Mastermind Superteam -- Coming soon




Start making plans to join us for an all mastermind Superteam/VG here on Virtue. The start date and full details will be announced later. Basically, you can make any kind of mastermind you want to. We may or may not have a costume theme when this gets going. I would like to get some input from those who have led Superteams before. Please leave your feedback here if you have any ideas for a theme, some advice, or you just want to say that you're interested, etc. I'm thinking that we would have a twice weekly playtime format with weekly level caps. My preliminary idea is Mondays at 7:30pm est and Saturdays at 2pm est.



Now this sounds interesting. I love MMs and a team full of them could be fun. I can join in on the weekend times.

SkyeFall - Virtue Incarnate Tank
Tannim Wize - Virtue Troller
Nanohaunter - Virtue Incarnate Scrapper
Lt. Cmdr Burnbane - Virtue SOA
Atomic Geiger Z - Freedom Brute



This would give me an excuse to level up an MM concept...

If anything, you should... maybe not REQUIRE, but heavily encourage, everyone having at least one leadership power by level 50. Also encourage people to mix it up, especially as far as Secondaries go. More than 3 FF users will be wasting buffs and the team will lack utility.

Just for fun, maybe have people use thier "second" build for making "petless MMs" to see if our buffs and debuffs can carry us through.



Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



My Bots/Traps MM can solo even-con missions (+0x0, in other words) without pets and without sweat, so it's entirely possible. I haven't tried higher settings petless yet.

Of course, Traps is overpowered.



Ok guys, here's the plan: we'll kick this off the first Saturday in October (10-3-09) at 2pm est meet in Mercy Island near Kalinda. You can start your toon before then (in fact, I encourage it) but don't go above level 5 so we can set up leveling pacts and send out VG invites. As long as you remain active within the group those pacts will not be broken. That way if you miss a day you won't fall too far behind the rest of the group. Our first day the level cap will be 10 (we may come up short but don't go above it) and we will work on getting the Loa Bone badge and temp power (zombie pets). You may make any kind of mastermind you wish (not all Thermal Radiation please). The theme and the name of the VG will be Voodoo Masters of Virtue. You decide what that means. There's no actual uniform just try to come up with something that says voodoo to you. Here's my example feel free to post yours:



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
This would give me an excuse to level up an MM concept...

If anything, you should... maybe not REQUIRE, but heavily encourage, everyone having at least one leadership power by level 50. Also encourage people to mix it up, especially as far as Secondaries go. More than 3 FF users will be wasting buffs and the team will lack utility.

Just for fun, maybe have people use thier "second" build for making "petless MMs" to see if our buffs and debuffs can carry us through.

Great ideas!! We'll have to use this one.



I want video of you guys doing a cave mission. :P



Voodoo? Hhmm, my concept character is natural-origin and really the furthest thing from that o_O. And Voodoo would be a stretch for any MM primary besides Zombies or maybe Ninjas. Perhaps you should open it up a more? I realize a theme is important, but something like "Voodoo" almost automatically disqualifies a Bots/FF or Mercs/Traps from participating. Just my 2 inf =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Voodoo? Hhmm, my concept character is natural-origin and really the furthest thing from that o_O. And Voodoo would be a stretch for any MM primary besides Zombies or maybe Ninjas. Perhaps you should open it up a more? I realize a theme is important, but something like "Voodoo" almost automatically disqualifies a Bots/FF or Mercs/Traps from participating. Just my 2 inf =)
You just have to use your imagination. The guy that you see there owns a robotics store and he sells potions out the back door. A storyline shouldn't limit the types of characters that are in it. Btw he is Bots/TR. I thought I did leave it very open by saying that there's no uniform and you decide what voodoo means.



Ok, fair enough! =) Guess i was being too big a stickler for the common meaning of the word... i'll think of something =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Just wanna remind everyone that this starts in two days, this Saturday at 2pm est. For more details read my other posts.



Day 1 was a great success. We all had a blast playing our new toons. We were small but fierce *pun intended* Here's a snapshot from our first day. I'm hoping for a larger turnout on Monday. There's still room if anyone else wants to join. The level cap is 10 until at least next Saturday.



I didn't see this until this morning (unfortunately I almost never look at the server boards).

I could get in on this if there is still room. What do we have so far?



In that snapshot, we have a Merc/Dark, Merc/Traps, Bots/Fire, Thugs/? and a Ninja/? ( I didn't really see those guys use thier secondaries much, but then again, i don't pay a whole lot of attention ^_^) except for getting overhelwmed in one misison, we pretty much steamrolled.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Thanks. Looks like a decent mix. I'll throw something together tonight and get a few levels in.



Hey Steele which one is you in the snapshot? I'm guessing Agent Manitoba? I'm Mechallo and he's bots/therm rad, not exactly bots/fire but close enough. Looking forward to having you join us Brophog send me a tell Monday night and I'll invite you. My global is in my sig.



Had to work last Saturday, so sorry I missed the initial run. Hoping to be there tonight but I have a little project I've been working on which has been rather engrossing, so if I'm not around, assume I'm hip-deep in translation and covered in paper cuts. I'm ahead of the pack anyway, but I'll totally meet up at least once before ya'll catch up to me!



Dont' forget next weekend is 2x Exp weekend! Lets strive for 20-25!

SkyeFall - Virtue Incarnate Tank
Tannim Wize - Virtue Troller
Nanohaunter - Virtue Incarnate Scrapper
Lt. Cmdr Burnbane - Virtue SOA
Atomic Geiger Z - Freedom Brute



Heya guys,
The cap is still lvl 10 but I'm gonna raise it this Sat. to lvl 15. Let's do some ghost busting and go for the pirate and spectral badges. If you have any ideas for events feel free to post them here.

Originally Posted by FreeFallin View Post
Dont' forget next weekend is 2x Exp weekend! Lets strive for 20-25!
OOOOOHHHH!! Almost forgot. Ok, scratch the lvl 15 cap on Sat. let's plan for 20. We can do Virgil TF too.

P.S. Anyone else can still join, but you'll be playing catch up.



If we get near a full team, we'll be to 20 in good time, even starting at 10 (I know I'm gonna try to stock up on lowbie IOs this week to keep pace with leveling). Right now we're all pretty lacking in buffs/debuffs, but by 16 we'll have some good ones for many of our sets that should really increase our kill rate on a 2XP weekend.



I will not be able to make this Sat.'s playtime. I have to go to a funeral. I will see all of you guys on Monday. Happy Halloween.




Funerals are never fun. See you on Monday.



Hey guys,
Our numbers have been dwindling over the last couple of weeks so please tell your friends about us. I'd love to have at least one full team this Sat. If we can't do it in-VG we can always add a few pugs but I'd prefer that we build up the ranks. The level cap will go up to 25 on Sat. too. I'm planning on doing the Virgil Tarikoss SF (Bat'Zul and Infernal). If you guys want to suggest an event by all means do so. I'd like to have something planned ahead of time for each playtime.



Going to continue the Lorenz Ansaldo arc on Monday. Sea Witch is the next mission in the arc so if you're auto completing try to have that be your next mish. Also if you're auto completing don't go past level 24 or you will outlevel the contact.

Welcome to all our new recruits. It's good to have you aboard. I had fun teaming with you guys today.