Noob Question about Crey




Originally Posted by Kelenar View Post
And the same reason that every time you arrest an AV, they pop right back up as soon as they're needed for somebody else to fight (leading to my main beating up the Envoy of Shadows twenty-six times on his way to 50. I counted.).
I forget, did I drag you along on that ONE time I fought the Envoy? It's been ages since I completed that arc, and I deleted my one Scrapper who finished that arc.

... wait. I may have fought the Envoy twice. Ah, who knows?
Originally Posted by Knightslayer View Post
Also remember that Countess Crey used to be something of a heroine, trying to fight corruption through the system, until she discovered that didn't work.
The game only shows Crey's evil actions, but i'm pretty sure they also do plenty of good.
For the Countess the ends justify the means, although a lot of the other high ranking members of Crey are probably simply corrupt.
You're forgetting that before she was Countess Crey, the woman who would eventually become Countess Crey actually had--get this--a criminal record. Sure, she had lots of long-term plans to help the city, but with that criminal record hanging over her head, who's going to trust her?

Also, the Countess wasn't a heroine. She was an idealist.



Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
And that's where my Disbelief-O-Meter starts going off.

There are a number of heroes that don't care about such things as Civil Liabilities (...or Liberties...) in the face of Right, Truth, and so forth. At LEAST one such hero would keen on to Crey. At LEAST one such hero would spill the beans, upset the applecart, and trigger a landslide.

Maybe not Superman, f'instance. But Batman. Or, god help us, Lobo.

But the world of City of Heroes (and that's part of the fun of an MMO, the ongoing world) should eventually reflect this / these changes. And maybe periodically, new content along these lines. Instead of an alternate dimension. Just, you know. Progress. At home.

IMHO, I think, in my opinion, Contents under pressure, No warrantee expressed or implied, offer void where prohibited.

Ah, but are any of said people TRUSTWORTHY?

Seriously, who the heck would beleive anythign coming out of Lobo's mouth? Maybe Bats, but he's so cloaked in mystery and danger to the general public that they'd be leery of him, too. A little bit of media pull really can go a long way *coughFoxNewscough* and Crey can always use said pull to make said heor look like a nutjob

Plus, if they DO say it and lack the real proof, the lawyers will likely win and guess what? Then they're bankrupt, in debt to Crey, or somehting along those lines.

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Originally Posted by ThatGuyThere View Post
And that's where my Disbelief-O-Meter starts going off.

There are a number of heroes that don't care about such things as Civil Liabilities (...or Liberties...) in the face of Right, Truth, and so forth. At LEAST one such hero would keen on to Crey. At LEAST one such hero would spill the beans, upset the applecart, and trigger a landslide.[/SIZE]
People who prove problematic for Crey have had a remarkable track record of getting kidnapped (Night Fox), mind-wiped (the Kellermans), dumped in cloning vats (The Shining Light, Invisible Falcon), quietly disappeared (Carole Friedken), "encouraged" to "self-medicate" with experimental mutagens (Dr. Nichols), framed as a criminal or otherwise discredited via Crey having media magnates and powerful judges in her pocket (a winner is you!), or gunned down by hired Malta hit squads (also you!).

It's probably also safe to assume that Crey Cola (now with extra nanites!) and CreyComp (now with extra mind control!) aren't Crey's only attempts at, shall we say, manipulating their target demographic.



Real world example: KBR, Halliburton and Blackwater are all still major military contractors, despite several successful court cases against them. And these are fairly small-time companies compared to the reach Crey supposedly has.

I find Crey's continued existence wholly plausible. About the only set back I could see Crey suffering is interfering too much with Arachnos plots and getting driven out of the Rogue Isles (which they don't do); Paragon City is beholden to too many laws for any hero or hero group to accomplish the same thing.



Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Perhaps Crey comercials all have subliminal messages.
Fruity Oaty Bars?



Originally Posted by Alkaiser View Post
Also, the Countess wasn't a heroine. She was an idealist.
Yeah, that's why i went with "something of a heroine", she had the ideals but not the power or influence to do it. (That and i was a bit fuzzy on the matter, been a while since i've ran the arc )

Also, agreed Eiko-chan!

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I would like to add that Crey does do a lot of good things. Heroes tend to just deal with the bad side of Crey, but that's only part of the picture.

Shutting down Crey would cause huge problems for lots of people, both normals and metas. Crey makes high-end medical equipment, funds charities, and provides countless people with jobs. They're also willing to employ people and do business in Paragon City, despite the risks. Without Crey, Paragon would likely falter and die off.

There's also the fact that the Countess isn't just blindly grabbing for power. There's hints that she really does think that she's going to make the world a better place. Sure, the means she's willing to use are bad, but her end goal is to help people. ("Help" and "people" are as defined by her, naturally.) I could easily see some of the darker heroes out there siding with Crey.

Finally, Crey is a big organization. In any group that size, you WILL have people off doing their own thing without permission. It's entirely possible that the Countess has to step in and deal with things once a hero's involvement brings some dark corner of her company to light. Everyone thinks she was to blame, but really she's just defending her company from the fallout of a few people's stupidity.

"I do so love taking a nice, well thought out character and putting them through hell. It's like tossing a Faberge Egg onto the stage during a Gallagher concert." - me

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Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Never trust a Kryptonian -- everybody knows that.))
Dear citizens.
My corporation has developed hundreds of beneficial products for the good of the people of this fair city. We have given jobs to thousands of people, with good pay, medical benefits and a generous retirement plan.
We've founded dozens of charities and non-profit organizations to make this town a better place.
Now who are you going to believe? Good Ol' Uncle Lex?
Or some Illegal Alien parading about in his underwear, blasting people his potentially carcinogenic X-ray vision? He's probably been peeping on your wife in the shower.
Your truly,
Lex Luthor.



((((I thought it was never piss off the Kryptonian.))

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