Halloween Contest!




Okay, this is the official spot to post your contest entries for the super-fantastic contest.

Deadline is November 4th at 12:01am.

What you need to provide:

  • A description of your Jack-o-lantern idea
  • A picture of the completed project
There will be one winner, decided upon by the fantastic judges, who are also the supplying the prize. We will be judging both on concept and execution, so don't worry if your art skills are crappy. If the idea's good you may still win even if the execution is crappy!

Note: the Jack-o-lantern does not have to be in any way related to CoH/V. It just has to be a Jack-o-lantern and awesome.



oh yeah..I am the second judge. the prize will be swan foo art, not to be confused with swine flu art ( cause that's just mucus on a wall). a once in a lifetime chance to have both a foo meister and a swanzy piece in your collection all in one!. It may well be the only piece we ever do together (depends if it's successful) so this picture could well be worth.... Like... A billion dollars!.... Or not, but stilll should be pretty cool. So get carving folks!



I'm pretty sure it'll be valued at well over $100 trillion dollars when it's completed.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
I'm pretty sure it'll be valued at well over $100 trillion dollars when it's completed.

If I was on Price is Right, at this point I would be bidding one dollar...

Not to say I'm not temped to go buy a pumpkin or two and give it a try....



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
I'm pretty sure it'll be valued at well over $100 trillion dollars when it's completed.
That's a lot of dollars.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
If I was on Price is Right, at this point I would be bidding one dollar...

Not to say I'm not temped to go buy a pumpkin or two and give it a try....
Guess who just lost the contest already!



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Guess who just lost the contest already!
Hmmm, it works that way then I'll try this:
*clears throat* Ahem. Wow, Foo and Swanzy! I'm sure you're actually underpricing it at $100 trillion; the two of you are so generous and that's why we love you and will do anything you demand of us. I am honored to pledge my service in both of your names, surely you are gods in your own right.

*dials number*
Yes, I need to schedule a praise parade through the Halloween Contest thread. They come with multi-colored balloons? Brilliant...and complimentary beer?

Though in all seriousness, hehe, I really look forward to seeing the two of you collaborate on a piece. I'm sure it will be so brilliant it will be accompanied by an angelic choir wherever its displayed



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Guess who just lost the contest already!
All those spayed and neutered pets?

What they lost can never be gotten back!

Originally Posted by GrayHuntress
Hmmm, it works that way then I'll try this:
*clears throat* Ahem. Wow, Foo and Swanzy! I'm sure you're actually underpricing it at $100 trillion; the two of you are so generous and that's why we love you and will do anything you demand of us. I am honored to pledge my service in both of your names, surely you are gods in your own right.

I've been holding my contest WAY wrong!!



So you would have us draw pumpkins in exchange for a Jack-o-lantern?



There's lots that can be done with "Pumpkin" art...I'm sure either way the "pies" will be good...Yeah my innuedno is not so great today...I'm excited to see what people come up with for their "pumpkin" or pumpkin related arts. hehehe that is such a fun word to say. when you add little quotes it makes it even more fun...or naughty...but naughty is fun too!



Roxy On DA...Finally!



I just hope people are still interested and submit entries!



Barron and I will have ours in this weekend. we had a few . . . . supplies to get in order to express our idea!



Have to provide a picture of Foo, Kheldarn



Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
You're my entry, Foo.
You can NOT enter me.

This is a buttsex allusion.




Its very difficult to find the right sort of pumpkin for Halloween in Australia, frankly we don't really celebrate Halloween so that's understandable, anyway, thought I'd post something to get the creative juices flowing.

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