Lost Globals/Can't Enter Missions

Chaos Creator



As of right now, the above in the title, along with Friends List.

Death by AOE
A Level 50+++
Fire/Devices Blaster
Tier 4 All Around



Best issue ever and globals keep dropping, and I can't get in any missions.

Death by AOE
A Level 50+++
Fire/Devices Blaster
Tier 4 All Around



I've hardly been able to do missions. It's been six ******* hours of this.



Originally Posted by MunkiLord View Post
I've hardly been able to do missions. It's been six ******* hours of this.
I've done MoITF on 2 characters so far. You basically have to make sure Globals are up first before going into the mission, and then you're fine. Otherwise.. just wait for the messages spamming that you are Rejoining your global channels, and then try again.



I figured that out right after I posted that. Now it's not so bad.



grah, at least it isn't just me

Listen to Survival Guide. Because you should!
"You have a mom? I thought you were conceived through pure win?" ~Spinestradamus
"reading ur posts is like reading a stop sign, its red oddly shaped and makes me come to a complete stop...then i go" ~anon rep; thank you



you kids have it easy i remember when there were no globals