Secondary Choices for Visible Spines




Pondering making Yet Another Scrapper. This one would be a Spiner who no longer needs to hide the spines (now that they look cool at last!). Two questions come to mind:

Currently the Spines color customzation is not only can't get the colors you choose to stay after you leave the character modification screen, but you can't even save your scheme to a file (if you choose to save both primary and secondary power looks you'll see that unlike other combinations, there's only a file save name for the secondary -- but weirdly, your spine type stays (slate, crystal, metal, etc.) even though there's no apparent save file). When they fix this, will we know somehow? I hate to keep wasting money in Icon paying for changes that don't stick just to test if it's changed yet.

Secondly, for minimal special effects, looks like Willpower, SR or Invulnerability are the ways to go. I currently have a Claws/WP, so Spines/WP might be a little too similar for my tastes (still trying to determine if that would bother me too much).

That leaves SR and Invuln. I'm leaning toward Invuln for concept -- but I've only done it on Tankers. Is Inv really a decent Scrapper set these days despite the lower Scrapper values? WIll it play acceptably before investment in IO sets? Anyone with Spines and one of these secondaries care to comment or sell me on your combination?


If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



I know that they mesh well, Spines is an AoE based set and Invul has a power that uses minions in melee range to buff your defense. As to how well they play at lower levels I could not say because I have yet to play an Invul character

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Invuln will probably work better for you. It meshes with Spines nicely, with a taunt aura that boosts your defense for every foe in range.

There's nothing wrong with SR and Spines, just Invuln plays to the strengths of Spines

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
Invuln will probably work better for you. It meshes with Spines nicely, with a taunt aura that boosts your defense for every foe in range.

There's nothing wrong with SR and Spines, just Invuln plays to the strengths of Spines
Not to mention that Invul benefits from Typed Defense and the nice mix of attack types in Spines let you pick up on these well. (I love 3-slotting Eradication for E/N )



My main is a Spines/SR scrapper, and I love playing him. However, I think Inv meshes better with Spines, although I've never really played the combo.



what about spines/elec armor on metal spines? what a theme! sounds like a plan to me. ooh the visuals of that...this is gonna rock.



Thanks! How strong is Invuln, especially before sets? I liked it as a Tanker but I'vbe never made an Invuln Scrapper. Before the recent changes I didn't hear good things about them, but I seem to recall some folks commenting on their strength since then.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
Thanks! How strong is Invuln, especially before sets? I liked it as a Tanker but I'vbe never made an Invuln Scrapper. Before the recent changes I didn't hear good things about them, but I seem to recall some folks commenting on their strength since then.
Take this with a grain of salt, because I'm just relaying what was said to me (I don't have a /Invul scrapper yet) but until you get Invincibility and are slotted decently, you're a little squishy. Not near as bad as say Fire, but you also don't have the quick recharging heal.



I'd go with /SR, Quickness will give you +recharge thus increasing your damage output even more.

Not to mention it's easy to softcap and you'll be nearly unkillable



Invuln plays nicely with spines drawing them close to your quills debuffing them and buffing you, if that matches your concept more closely, than great, because you'll be quite survivable.

SR can be nice for ease of softcapping, but that's not going to happen for the majority of your game time with that character, unless you really see your self sticking with it for the long haul.

Lastly... /WP is very... very effective with spines, RttC does the same thing invincible does, but WP also supplies you with the endurance to run quills forever without worry for most of your leveling time (rather than post epics). It's also an incredibly boring defense set, but you know that.

Just expect a little more endurance slotting whichever way you go.

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