Regenerative Tissue unique and Willpower
On the staff vs wand, it depends on your origin as to which is better. You get extra damage with the staff if you're science, tech or natural. You get extra damage with the wand if you are magic, mutant or natural.
As for the regen tissue unique, and I'm sure that someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I believe that it grants both 25% regen on top of whatever your global regen value is as well as buffing the power it's in as if it was a 25% enhancement buff.
Fast Healing grants more regen than Health, so it would probably be better to slot it there UNLESS in doing so you end up enhancing FH less than Health.
Be well, people of CoH.

On the staff vs wand, it depends on your origin as to which is better. You get extra damage with the staff if you're science, tech or natural. You get extra damage with the wand if you are magic, mutant or natural.
As for the regen tissue unique, and I'm sure that someone will correct me if I'm wrong, I believe that it grants both 25% regen on top of whatever your global regen value is as well as buffing the power it's in as if it was a 25% enhancement buff Fast Healing grants more regen than Health, so it would probably be better to slot it there UNLESS in doing so you end up enhancing FH less than Health. |
So the only two factors that should be considered when deciding whether to slot it in FH or health are:
1) Which one are you going to slot up first so that you can get the best benefits out of both the power and the RT unique as soon as possible.
2) If you plan to do any exemparing you will want to slot it in whichever one you took first as the RT unique is a proc and will provide benefits as long as you have access to the power in which you slotted it.
Globals: @Midnight Mystique/@Magik13

Ohhhh, so I had it backwards. So no matter what power you stick it in you want it on TOP of being ED capped on the power.
That means that the 25% regen tissue unique gets bumped to near 50% if in a power with 95% health buff worth of enhancements in it.
Niiiiiiiiice. I'm going to need to check some slotting.
Be well, people of CoH.

I have both the Numina and Regen uniques in my wp. I put them in Fast Healing. I put them there because I have that power at level 4 or so, but Health is at 24. So with the procs in Fast Healing I get the benefit all the way down to level 4 if I exemp. And yes, I ED capped the regen in Fast Healing.
Oh, and I didn't put them in High Pain Tolerance because I also have resistance slotted in it, so I didn't have the extra room there.
Whatever you do, don't slot it in RttC.
Because */WP is already packing so much +regen, an extra 25% (or even 48.75%) isn't going to be particularly noticeable. You're better off saving it for the Elec/Elec Scrap (or any other Scrap that isn't focused heavily on damage recovery) because the small amount of +regen will contribute more comparative survivability for a set that already has substantial damage mitigation.
I would agree with most of what EricHough and Nights_Dawn have said already. Because the unique IO operates like a proc, then you want to put it into an earlier power possible, for the sake of exemplaring. For a Willpower scrapper, the powers High Pain Threshold, Fast Healing, and even RttC are good places to slot the Regen Tissue IO in, provided the slot is available.
The only better choice for slotting is to slot it into a power slotted with a high Healing enhancement (again, usually Fast Healing and RttC both fit this choice).
As for which scrapper needs it more, you want to consider how much benefit the IO provides. Its +25% regen provides about from 1.4hp/sec to 4.9hp/sec, depending on slotting and MAX HP. For high +regen toons, like Willpower and Regeneration, that amount is just a drop in the bucket when most of those toons can easily get at least 30hp/sec, and even much more with further tweaking (though the most pimped-out /regen and /wp builds do incorporate the Regenerative Tissue IO).
Other scrapper secondaries, including Electric Armor, generally only regenerate around 5.575hp/sec to 10hp/sec, depending on MAX HP. The Regen Tissue IO would definitely be noticed more on these scrappers than others.
Wow. BillzBubba, ErikHough, Nights_Dawn, Silverado, Umbral and SpiderTeo_OC...I am speechless. A big thank you for your help.
I will earmark this IO for my Elec/Elec and if I am lucky enough to get another Regenerative Tissue unique in a bronze roll, I will put it into a well slotted Fast Healing.
I knew about the origin being the determining factor for the bonus damage for Nightwand and Nemi Staff. If I knew Nightwand is the better fit for the Elec/Elec combo I will roll her as a magic origin when issue 16 goes live. If Nemi is better I will make her a Tech.
I always go out of my way to fight the Circle Of Thorns, and the BP so I usually take the Ghost Slayers Axe.
Nemi Staff does Knockback, and Blackwand does what? I know I saw a stream of black mist come streaming out of it meaning Negative Energy Damage?
So confused, but in a happy, excited, sort of way
Again, thanks
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
Nemi Staff does Knockback, and Blackwand does what? I know I saw a stream of black mist come streaming out of it meaning Negative Energy Damage?
Neither is really going to make or break a build. It's really just a question of aesthetics and theme. Personally, I prefer the Nem stick simply because I love having a giant clockwork mecha-stick that somehow manages to throw out blue bolts of asplodieness.
RTTC is NOT a good place to put uniques because it will give the unique a lower effect if you face high con foes, and it will only be on with foes in range and 120 seconds after, instead of perma.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
The procs has 100% chance to go off. I dont see any difference on having it on a passive or a toggle that you will have on at all time.
Now what is this lower number on the procs when facing higher con foes you speak of?
I always thought it was just a 25% boost and didn't affect the power at all. I see in mid's it's doing something else. I honestly can't figure out what it's doing. In Mid's anyway, it's showing that overenhancing a power that has the procs in them causes regeneration to still go up.
Is the proc getting enhanced? Which doesn't seem to be affected by ED? What am I seeing here? (and is mid's correct?)
By trial and error (since I can't figure out what it's doing). I slotted health, fast healing, and rise to the challenge all with 3 lvl 50 health IOs. Then I took a numina's heal enhancer, the numina's unique, and the regenative tissue unique and slotted all 3 in FH, then health, then RTTC. The best regen number I saw was with the uniques in RTTC. Why, I can't tell you.
I dont' know if mid's it calculating correctly.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
The procs has 100% chance to go off. I dont see any difference on having it on a passive or a toggle that you will have on at all time.
Now what is this lower number on the procs when facing higher con foes you speak of? |
Uniques in RttC are a BIG nono.
Many players have seen that the Numina unique IO and the Regen Tissue unique IO do act like procs with a 100% chance to fire and that their regen values are also affected by the healing enhancement value of the power that the IOs are in.
I didn't believe the enhancement part myself myself at first, but I did a test on my MA/Regen scrapper and saw that the values of these unique IO do got up from their respective base 20% and 25% values by a factor of whatever the power's Healing enhancement was. The proc doesn't do anything to the power but just take up the slot. But the power could affect the IO proc by the its own enhancement.
Example, if Fast Healing was Healing enhanced by 66%, a Regen Tissue slotted into that Fast Healing would also have its 25% regen enhanced as well, up to around 41.5%. The difference was small, but the numbers in-game reflected what math I did on paper.
I don't think this was intentional, but just a quirky bug of the game that comes out into our favor.
The Regen Tissue and Numina unique IOs should work just fine in RttC because the power is assumed to always to be on when you need it. Yes, the power has a variable regen rate and its -ToHit is dependent when enemies are close or not. But the power does have a base regen in addition to its variable regen and the IOs ignore anything regarding the -ToHit component. Activation of the proc is dependent on activation of the power, not variables of the power itself.
Now as for Shred's latest post and edit, I did the same myself in Mid's. The values all seem to add up to the same, and that the unique IO's regen ignores ED for its own enhancement, at least all according to Mid's (not sure if it's the same in-game), so I don't know what I did differently than what he did. Shred, did you make sure that all the enhancement are at the same levels, both the common IOs and the Numina one?
Many players have seen that the Numina unique IO and the Regen Tissue unique IO do act like procs with a 100% chance to fire and that their regen values are also affected by the healing enhancement value of the power that the IOs are in.
I didn't believe the enhancement part myself myself at first, but I did a test on my MA/Regen scrapper and saw that the values of these unique IO do got up from their respective base 20% and 25% values by a factor of whatever the power's Healing enhancement was. The proc doesn't do anything to the power but just take up the slot. But the power could affect the IO proc by the its own enhancement. Example, if Fast Healing was Healing enhanced by 66%, a Regen Tissue slotted into that Fast Healing would also have its 25% regen enhanced as well, up to around 41.5%. The difference was small, but the numbers in-game reflected what math I did on paper. I don't think this was intentional, but just a quirky bug of the game that comes out into our favor. The Regen Tissue and Numina unique IOs should work just fine in RttC because the power is assumed to always to be on when you need it. Yes, the power has a variable regen rate and its -ToHit is dependent when enemies are close or not. But the power does have a base regen in addition to its variable regen and the IOs ignore anything regarding the -ToHit component. Activation of the proc is dependent on activation of the power, not variables of the power itself. Now as for Shred's latest post and edit, I did the same myself in Mid's. The values all seem to add up to the same, and that the unique IO's regen ignores ED for its own enhancement, at least all according to Mid's (not sure if it's the same in-game), so I don't know what I did differently than what he did. Shred, did you make sure that all the enhancement are at the same levels, both the common IOs and the Numina one? |
They're all very close to the same. Differences of less then 10% base regen (all around 700 base).
I'd have to say, what we're talking about is all news to me. I'm also not familiar with RTTC working differently against higher cons either.
And again... i'm assuming mid's is correct... I don't have a good way to confirm that without canabalizing a toon. (but I do happen to know that there are some regenerative tissue uniques for sale red side... *ahem*)
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
Do you got the math to explain those inverse ratios, or have some sort of live experience with slotting those unique procs into RttC?
Basicly I monitored regen and did the tests: RttC was 6 slotted: 3 numis and 3 rgn'tis with 95% heal enhancement and the 2 uniques. Level 50 toon. I went to PI and fought a level 48 CoT Mage and the numbers showed a higher-than-normal regeneration value. Then I went to the RWZ to fight +4 Rikti and the regeneration value granted by the proc (shown by the Combat Monitor) was very small, mucher smaller than when fighting the mage.
Could somebody please confirm that...
And please tell me that is not that case
Or all my work on a DM/WP build sitting at 795% regen with 1 foe on rttc would be all but a waist... :-(
They're all level 50 except the regen unique.
They're all very close to the same. Differences of less then 10% base regen (all around 700 base). I'd have to say, what we're talking about is all news to me. I'm also not familiar with RTTC working differently against higher cons either. And again... i'm assuming mid's is correct... I don't have a good way to confirm that without canabalizing a toon. (but I do happen to know that there are some regenerative tissue uniques for sale red side... *ahem*) |
As for RttC, I don't know of any mechanic where a target's con level has any effect on +regen, if at all, (on the -ToHit debuff, sure, but not the +regen) excluding any buffs or debuffs.
Silverado, are you sure that the procs weren't double-stacked from zoning? Because these unique IOs act like procs, the effect sometimes stack when zoning, like many other ally buffs (I think it's an unintentional bug that has been around for a while but a bug in our favor). On my MA/Regen, I notice that my current regen jumps up by about 4-5hp/sec after I zone into a mission or area. That only lasts about a couple minutes (the length of the proc effect), however.
That is the only scenario that I can think of that is giving you the discrepancy in numbers. The next time that you are logged in, look at the Combat Attributes window, not the Combat Monitor window. The Monitor will show the total regen, but not each of the components. The more comprehensive Combat Attributes window will show each buff and debuff for your regeneration. If your toon is affected by the zoning bug, then you will see more than one instance of both unique IO buffs affecting your totals. That's where the extra +regen might be coming from. It goes away after a couple minutes.
Now if that doesn't explain your change in numbers, then see what numbers you can get and bug it.
I've tested this issue extensively people but to reiterate :
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I'd prefer hard data over caps lock.
Be well, people of CoH.

I'll pull some numbers out of my bum since I did this back in issue 11 but what it looked like was :
in health:
0.42 * .15 = 0.063% regen per second for numina unique
slotting (95% heal) ups this to 0.2925 or 0.123% regen per second
in RTTC (also 95% heal)
even con foe I got 0.123% regen
+1 con foe 0.104%
+4 con foe 0.059%
These numbers correspond to the effects of the purple patch pretty closely. I tested this out because I threw the kismet unique on my regen scrapper's DA and got whacky results, and I thought maybe I could get super awesome regen if it accidentally worked in RTTC based on how many foes were near. I found out however, that I got lower results against +con foes, and the regen buff did not work until a mob was in range.
I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.
I'll pull some numbers out of my bum since I did this back in issue 11 but what it looked like was :
in health: 0.42 * .15 = 0.063% regen per second for numina unique slotting (95% heal) ups this to 0.2925 or 0.123% regen per second in RTTC (also 95% heal) even con foe I got 0.123% regen +1 con foe 0.104% +4 con foe 0.059% These numbers correspond to the effects of the purple patch pretty closely. I tested this out because I threw the kismet unique on my regen scrapper's DA and got whacky results, and I thought maybe I could get super awesome regen if it accidentally worked in RTTC based on how many foes were near. I found out however, that I got lower results against +con foes, and the regen buff did not work until a mob was in range. |
That makes me wonder if there's some other odd effects.. Like if your target is affected by -regen... or certain forms of damage resistance, it may may have even more resistance to your proc.
I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.
I like that better, thanks.
and the regen buff did not work until a mob was in range. |
Has anyone brought this proc behavior to Castle's attention? /bugged it in game? etc etc?
Be well, people of CoH.

Hello everyone.
I received a Regenerative Tissue Unique in a Bronze Roll and want to slot it into my Fire/Willpower scrap, but,I am stumped as to the ideal place to put it. I was going to put it into Health, but Willpower has other always on powers. I did hear that with this Unique the more regen the power it is slotted into has, the more it increases the regen from the this true?
Also, I am going to make an Electric/Electric scrap. Would this Electric/Electric need the unique far more than my Fire/Willpower? If so, I will save it.
So, My question/questions are (1) which scrap will get more use out of the unique?, and (2) If It is Willpower, which power is the ideal one in which to slot it?
Thank you all so much.
Lisa-Very confused, but wants to learn and understand. more question. I turn 33 months next month and will be able to get Blackwand or Nemi staff. For a solo Electric/Electric scrap, which one would be better? Or does it make not one jot of difference?
Again, thank you
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung