What are you doing first?




I don't think he was saying that you PL'd any of your toons... just that your boredom, etc. was the reason that HE didn't PL. And I agree.
This, CK. But I also don't assume that you played ALL of your characters all the way to 50 without getting on the easy train for at least one or two of them, either. The comment wasn't really directed at you in particular, CK, anyway. You just happened to be the latest to articulate the same reasoning for being bored.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



With increased EXP all around and several hours to play (not even to the extent of Kat's previous gaming schedule), is 1 - 50 really closer to twenty-six miles than the hundred meter dash?
If you're playing a character exclusively, then no. That's why I rotate between several characters. I played exclusively with WHF in the beginning and hit 50 in less than 4 months. He's the only one I did that with.

For a while, I was rotating playing characters that were close to reaching a goal level, like travel powers, or stamina, or costume slots. Once I hit that level with one character, I'd go play another one. I tried to spread the love, while also trying to do different arcs than I've done on previous characters. I still haven't done every arc on either side, 4 years later.

You can still find ways to extend the leveling speed without doing odd things like turning off XP, or running lots of TFs while exempted, and still play a good amount during the week.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
I work from home and used to play CoX about 12-15 hours a day while working.

I am integued by your ideas and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

Srsly. Working and playing CoX for 12-15. Those are mutually exclusive. I can only imagine how my work would suffer doing both at the same time. And at 12-15hrs/day I would have burned out a long long time ago.

Back to the OT.
1) Rolled scrapper....check.
2) Played with colors... check. (Fire Blast with the blasts going from red to orange to yellow to blue inorder of power is awesome. Orange/Red Fire Breath looks more like plasma/lava than fire.. but i like it.)
3) (Bonus) Realized that the devs have some how set drop rates based on mobile groups. Some (like Council Empire) drop about 1/3 the number they should where as CoT drop regular amounts. Its one way to keep easy farming maps from paying out at the market but darn sneaky. (And yes Ive pushed the kills into the thousands and analyized drop rates.. its pretty obvious).
4) Basked in the glow of not so epic badges... check. (Tho Herostats is wonky and I cant verify them).

Tanker Tuesday #72 Oct 5 @Champion

"I am not sure if my portrayal of being insane is accurate, but damn its fun all the same."



Make an Elec/SD Scrapper, Cat.

"I never said thank you." - Lt. Gordon

"And you'll never have to." - the Dark Knight



Originally Posted by CriticalKat View Post
...I work from home and used to play CoX about 12-15 hours a day while working. Did that for about the first 3 years of my gameplay....
The time you had to spend in game is not normal. That doesn't make it bad; it's just not the kind of time to which most people have access. Although the number of people with multiple 50s certainly continues to grow, most people haven't level one of each AT to 50, much less filled their slots. So, for the (probable) majority, the journey to 50 is still more important than what to do with a character after all the current content is finished.

Besides, as the devs have already pointed out, it is simply not feasible for them to create content faster than you can go through it. Eventually, you'll have done everything (which each character) they put out before they can put out more. Thus, it's not cost effective to plan for high level content that way.

Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
With increased EXP all around and several hours to play (not even to the extent of Kat's previous gaming schedule), is 1 - 50 really closer to twenty-six miles than the hundred meter dash?
Even if it's dropped from twenty-six miles to 15K, that's still a marathon.



Originally Posted by The_Bronx View Post
Which fingers am I?
YOu would be the finger that partially pl'd my MM for my test team. :-)

Which is actually a sweet memory to me. I still giggle when I remember what you told me when we started the first farm map. "Stay at the door, I am not dealing with your ******* pets aggro'n ****".

Even when needing to desperately get that toon leveled for an upcoming match standing at the door and not playing was like pulling my fingernails out one by one.



Much discussion being had on the boredom of 50's, personally I play way too much so I get bored of the endless, badge/xp/Inf grind, so I made an sg called the pocket protectors, totally to goof off get into trouble be general slack offs and not play seriously...to give you an idea the sg requirement is min height min leg length (hence pockets) and max chest slider for the ladies, there is much skin to be seen on the wardrobe choice, and the names are lol, they are fun and funny and we have a blast playing with each others pockets.....I know there is not enough content for some ppl, and I am not saying the pockets is for you, I am just saying you can reinvent how& why you play the game and it can change the atmosphere alot, refreshing the whole game for you...just a thought