Halloweening with the Horde




Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'll show up on Tuesday with Betty Forever, 23 currently.

Is there a limit to how low lev will be accepted? [I would say, within reason, but I'm not sure if, say, 8 would be w/i reason.]
As long as you can get around the zone (even with a temp flight pack) that's fine with us. We're not too picky

Edit: More than likely, we'll always have at least one 50 on the team, so you'll probably be ssk'd up to level 49.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Hey Luna count me in.




Count me in as well. I will decide later on who i am bringing after I see who needs the badges.



Roxy and I are in on this Luna. =D

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



Alt will be coming out of the old folks home for this



I'm still definitely in, but will be around an hour late this Tues.

Hopefully won't be a problem finding a team.



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
As long as you can get around the zone (even with a temp flight pack) that's fine with us. We're not too picky

Edit: More than likely, we'll always have at least one 50 on the team, so you'll probably be ssk'd up to level 49.
Count me in on this as well: Fire-Kin for Blueside, assorted alts for Red.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'm still definitely in, but will be around an hour late this Tues.

Hopefully won't be a problem finding a team.
Nope, that will not be a problem. Just send me a tell (@Luna de Nocturne) and I'll get you on one of the teams we have going. It might take me a minute or two to get you on a team if we're in the middle of a battle, but just let me know you are there, and I'll get you a home! This applies to anyone that shows up later than 8pm Eastern!

You can also give out a yell in the global chat channel "Freedom TF Chat". There will be several of us in that channel and someone will see it.

I think when we setup teams Tuesday and Thursday, we'll leave a spot or two open on each team to make it easy to pick up people who show up later.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Just want to give a heads up that I will be a little late tonight, my job just announced a whole lot of new product updates today and my silly brother is having a birthday dinner.

How dare they interfer with my badge hunting. But I will be there trust me.



Originally Posted by Dragao View Post
Just want to give a heads up that I will be a little late tonight, my job just announced a whole lot of new product updates today and my silly brother is having a birthday dinner.

How dare they interfer with my badge hunting. But I will be there trust me.
lol, not a problem Just give me a shout when you get online and we'll get you a team

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Have fun everyone! I've decided that I'm just too stressed out right now to lead this thing successfully. I hope someone else can keep it going and you all have fun. As of right now, I could care less if I get any new badges or not. Sorry!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Well it was fun Beta testing the new event. Thanks for putting this together Luna, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe if they get things sorted out we can try this again.



Originally Posted by NukeTheLag View Post
Well it was fun Beta testing the new event. Thanks for putting this together Luna, it was fun while it lasted. Maybe if they get things sorted out we can try this again.
Sorry we were not successful Xort. With the sheer number of people who appeared to do the event in Talos, I'm not sure how any team could get credit for doing that event.

I hope some of the Horde stuck around and continued to enjoy the event. When we crashed I decided I was done for the night.

With everything going on in RL for me right now, I just don't have what it takes to lead an event this big. I hope some of the regulars are able to get it figured out, and hopefully things will slow down once the first few days pass.

Good luck everyone!

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Sorry for being late (big frickin' surprise, I know) - was celebrating Tina's promotion tonight, got in around 1030ish.

Sorry also to hear that circumstances proved to be more trial and tribulation than you needed. I can help out on Thursday evening if you like. The mechanics are pretty straightforward I think, but a mad rush of players on one spot may make it untenable.



Well, since I wasn't on early, I don't know how bad it was for the rest of you, but the event is fairly easy if you can stick to the plan & get the rest of the people in zone to do the same...

  • Each team should split up with 2 people at each banner to kill mobs - this get the blue bar moving pretty fast.
  • As soon as the bar is blue, attack the banners - forget the mobs.
  • When a banner drops, everyone on that banner should split out to whatever banners are still up.
  • After the last banner falls - search & destroy on the greater aspect.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Well, since I wasn't on early, I don't know how bad it was for the rest of you, but the event is fairly easy if you can stick to the plan & get the rest of the people in zone to do the same...
  • Each team should split up with 2 people at each banner to kill mobs - this get the blue bar moving pretty fast.
  • As soon as the bar is blue, attack the banners - forget the mobs.
  • When a banner drops, everyone on that banner should split out to whatever banners are still up.
  • After the last banner falls - search & destroy on the greater aspect.
Correct with a minor addendum: there must be people at all banners or they won't become vulnerable, also when split up among the banners, if done right the whole team can get credit for the banner kills. As to the Greater Aspect, before you rush off to the final banner, check it where it is in relation to the other three. If it is really far away, you may find your self with a very long trip back to where the Aspect will be and may miss it since players descend on the Aspect like a swarm of locust. If need be, forget the banner that is far away as others are likely getting it and just wait for the Aspect.

With luck, one Banner event can get you all the badges, if not then expect to need to run through a 2nd or third time.



I'm sorry i missed this I loged on last night and the lag was aweful, i got mapserved quickly and just went to Justice cause freedom was too lagtastic for me. I will try for tursday hopefully it won't be so bad.

"Play Nice and BEHAVE! I don't want to hear about any more of your shenanigans brought up in our meetings at Paragon"
-Ghost Falcon @Tritonfree @Philly's 2nd Convenient CIGAL BoBC/INOANN Arts&Crafts Sporks
Average Joes FAP THE MENTOR PROJECT Justice Events



Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
I'm sorry i missed this I loged on last night and the lag was aweful, i got mapserved quickly and just went to Justice cause freedom was too lagtastic for me. I will try for tursday hopefully it won't be so bad.
After the Talos crash, We tried again in Galaxy and met the same fate. Most people gave up and went back to ToT'ing, but I tried the next event in Brickstown and was able to pick up one banner (I was solo on MB), and the new GM. The event in Founders went well also, but I came late to the party.

With so much going on, and people losing interest due to lag, I decided to just come back another day as well. I hope people were able to get the ToT badges they wanted. We'll randomly get some people together tonight maybe.

I think it was just the first night madness that brought us trouble. By Thursday, activity might die down a little, so our Villain event should go much better than our Hero event. See you then! (Well tonight also if you're at the KahnTF. lol)



Man I missed last night, I could never get connected to Freedom. Sorry about that



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
After the Talos crash, We tried again in Galaxy and met the same fate. Most people gave up and went back to ToT'ing, but I tried the next event in Brickstown and was able to pick up one banner (I was solo on MB), and the new GM. The event in Founders went well also, but I came late to the party.

With so much going on, and people losing interest due to lag, I decided to just come back another day as well. I hope people were able to get the ToT badges they wanted. We'll randomly get some people together tonight maybe.

I think it was just the first night madness that brought us trouble. By Thursday, activity might die down a little, so our Villain event should go much better than our Hero event. See you then! (Well tonight also if you're at the KahnTF. lol)
Yes the lag has been a bit bad. Also the apparent infrequency of the event spawning. Six of my alts including my 2 main badgers have them all now, but it wasn't easy.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Yes the lag has been a bit bad. Also the apparent infrequency of the event spawning. Six of my alts including my 2 main badgers have them all now, but it wasn't easy.
That's what I get for being out all day, and having to work today. lol

Well, I'm sure I'll finish them off tonight after Kahn, or tomorrow morning. Anybody is certainly welcome to join if you see me on.



The first two attempts kinda scarred me, as I'm sure they did Luna!

I probably won't attempt hero side again until next week once the shiny newness of it wears off. But I am looking forward to the villain run! I think we'll do much better there since not as many people play on that side! So I'll see you guys and gals Thursday night! Hopefully!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I kept trying after a couple crashes. I formed a team and we had succesful runs in Steel Canyon, PI (had the most lag by far), and IP.