Log Files Wanted for Drop Rate Analysis
Any chance of getting a preveiw of what these 12,000 have dropped?

I'm planning to do some more detailed analysis in the next couple of days. I need to tweak DropStats first to help me get the numbers right. Once I've done that, I'll publish what I've got.
I don't want to publish any numbers at the moment as they won't be accurate and I don't want to lead people on a wild goose chase.
The summary so far is that recipe and salvage drop rates are consistent with the Wiki entries. This may be boring but it's nice to know.
![]() I'm planning to do some more detailed analysis in the next couple of days. I need to tweak DropStats first to help me get the numbers right. Once I've done that, I'll publish what I've got. I don't want to publish any numbers at the moment as they won't be accurate and I don't want to lead people on a wild goose chase. |

I figured I'd share the results of my 5,334 solo kills in the last few days. Quick version: four purples, two costume recipes.
---------------------------------------------------------- Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.5.0 http://www.glasspaw.com/dropstats/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Analysing full log.txt Defeats Minion Lieut. Boss Under. Pet Grey Unknown ---------------------------------------------------------- 5,334 3,232 2,102 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- Drops Total Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare ---------------------------------------------------- Pool A 203 150 40 9 4 Pool E 2 Salvage 455 351 91 13 Inspirations 2,462 1,681 781 0 ---------------------------------------------------- Other Drops ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Inf. Rewards 5,334 (13,376,591 inf, 0 xp, 110,000 debt) Prestige 177,327 Enhancements 59 single origin enhancements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool DropRate Drops Expected Mobs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool A 2.73% 203 173-227 7,436 minion equivalents Pool E 0.06% 2 ? 3,232 minions Salvage 7.55% 455 443-525 6,028 minion equivalents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.) 203 Pool A recipes (Mob Defeats) 4 very rare recipes Coercive Persuasion : Confuse Duration/End Reduction (Superior) (Recipe) Fortunata Hypnosis : Sleep Duration (Superior) (Recipe) Hecatomb : Chance for Negative Energy Dam (Recipe) Hecatomb : Rech/Acc (Superior) (Recipe) 9 rare recipes Aegis: Resistance (Recipe) Devastation: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe) Ghost Widow's Embrace: Acc/Rech (Recipe) Ghost Widow's Embrace: End/Hold (Recipe) Sovereign Right: Accuracy (Recipe) Stupefy: End/Stun (Recipe) Temporary Power: Power Analyzer Mk III Temporary Power: Power Analyzer Mk III Undermined Defenses: Recharge (Recipe) 40 uncommon recipes Adjusted Targeting : Rech/End Reduction (Recipe) Adjusted Targeting : To Hit Buff (Recipe) Adjusted Targeting : To Hit Buff/Rech/End Reduction (Recipe) Air Burst: Acc/Dam (Recipe) Blood Mandate: Dam/End (Recipe) Cleaving Blow: Dam/End (Recipe) Crushing Impact: Acc/Dam (Recipe) Crushing Impact: Dam/Rech (Recipe) Dampened Spirits : To Hit DeBuff/Rech (Recipe) Detonation: Dam/Acc/End (Recipe) Detonation: Dam/End/Range (Recipe) Detonation: Dam/Rech (Recipe) Efficacy Adaptor : End Mod (Recipe) Enfeebled Operation: Acc/Immob (Recipe) Essence of Curare: Acc/Hold (Recipe) Essence of Curare: Acc/Rech (Recipe) Essence of Curare: End/Hold (Recipe) Exploit Weakness: Dam/End (Recipe) Jaunt: Range (Recipe) Jaunt: Range/Endurance (Recipe) Kinetic Crash : Knockback/Dam/Endurance (Recipe) Lethargic Repose: Acc/Sleep/Rech (Recipe) Mocking Beratement: Taunt/Rech/Range (Recipe) Multi-strike: Acc/End (Recipe) Multi-strike: Dam/Acc/End (Recipe) Multi-strike: Dam/End/Rech (Recipe) Nightmare: Acc/Fear (Recipe) Nightmare: Fear/Range (Recipe) Perfect Zinger: Taunt (Recipe) Perplex: Acc/Confuse/Rech (Recipe) Perplex: Confuse/Rech (Recipe) Quickfoot: Endurance (Recipe) Quickfoot: Endurance (Recipe) Quickfoot: Run Speed (Recipe) Rope-a-dope: Acc/Stun/Rech (Recipe) Tempered Readiness: Acc/Slow (Recipe) Tempered Readiness: End/Rech/Slow (Recipe) Thunderstrike: Acc/Dam/Rech (Recipe) Thunderstrike: Dam/End/Rech (Recipe) Undermined Defenses: Defense Debuff/Endurance Reduction (Recipe) 150 common recipes 2 Pool E recipes (Costume Pieces) Costume Piece: Cherubic wings Costume Piece: Rocket boots
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Just sent 16 megs of logs, mostly soloing at +8 w/o a purple to help bring down your drop rate average.
BTW - I never got dropstats to work. Not sure if its a Vista issue vs the instructions posted, or if I'm dumb or what, but I can usually get this kind of stuff to run no prob.
How much longer are you going to be collecting stats? This Double XP weekend has me doing a lot of teaming. If anything I will get back to collecting data on Monday.
Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?
Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575
There will be another batch coming your way tonight from me.
Like other I am sure most of this weekend when I can get on it will be teamed.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
How much longer are you going to be collecting stats? This Double XP weekend has me doing a lot of teaming. If anything I will get back to collecting data on Monday.
The hardest thing to pin down will be the drop rates for rare boss drops, purples, costume pieces etc. Team play and low level play are fine for this as I can just compare the total number of recipes for each colour. Of course, the low level stuff won't help with the purple rate but it will help with everything else.
I need lots more data to really pin this down. I currently have about 20,000 defeats. 200,000 would be nice.

Keep 'em coming. Thanks.
I've got some results for the basic drop rates. The headline is that salvage rates are as expected but Pool A drop rates are a little low. I've also got some initial values for Pool E (costume pieces) and Pool C/D random rares. (AKA boss rares.)
Whilst the Pool A minion and boss rates are compatible with the wiki values, lieutenants are significantly low. (4.57% instead of 5.33%). Don't forget that there's around a 1 in 20 chance that this result is a quirk of the RNG rather than a real effect.
Pool Wiki Value Actual Range Drops Defeats ====================================================================== Pool A 2.67% 2.44% 2.24%-2.66% 526 21534 min. equiv. minion 2.67% 2.54% 2.26%-2.84% 296 11669 minions lieutenant 5.33% 4.57% 3.95%-5.25% 188 4118 LTs & snprs boss 8.00% 7.73% 5.56%-10.31% 42 543 bosses & EBs Salvage 8.00% 8.06% 7.67%-8.45% 1518 18842 min. equiv. minion 8.00% 7.94% 7.46%-8.45% 927 11669 minions lieutenant 10.64% 10.83% 9.90%-11.82% 446 4118 LTs & snprs boss 25.00% 26.70% 23.03%-30.64% 145 543 bosses & EBs Pool E ? 0.03% 0.01%-0.09% 4 11669 minions Pool C/D ? 0.55% 0.11%-1.61% 3 543 bosses & EBs
Thanks to @ignitros, AgentMountaineer, Catwhoorg, Enigma Black, Firespray, Geoff_NA and Leandro for the log files.
Great Table Archie.
Having run point on a project with a large scale before (merits for each arc), I truly appreciate the time and effort involved.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
The drop rates for Pool Cs off of bosses are higher than I expected. Might have to farm with bosses enabled.
I'll make another post out of my raw data, this one in order to show just how streaky the rare drops can be.
PURPLE RECIPES 1996 defeats -> Fortunata Hypnosis : Sleep Duration (Superior) (Recipe) 636 defeats -> Hecatomb : Rech/Acc (Superior) (Recipe) 1029 defeats -> Coercive Persuasion : Confuse Duration/End Reduction (Superior) (Recipe) 81 defeats -> Hecatomb : Chance for Negative Energy Dam (Recipe) 4748 defeats POOL A RARES 1132 defeats -> Temporary Power: Power Analyzer Mk III 1227 defeats -> Devastation: Acc/Dam/End/Rech (Recipe) 681 defeats -> Undermined Defenses: Recharge (Recipe) 519 defeats -> Ghost Widow's Embrace: End/Hold (Recipe) 1105 defeats -> Stupefy: End/Stun (Recipe) 256 defeats -> Sovereign Right: Accuracy (Recipe) 7 defeats -> Aegis: Resistance (Recipe) 76 defeats -> Temporary Power: Power Analyzer Mk III 271 defeats -> Ghost Widow's Embrace: Acc/Rech (Recipe) 1672 defeats -> Analyze Weakness: Acc/Defense Debuff (Recipe) 229 defeats -> Perfect Zinger: Taunt/Rech (Recipe) 1315 defeats COSTUME RECIPES 3271 defeats -> Costume Piece: Cherubic wings 915 defeats -> Costume Piece: Rocket boots 3702 defeats -> Costume Piece: Draconic wings 602 defeats
Here's the full log sent through DropStats:
Defeats Minion Lieut. Boss Under. Pet Grey Unknown ---------------------------------------------------------- 8,490 5,106 3,384 0 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- Drops Total Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare ---------------------------------------------------- Pool A 317 242 60 11 4 Pool E 3 Salvage 754 585 143 26 ---------------------------------------------------- Pool DropRate Drops Expected Mobs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool A 2.67% 317 284-353 11,874 minion equivalents Pool E 0.06% 3 ? 5,106 minions Salvage 7.85% 754 718-822 9,607 minion equivalents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
The drop rates for Pool Cs off of bosses are higher than I expected. Might have to farm with bosses enabled.
I could really do with lots more data on bosses. Anyone fancy farming them?
I'll make another post out of my raw data, this one in order to show just how streaky the rare drops can be.
The first is that we tend to spot patterns in data that don't really exist. e.g. he's luckier than me or I get better drops from Council.
The other is that we expect random events to be more evenly spread than they are. Consequently, we tend to be surprised by how streaky and how unfair random events can be.
Thanks for publishing that Leandro, it's very interesting.
P.S. I have no idea whether Leandro's streaks are what we'd expect or not.
Here's a list of the drops by rarity from the logs so far.
Drops Total Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare ---------------------------------------------------- Pool A 791 600 152 30 9 Salvage 2,164 1,684 395 85 Inspirations 8,510 5,683 2,745 82 ----------------------------------------------------
I'll convert this into probabilities and confidence intervals when I have time.
Over the years, I've come to the conclusion that most of us have very poor intuition when it comes to random events. We seem prey to several recurring problems.
The first is that we tend to spot patterns in data that don't really exist. e.g. he's luckier than me or I get better drops from Council. The other is that we expect random events to be more evenly spread than they are. Consequently, we tend to be surprised by how streaky and how unfair random events can be. Thanks for publishing that Leandro, it's very interesting. P.S. I have no idea whether Leandro's streaks are what we'd expect or not. |
Edit:I've long ago given up explaining odds, randomness, and the uselessness of superstition to gamblers....I'm barely human to most of them.
American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA
That's Midnight's Hand in flashback, and available only to 50s

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
And now, here's the data for a boss only run. I took my Scrapper to Portal Corp. and started targeting every boss in sight. 118 Death Mages, 37 Warhulks, 19 Fake Nemesis, 8 Zeus Class Titans, 4 Master Illusionists, 4 Dark Ring Mistresses, 3 Gunslingers, 2 Chief Soldiers, 2 Tac Ops Commanders, 1 Chief Mesmerist, 1 Dark Dwarf and 1 Void Slayer later, I had the following results.
---------------------------------------------------------- Archie Gremlin's Drop Stats v0.5.0 http://www.glasspaw.com/dropstats/ ---------------------------------------------------------- Analysing boss log.txt Defeats Minion Lieut. Boss Under. Pet Grey Unknown ---------------------------------------------------------- 200 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------- Drops Total Common Uncommon Rare Very Rare ---------------------------------------------------- Pool A 17 16 1 0 0 Pool C/D 1 Salvage 41 31 10 0 Inspirations 168 92 46 30 ---------------------------------------------------- Other Drops ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Inf. Rewards 200 (3,873,562 inf, 0 xp, 244,061 debt) Prestige 60,906 Enhancements 10 single origin enhancements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool DropRate Drops Expected Mobs ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Pool A 2.83% 17 9-25 600 minion equivalents Pool C/D 0.50% 1 ? 200 bosses and EBs Salvage 6.56% 41 37-65 625 minion equivalents ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (1 in 20 runs will be outside the expected range.)
Similarly, the actual salvage drop rate was 20.5%; and SOs dropped 5% of the time. This isn't actually a bug, it's DropStats converting everything to minion equivalents, which is no good for reporting a boss-only run. It really needs to separate the rates in minions, lieutenants and bosses.
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
It's not reporting them wrong. Since bosses and LTs have higher drop rates than minions, the program turns them into "minion equivalents". So it's dividing 17 drops by 600 "minion equivalents" to get that 2.83% number.
As far as bosses go, I'll start including bosses in my BM farm runs, it won't slow me down too much I don't think.
P.S. Firespray is quite correct about "minion equivalents".
It's still reporting them wrong for the purposes of my post (boss-only rates). I probably should have been more clear on that.
www.SaveCOH.com: Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
Thanks to everyone who's sent me log files. We have 12,000 defeats so far which is a good start.
Keep 'em coming.