Halloweening with the Horde




Greetings everyone!

After yesterdays email about the upcoming Halloween event, I've decided to run a couple of nights next week to let us all get together and enjoy the special events!

The plan:

Tuesday October 20th 8pm-midnight Eastern : Hero Side

Thursday October 22nd 8pm-midnight Eastern : Villain Side

I figure we can get some teams going at 8pm each night, and then as people want to come and go they can. This will also let us switch out toons for anyone who wants badges on multiple toons. I've already got some interest from friends off Facebook, so I figure we can easily get 2-3 teams going.

For Hero Side lets start out in Brickstown (Location to be decided). On Villain Side (Thursday) lets start in Sharkshead (Location to be decided).

Now I know they have a new event this year, so I'm sure most people want to try that out. Plus there will be zombie invasions. Do we know yet if Jack and Pumpkin head are still around as well? Plus we can trick or treat if we get really bored (but clean up your messes!).

Sound like fun? We can use the combined teams to help with the major zone events. The Freedom TF Chat channel will be good to use to call out for teams if you show up later in the night.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Greetings everyone!

After yesterdays email about the upcoming Halloween event, I've decided to run a couple of nights next week to let us all get together and enjoy the special events!

The plan:

Tuesday October 20th 8pm-midnight Eastern : Hero Side

Thursday October 22nd 8pm-midnight Eastern : Villain Side

I figure we can get some teams going at 8pm each night, and then as people want to come and go they can. This will also let us switch out toons for anyone who wants badges on multiple toons. I've already got some interest from friends off Facebook, so I figure we can easily get 2-3 teams going.

For Hero Side lets start out in Galaxy (low crowds) in front of BaB's. On Villain Side (Thursday) lets start in Port Oakes near the black market.

Now I know they have a new event this year, so I'm sure most people want to try that out. Plus there will be zombie invasions. Do we know yet if Jack and Pumpkin head are still around as well? Plus we can trick or treat if we get really bored (but clean up your messes!).

Sound like fun? We can use the combined teams to help with the major zone events. The Freedom TF Chat channel will be good to use to call out for teams if you show up later in the night.
The event will be the same as always PLUS the new Deadly Apocalypse event with the banners that must be destroyed and the "mystic aspect" that will spawn from their destruction. So yes, Eochai and Jack should be back, though I HOPE that Jack's spawn rate is improved.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
The event will be the same as always PLUS the new Deadly Apocalypse event with the banners that must be destroyed and the "mystic aspect" that will spawn from their destruction. So yes, Eochai and Jack should be back, though I HOPE that Jack's spawn rate is improved.
Yeah, I agree, I really hope that Jack's rate is better. I just wasn't sure if they would be around or not, and I didn't try the test server when they were running it. The email I saw didn't mention them by name, so I wasn't sure if they were taking the year off or not :smirk:

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Greetings everyone!

After yesterdays email about the upcoming Halloween event, I've decided to run a couple of nights next week to let us all get together and enjoy the special events!

The plan:

Tuesday October 20th 8pm-midnight Eastern : Hero Side

Thursday October 22nd 8pm-midnight Eastern : Villain Side

I figure we can get some teams going at 8pm each night, and then as people want to come and go they can. This will also let us switch out toons for anyone who wants badges on multiple toons. I've already got some interest from friends off Facebook, so I figure we can easily get 2-3 teams going.

For Hero Side lets start out in Galaxy (low crowds) in front of BaB's. On Villain Side (Thursday) lets start in Port Oakes near the black market.

Now I know they have a new event this year, so I'm sure most people want to try that out. Plus there will be zombie invasions. Do we know yet if Jack and Pumpkin head are still around as well? Plus we can trick or treat if we get really bored (but clean up your messes!).

Sound like fun? We can use the combined teams to help with the major zone events. The Freedom TF Chat channel will be good to use to call out for teams if you show up later in the night.

Luna is SSK in place for this? Are the doors based on zone/level range as in the past? Meaning anyone above level 10 could not click a door in Galaxy City & would a level 50 want to be EX'd down that far for this?

Heroside, the best zone for Eochai/Jack killing is Brickstown - small zone with an easy circuit. I think Sharkshead is best villainside.

Not sure how the new stuff works...

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Luna is SSK in place for this? Are the doors based on zone/level range as in the past? Meaning anyone above level 10 could not click a door in Galaxy City & would a level 50 want to be EX'd down that far for this?

Heroside, the best zone for Eochai/Jack killing is Brickstown - small zone with an easy circuit. I think Sharkshead is best villainside.

Not sure how the new stuff works...
I'm sure the evil SSK will be in effect for this. I was just listing those places to gather because they are not too busy. It gets hard to form teams in busy areas. I don't mind moving zones at all. I'll look at Bricks and Sharkshead tonight and find a good spot for us to meet instead.

I cannot remember how the trick or treating works. I think last year that I trick or treated in multiple zones on Luna, but I could be mistaken. Foggy memory and all

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Luna is SSK in place for this? Are the doors based on zone/level range as in the past? Meaning anyone above level 10 could not click a door in Galaxy City & would a level 50 want to be EX'd down that far for this?

Heroside, the best zone for Eochai/Jack killing is Brickstown - small zone with an easy circuit. I think Sharkshead is best villainside.

Not sure how the new stuff works...
Doors are still zone/level based. SSK should be in effect. Sharkhead and Bricks are best for Eochai/Jack unless you want to try Warburg.

The new stuff is a timed event like the Zombie Invasions, it is called the Deadly Apocalypse. When it's announced, set your map to display SPECIAL locations only and then look for the 4 spots that appear on it. Team heads to one of them, we have to take down monsters until the Banners fully materialize. Take down a Banner; get a badge. Take down another Banner; get a different badge. All 4 Banners go down within the time limit and the "Mystic Aspect" spawns, which takes the form of a random giant monster. Kill it for another badge, plus a reward menu appears. All 4 banner badges plus mystic aspect badge = new accolade badge.

Trick or Treat is the same, albeit the Spirit spawn rate should be fixed from last year, Eochai and Jack are still around and the Zombie Invasions occur.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Doors are still zone/level based. SSK should be in effect. Sharkhead and Bricks are best for Eochai/Jack unless you want to try Warburg.

The new stuff is a timed event like the Zombie Invasions, it is called the Deadly Apocalypse. When it's announced, set your map to display SPECIAL locations only and then look for the 4 spots that appear on it. Team heads to one of them, we have to take down monsters until the Banners fully materialize. Take down a Banner; get a badge. Take down another Banner; get a different badge. All 4 Banners go down within the time limit and the "Mystic Aspect" spawns, which takes the form of a random giant monster. Kill it for another badge, plus a reward menu appears. All 4 banner badges plus mystic aspect badge = new accolade badge.

Trick or Treat is the same, albeit the Spirit spawn rate should be fixed from last year, Eochai and Jack are still around and the Zombie Invasions occur.

Ugh, I forgot about the Spirit spawn rate from last year. That was annoying. Took me the full two weeks to get it on Luna.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
I'm sure the evil SSK will be in effect for this. I was just listing those places to gather because they are not too busy. It gets hard to form teams in busy areas. I don't mind moving zones at all. I'll look at Bricks and Sharkshead tonight and find a good spot for us to meet instead.

I cannot remember how the trick or treating works. I think last year that I trick or treated in multiple zones on Luna, but I could be mistaken. Foggy memory and all
That's fine meeting in the lower zones to make it easier. I misunderstood what you were saying.

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Ugh, I forgot about the Spirit spawn rate from last year. That was annoying. Took me the full two weeks to get it on Luna.
Well what burned a few people was that they announced they couldn't/wouldn't fix it during the event last year. I was on the first halloween test this year, missed the second one, but ToT testing showed Spirits were spawning at a better rate.



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
That's fine meeting in the lower zones to make it easier. I misunderstood what you were saying.
I was just thinking if lowbies wanted to join. But after thinking about it further, most people will probably bring their main badgers first. Once we get a few teams setup, we'll probably start doing some events, and pick up additional people as they show up. Then if someone wants to switch out to a lowbie, it probably wont be an issue. Invite them to the team, instant 49 . Eh, We'll get it worked out. I just wanted to put out there that we'll be hunting us some Halloweenies next week :smirk:

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Heya Luna I think I will be around for this, if there is a sign up...sign me up



Originally Posted by Angeliscar View Post
Heya Luna I think I will be around for this, if there is a sign up...sign me up
I'll do an unofficial list of "we'll be there at some point" tomorrow. Too lazy to tonight

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I plan on being there as well and as you said, I'll be starting on my main badgers and moving from there.



As I have none of the Halloween badges on my badger, I will be there.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Before Tuesday I'll get a list together of all the Halloween badges so we know what we need, and how to get it. It gets confusing after a while, especially if you don't badge much.
This will explain what is new this year:

Previous year details are linked here as well:

I'd summarize it right now for you, but I'm kinda tired and heading to bed. Maybe tomorrow? lol



I would love to join for this if you'll have me! Buffy is a sucker for all the Halloween events and badges. She loves to trick or treat!

I'd love to do the villainside as well with my Widow, Forsaken One.

Sadly my SG has tumbled out of existance, so I don't have any regular friends in game to do this stuff with anymore!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
Before Tuesday I'll get a list together of all the Halloween badges so we know what we need, and how to get it. It gets confusing after a while, especially if you don't badge much.
Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
This will explain what is new this year:

Previous year details are linked here as well:

I'd summarize it right now for you, but I'm kinda tired and heading to bed. Maybe tomorrow? lol
Well, here I go. I hope I don't screw it up or miss anything. lol

Trick-or-Treat foes:
  • Hunter - Defeat 20 Vampires
  • Buster - Defeat 20 Spirits
  • Shifter - Defeat 15 Werewolves
  • Dead Head - Defeat 50 Zombies
  • Malleus - Defeat 75 Witches

Trick-or-Treat drops:
  • Clothes Horse - Collect 10 Costumes (Temp Powers that last 14 days)
  • Fashionable - Collect 25 Costumes
  • Ostentatious - Collect 50 Costumes (There are only 33 costumes. Earning a duplicate costume as a drop is NOT indicated in the Reward chat, but credit is given for the drop itself, not for actually having the costumes, so you'll have invisible credit for this badge anyway. The only way to know that you even earned the duplicate power drop is to see the badge credit increase. On the same note, it's possible to earn Clothes Horse without having 10 powers yet, or Fashionable without having 25, and if you earned credit in previous years you will earn the badges without having the same number of powers as well.)

Zombie Apocalypse Zone Event:
  • Glimpsed the Abyss - Defeat 100 Zombie minions
  • Safety in Numbers - Defeat 33 Zombie lieutenants
  • Evil's Resident - Defeat 25 Zombie bosses
  • Apocalypse Survivor - Defeat a single Zombie Elite Boss (also unlocks the Pumpkin Head costume piece, found in the "Hat" category at the tailor.)

Deadly Apocalypse Zone Event:
  • Dark Fiend - Defeat the Banner of Fiends (guarded by: Dark Fiends [Vampires, Red Caps, Wailers])
  • Hell Hath No Fury - Defeat the Banner of Scorn (guarded by: Women Scorned [Coven, Crazed, various])
  • Terror - Defeat the Banner of Terror (guarded by: Transparent Terrors [Spirits, Ghosts])
  • Monster Masher - Defeat the Banner of Mayhem (guarded by: Abominations [Werewolves, Shivans])
  • Monstrous - Defeat the Greater Mystic Aspect (a GM that spawns after all the Banners in the zone have been defeated. It can take on several familiar GM forms such as Eochai, Adamastor, Caleb, Kraken, and maybe more. It belongs to the Deadly Apocalypse faction.) [Also grants a choice of 4 Temp powers]
  • Hell and Back (Accolade) - Earn Dark Fiend, Hell Hath No Fury, Terror, Monster Masher, Monstrous

Other Giant Monster spawn events:
  • Iron Warrior - Defeat the Halloween Version of Jack of Irons
  • Hallow Spirit - Defeat the Halloween Version of Eochai
  • Ghost Touched - Defeat 20 Unseelie (a limited number spawn with the Halloween Version of Eochai. Once killed, they do not respawn until the next Eochai spawn).



Freedom Horde Social Group

Event: Halloween 2009 with the Horde

Hero Side:
Date & Time: Tuesday, October 20th Starting @ 8:00PM Eastern, and running to at least Midnight
Location: Brickstown In Front of the Hospital

Villain Side:
Date & Time: Thursday, October 22nd Starting @ 8:00PM Eastern, and running to at least Midnight
Location: Sharkshead Isle In Front of the Hospital

Current List of People Who Might Show Up:

1: Luna
2: Mr E-Man
3: King Sac
4: Maeve
5: Playtime
6: Turg
7: Angeliscar
8: Paragon
9: Oya
10: Omega Elementress
11: MB
12: Betty Forever
13: Dragao/Justicce
14: Goldberg
15: Xort
16: Roxy
17: Captain Power
18: PhillyGirl
19: Sevenpenny
20: KK?
21: Alter/Joe
22: Nericus

Halloween Fun we can Do, and Badges to Get:

Deadly Apocalypse:
  • Spawns in City Zones
  • Defeat mobs (Women Scorned, Dark Fiends, Transparent Terrors, Abominations) around the four banners.
  • One badge per banner: "Dark Fiend" (Banner of Fiends), "Hell Hath No Fury" (Banner of Scorn), "Terror" (Banner of Terror), and "Monster Masher" (Banner of Mayhem).
  • Once all four banners are destroyed, the "Greater Mystic Aspect" spawns. It can be one of several different GM's. Defeat it for the "Monstrous Badge". You also can choose 1 of 4 different temp powers as a reward.
  • Destroy all four banners, and the Greater Mystic Aspect to earn the "Hell and Back" accolade.

Zombie Apocalypse:
  • Spawns in City Zones and most Hazard Zones
  • Defeat 100 zombie minions for the "Glimpsed the Abyss" badge
  • Defeat 33 zombie lts. for the "Safety in Numbers" badge
  • Defeat 25 zombie bosses for the "Evil's Resident" badge
  • Defeat 1 zombie EB for the "Apocalypse Survivor" badge. This also awards the Pumpkin Head costume piece.

Trick or Treat:
  • Spawns in City Zones and most Hazard Zones. You must trick or treat in a zone appropriate for your teams level. See the wiki for the correct zones.
  • Each person can click a door every 10 seconds. You can also click the same door every 5 minutes.
  • Defeat 20 Vampires for the "Hunter" badge
  • Defeat 20 Ghosts for the "Buster" badge
  • Defeat 15 Werewolves for the "Shifter" badge
  • Defeat 50 Zombies for the "Dead Head" badge
  • Defeat 75 Witches for the "Malleus" badge
  • You also can collect limited time costumes, and work towards the costume badges. (See MB's post above for more info)

Halloween Giant Monsters:
  • Spawns in City Zones.
  • Defeat Eochai for the "Hallow Spirit" badge
  • Defeat Jack in Irons for the "Iron Warrior" badge
  • Defeat 20 Unseelie Court for the "Ghost Touched" badge

Eternal Night Badge Hunting:
  • Work on progress towards badges obtained from defeating enemies available only at night.
  • Defeat 200 Banished Pantheon Masks for the "Banisher" badge. (Talos, Dark Astoria, Bloody Bay, Sharkshead)
  • Defeat 200 Vampyri for the "Slayer" badge. (Striga, Founders Falls)
  • Defeat 333 Croatoan Ghosts for the "Haunted" badge. (Croatoa)
  • Trap 10 Ghosts in Fort Hades in Port Oakes for the "Pirate" badge. (Villain side only)
  • Trap 100 Ghosts in Fort Hades in Port Oakes for the "Spectral" badge. (Villain side only)

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Originally Posted by Luna de Nocturne View Post
lol, you beat me too it MB. But I've worked for a while on my post, so I'mma gonna post it as well. They are very similiar
lol nice job Luna. It looks great! It's scary how similar they are. haha

Good call on adding the "nighttime" badges as well. They aren't specific to Halloween like the rest of the ones we listed, but they will certainly be easier to get during this time.

And yes.. I'll be around. What time? I'm not sure. What side? dunno. But I'll be poking around as usual and happy to help in any way that I can. My only personal goals for the event is to get the new badges on MB, and get the old and new for Tabby (possibly Robin).



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
And yes.. I'll be around. What time? I'm not sure. What side? dunno. But I'll be poking around as usual and happy to help in any way that I can. My only personal goals for the event is to get the new badges on MB, and get the old and new for Tabby (possibly Robin).
Yeah, I didn't do *anything* last year on villain side, which is why I decided to do an entire night on Villain side. I guess Gabe will be my villain badger since he's got the most badges so far of any of them.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



Here is a question:

Do the Deadly Apocalypse Zone Event spawns count toward the ToT kill badges?

Mr E-Man ~ Mr E-Villain
XBL GamerTag: il Radd



Originally Posted by Mr E-Man View Post
Here is a question:

Do the Deadly Apocalypse Zone Event spawns count toward the ToT kill badges?
From what I read, no they do not. They are considered different enemy groups. Such as "Scorned Women" who can be both cabal witches similiar to the ToT spawns, but also Crazed, etc.

46 Toons on Freedom, 1988+ Levels, 17 Level 50's
The Freedom Horde on Facebook
Globals: @Luna de Nocturne & @Luna Moone
Luna on Facebook (Feel Free to Add!)



I'll show up on Tuesday with Betty Forever, 23 currently.

Is there a limit to how low lev will be accepted? [I would say, within reason, but I'm not sure if, say, 8 would be w/i reason.]