires a 1-person team to start
  • Number of missions varies
  • Badge(s): Multiple
  • Merit Reward: Varies
  • Check out the Villain Flashback Guide by our very own Nericus
Homework: Take a look at your Ouroboros Badges & make a list of the ones you need, we will try to hit the badges that the majority of the group still require.

I will post up my list as soon as I get a chance to verify my badges.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Contact: Pillar of Flame
! That's too funny. I love it. More creative than putting "Various" again.

I'll bring Robin. I still need pretty much all of those badges on her, so I'm open to whatever people need/want to do.

BTW, don't forget the Ice too.. "Pillar of Ice and Flame"
Although technically, that's the name of the giant one in the middle of Ouroboros.
The smaller ones we click on to get the missions are all called "Aspect of the Pillar".

Then again, the one you can put in SG bases is incorrectly named "Pillar of Ice and Flame" in Edit mode also.. so hmmm..
oh.. nevermind



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
I'll bring Gabriel Keats - Fire/Rad. I have ZERO Ouro badges on him, so I should be a pretty simple person to work with as far as what to do =)
I just checked Robin. All she has is "Entrusted with the Secret", and for some reason she also has "Bronze Medalist".. but that's it! lol



Put me down, I don't have any with my Crab (Ewing.)



I guess since everybody pretty much needs everything, we might as well just follow the linked Guide and maybe add in a couple badge missions where available as well.



I need to do this since I just made a villian and missed a lot of the missions I needed due to AE. I will do my best to make this wednesday with Xippo- (Fire/Invul brute).

Thanks for putting this together, always better with a team than solo



I apparently started this, but did not follow through...

These are the badges I have on Mr E-Villain:

  • All For One, One For All – 0 Defeats
  • Divided Mastery – 1 Defeat
  • Proportional Supremacy – 3 Defeats
  • Gold Medalist – 30 Minutes
  • Silver Medalist – 60 Minutes
  • Bronze Medalist – 120 Minutes
  • Venturous – level 1 to 14 Constant Debuff
  • Audacious – level 1 to 14 Enemies Buffed
  • Contributor – level 1 to 14 Contributer
  • Refrained – level 1 to 14 No Travel Powers
  • Cliché – level 1 to 14 No Inspirations
  • Entrusted with the Secret – Exposed to Time Travel
And Cold Satisfaction:
  • Shared Victory – 5 Defeats
  • Audacious – level 1 to 14 Enemies Buffed
  • Refrained – level 1 to 14 No Travel Powers
  • Entrusted with the Secret – Exposed to Time Travel

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



I'll be joining with Infinite Agony (Mind/Thorn Dom).



Im in E TBA

Prometheus: ... so what I told you was true, from a certain point of view.
Me: From a certain point of view?
Prometheus: You're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on your point of view.
Me: You're right about that. Power Blast is very pretty from a certain point of view. But that point of view is not head-on. <Kaboom> - Arcanaville.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
I apparently started this, but did not follow through...
With your list in mind, we can probably just skip the lvl 1-15 content and catch it next time.. unless you are bringing your other character to get them also. Either way is fine.



I'm pretty sure I can make it. I'll bring my DB/EA Stalker, Proto-Zero for the group. =D

Arc ID: 348998 - Becoming a villain
Arc ID: 373341 - To Save a Hero

Got Inf?



I'm not much of a badger, but since it looks like there's room I'll probably be there with Cryptid (night widow).



Well, it was a mixed bag last night...

We had a full team for the first part - I decided to start with something easy (lol) to get us going...

We ran Operative Wellman's Breakout at the Zig

I set it for: Constant Debuff, Enemies Buffed, AT powers only, 0 Defeats & 30 minutes (lol at the last two).

...27 deaths & 1 hour 30 minutes later we came away with the Venturous, Audacious & Contributor badges...

By this time, I was dead...along with a few others, but Paragon had the idea to run Levantera's Strange Case of Benjamin Decker arc since it is quick...so I hung around along with a few other people...

I set this one for: No Enhancements, No Patron/Epic Powers, 0 Defeats & 30 minutes...

In the first mission, I partially fell asleep & woke up to a sliver of health & death...

In the second mission MB & I got stuck in the door entering the mission...we never got loose...

We finished up in 17 minutes with a few (I think 3) deaths...and achieved the Unenhanced, Marginalized & Gold Medalist badges.

Sorry I was so tired last night everyone...I was really out of it at times...

I was so out of it, I forgot to take any screenshots...

Thanks for joining & we'll try something like this again if we have the interest.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Well, it was a mixed bag last night...

We had a full team for the first part - I decided to start with something easy (lol) to get us going...

We ran Operative Wellman's Breakout at the Zig

I set it for: Constant Debuff, Enemies Buffed, AT powers only, 0 Defeats & 30 minutes (lol at the last two).

...27 deaths & 1 hour 30 minutes later we came away with the Venturous, Audacious & Contributor badges...

By this time, I was dead...along with a few others, but Paragon had the idea to run Levantera's Strange Case of Benjamin Decker arc since it is quick...so I hung around along with a few other people...

I set this one for: No Enhancements, No Patron/Epic Powers, 0 Defeats & 30 minutes...

In the first mission, I partially fell asleep & woke up to a sliver of health & death...

In the second mission MB & I got stuck in the door entering the mission...we never got loose...

We finished up in 17 minutes with a few (I think 3) deaths...and achieved the Unenhanced, Marginalized & Gold Medalist badges.

Sorry I was so tired last night everyone...I was really out of it at times...

I was so out of it, I forgot to take any screenshots...

Thanks for joining & we'll try something like this again if we have the interest.
Breakout at the Zig is not one of the better choices for the Time and Defeat badges. The Ben Decker arc is more suited for those.