Have you ever ... ?

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Originally Posted by Emmi Blaze View Post
Have you ever went to post something on the forums only to forget what you wanted to post in the 1st place?


Where am I?

Have you ever tried to cover the first page with just your replies then a pair of shoes comes along

Hi Emmi!

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Have you ever teamed with someone from the Forum Games section?

(I have. What up, Zy)



Nope, it's not something I'd be against that's for sure. Actually, I was rather looking forward to Teaming up with you all for that DQ AE Run... I recently made a rad dark def and a fire/stone tank on Guardian as well as my Early_Girl, BS/WP I forget I think. Got one or two on Protector too Ay, um i think her name is HerStory...cheese I know, maybe I'll make a couple more there

Have you ever made a HUGE char?



I've made toons who were huge letdowns, but not the actual huge physical model.

Are you ready for I16 today?



That was a couple days ago, yes?

Anyhoo ... Have you ever gotten ripped off by someone while trying to do an inf transfer?



Have you ever made a mt so bad you had to log out?



Have you ever passed on a cool real life activity because you didn't want to miss a CoH event?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Have you ever kidnapped a catgirl?

*gets ski mask and rope*



*hides Angry CatSharkGurl and brandishes 12-gauge shotgun*

Have you ever tried to kidnap a catgirl and had your innards splattered over the back wall?



Have you ever had to hold back someone who was Angry?



Have you ever been taken way too seriously by someone when everyone else knew you were joking?



Have you ever been so embarrased by your screaming kid in a grocery store that you just left everything and took off?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



..gotten a really bad itch in a 'private' place while in a public area, and couldn't scratch it?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
..gotten a really bad itch in a 'private' place while in a public area, and couldn't scratch it?

Goodness yes.

Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night and been compelled to get on the computer despite having things to do that morning?



Have you ever had to discipline your child in public and then feel like a total smacked-a** because of it?



Have you ever had nothing to add to a thread, and just BUMPED?

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Have you ever misspelled a characters name?



Have you ever mis spelled your own name?



have you ever stepped on your own foot?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Have you ever kicked the switch to your surge protector at the worst possible time?



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
... placed 4th in a costume contest (with 4 finalists) and then tried to be gracious and congratulate the 3 people who got prizes while your little kitty heart was breaking?

Yes, actually...my first night on Guardian, got me exactly that, lol, except buddy who was holding it ran out of inf... so he's like sorry... but it was kinda funny because 1st, 2nd and third place only got like 2000k , and 1550k then #3 got like 700... by this point I was laughing to myself wondering what my prize may be.. but he ran out of inf... lol, no biggie, just really wanted to throw a CC I guess. Saying as how there was only 4 or 5 us there it was the funniest and smallest CC I had ever attended, lol. Ended running up some mishes with them or friends of theirs (can't remember) and buddy was from the SG Halo and hooked us all up with 300k to start up our chars, so all in all it turned out to be a pretty good night , lol... /end ramble

Have you ever looked all over for your toothbrush only to discover it is in your hand?