Best to pair with Mercs?
Well, Mercs are resistance based so thermal, pain, dark and storm would compliment them defensively. Thermal with its resist shields, Pain by adding extra resists through world of pain and dark/storm would fill in some of the resist holes with shadow fall/steamy mist respectively. All 3 of those give you ways to increase damage to mobs, either through +damage buffs or -resistance (or both) which is also good with mercs as they need a little more help with their damage then the other sets.
Dark, storm and thermal go slightly better with the ranged nature of mercs; pain requires getting in melee range for it's one debuff but thats just the one power. From a resistance stand point storm has the advantage of allowing you to slot the recharge intensive pet sets so you can use the expedient reinforcement +res aura IO, which is a huge boon to a resist pet as that lets you take it and the sovereign right +res aura IO for a total of +20% resistance to all.
However as Merc's are mostly ranged and have decent smashing & lethal resists any set that keeps mobs at range would also work - so trick arrow and traps would do as well. About the only sets I wouldn't suggest are force fields and poison as FF doesn't have any way to increase merc damage and poison has no way to keep things at range - plus I don't really like the single target nature of poison as even the most single target oriented mastermind will tend to take on a lot more opponents than a non-MM. I honestly think poison should have been done as a corruptor set first.
I have played traps and dark up to L30ish on mercs and found them quite playable. If you want an easy mode on mercs go with dark - the tendency of your mercs to stay clustered around you nicely counters the low area on the heal and all of the controls plus the debuffs makes it pretty effective. I am in the process of working on a merc/storm and it looks to be a lot of fun although he is only 23 currently and so I haven't gotten to the really good chaos inducing powers yet which means it should only get better.
So I would say come up with a concept and pick which set fits it best - all of them will be effective except for the last two and even those will be playable as I don't think you can have an unplayable MM without working actively to create one.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

my mercs/pain Major Trauma got to 26 tonight, seems like a really good combo, healing + resistance goes well together.
My theme for the character is a medivac team that works for the highest bidder (so evil dictators and duboius drug lords ect).
I quite like using team teleport in missions, keeps the boys together in my healing bubble and they use their attacks without prompting when I arrive next to a group (can stay in def mode all the time), so they dont flashbang only one guy.
If only the stupid medic would spam stims on me :P
Avoid serum btw
I have a level 50 Mercs/Pain...and I love it. Great since the mercs usually stay near you. It's a very nice set,and great for teams.
A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!
Trick Arrow...
stop laughing....
The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.
If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-
I have FF on mine and can verify that damage seems to be a bit of a problem. Not that I have any other MM experience to compare it to.
FF does work well to keep them safe and it has multiple tools to keep opponents at a distance but I can't really recommend FF with mercs.
I keep wanting to try mercs, what's best to pair with them?