Video Card Help




Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
I mentioned this in the HeroCon updates thread, but I figure this is a good place to bring it up too! There's no need to hope the AMD/ATi issues will get fixed for Ultra-mode, the system running the Ultra-mode demos was sporting two AMD/ATi 4870X2 cards! Jimmy the IT guy says they're overkill, but since AMD was providing them to help make sure the demo ran flawlessly, he wasn't going to complain! I also asked Vince D'Amelio if there were going to be efforts to resolve the ATi issues or if users were SOL due to legacy code. That was when I found out the demo was run on a system with ATi cards.

(Actually, I guess that doesn't directly address the concerns with regard to non-Ultra-mode game settings. Nor does the info that Paragon is working closely with AMD & NVidia to ensure neither system is at a display disadvantage, as presumably that would be geared to the new graphics features.) *shrugs* sorry... didn't think to ask about that.

Also, I found out from TJ that Vince had told him that his AMD/ATi 4850HD 1MB would run all but a few or the Ultra-mode features at maxed out settings. I think he also said the next step up would handle features at maxed out settings. One presumes "handles" means it runs in something other than pathetic frame-rates.
Very nice! I was a bit disappointed in watching the video keynote that no one had asked about the tech behind Ultra mode, but you've allayed much of my concern regarding the graphics update.

Did you or anyone else manage to pin them down on SLI, Eyefinity, Hydra, and/or Nvidia 3D (glasses) compatibility? I would guess that the target platform was DirectX 9 clean code such that the Mac port would be smooth as possible and to ensure Windows XP was still a viable platform for CoX.

Were there any questions regarding the PhysX code or is that going to be ported over to OpenCL/Cuda/Havoc/DirectCompute?

Did anyone ask about anti-aliasing on the Mac port?

I'm asking here cuz I'm too lazy to find the main thread. :P



Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
I mentioned this in the HeroCon updates thread, but I figure this is a good place to bring it up too! There's no need to hope the AMD/ATi issues will get fixed for Ultra-mode, the system running the Ultra-mode demos was sporting two AMD/ATi 4870X2 cards! Jimmy the IT guy says they're overkill, but since AMD was providing them to help make sure the demo ran flawlessly, he wasn't going to complain! I also asked Vince D'Amelio if there were going to be efforts to resolve the ATi issues or if users were SOL due to legacy code. That was when I found out the demo was run on a system with ATi cards.

(Actually, I guess that doesn't directly address the concerns with regard to non-Ultra-mode game settings. Nor does the info that Paragon is working closely with AMD & NVidia to ensure neither system is at a display disadvantage, as presumably that would be geared to the new graphics features.) *shrugs* sorry... didn't think to ask about that.

Also, I found out from TJ that Vince had told him that his AMD/ATi 4850HD 1MB would run all but a few or the Ultra-mode features at maxed out settings. I think he also said the next step up would handle features at maxed out settings. One presumes "handles" means it runs in something other than pathetic frame-rates.
This makes me happy. Wondering exactly how many of the new settings will work with my HD4850. I can already maintain 60+ FPS with max settings on my rig so I'm guessing I should be able to handle ultra mode without taking a real noticeable hit.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
Very nice! I was a bit disappointed in watching the video keynote that no one had asked about the tech behind Ultra mode, but you've allayed much of my concern regarding the graphics update.

Did you or anyone else manage to pin them down on SLI, Eyefinity, Hydra, and/or Nvidia 3D (glasses) compatibility? I would guess that the target platform was DirectX 9 clean code such that the Mac port would be smooth as possible and to ensure Windows XP was still a viable platform for CoX.

Were there any questions regarding the PhysX code or is that going to be ported over to OpenCL/Cuda/Havoc/DirectCompute?

Did anyone ask about anti-aliasing on the Mac port?

I'm asking here cuz I'm too lazy to find the main thread. :P
I can't speak for anyone else, but I know I didn't. Sorry. Best I can do is suggest you PM Dark Watcher aka Vince D'Amelio (Lead Programmer). No guarantee you'll get a response, but he was the source for everything I found out about Ultra-mode being ATI compatible. I went to Jimmy "the IT Guy" to find out the specific card used in the demo machine & then totally forgot to ask anything else about the demo machine so... shows how much you can rely on me for tech info!



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
This makes me happy. Wondering exactly how many of the new settings will work with my HD4850. I can already maintain 60+ FPS with max settings on my rig so I'm guessing I should be able to handle ultra mode without taking a real noticeable hit.
This is interpreting info I got from TJ second-hand, but his question was how his card (the 4850 HD 1MB) would handle all the settings at max settings, so I'd figure since it sounds like your card is the same, it'll work with all of them, just not necessarily at max settings.

Or does not running everything at max settings not count as "work with?"



Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
I mentioned this in the HeroCon updates thread, but I figure this is a good place to bring it up too! There's no need to hope the AMD/ATi issues will get fixed for Ultra-mode, the system running the Ultra-mode demos was sporting two AMD/ATi 4870X2 cards! Jimmy the IT guy says they're overkill, but since AMD was providing them to help make sure the demo ran flawlessly, he wasn't going to complain! I also asked Vince D'Amelio if there were going to be efforts to resolve the ATi issues or if users were SOL due to legacy code. That was when I found out the demo was run on a system with ATi cards.

(Actually, I guess that doesn't directly address the concerns with regard to non-Ultra-mode game settings. Nor does the info that Paragon is working closely with AMD & NVidia to ensure neither system is at a display disadvantage, as presumably that would be geared to the new graphics features.) *shrugs* sorry... didn't think to ask about that.

Also, I found out from TJ that Vince had told him that his AMD/ATi 4850HD 1MB would run all but a few or the Ultra-mode features at maxed out settings. I think he also said the next step up would handle features at maxed out settings. One presumes "handles" means it runs in something other than pathetic frame-rates.
Nice to see I was somewhat correct about the cards that might be needed in another thread...



Originally Posted by macskull View Post
This makes me happy. Wondering exactly how many of the new settings will work with my HD4850. I can already maintain 60+ FPS with max settings on my rig so I'm guessing I should be able to handle ultra mode without taking a real noticeable hit.
Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
This is interpreting info I got from TJ second-hand, but his question was how his card (the 4850 HD 1MB) would handle all the settings at max settings, so I'd figure since it sounds like your card is the same, it'll work with all of them, just not necessarily at max settings.

Or does not running everything at max settings not count as "work with?"
Vince said it would handle all but one of the items maxxed out. I can't recall the particular name he used, I was too giddy just learning that I don't have to start saving for a new nVidia card or do without the water effects.

I had the hardest time keeping tears out of my eyes during the demonstration of Ultra Mode, it was just that breathtaking. I seriously doubt that the posted videos carry the full impact of what we saw live. While they may be rather impressive, I think you may want to take what you've seen and imagine what it looks like cranked up to 11.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.