Have you ever ... ?

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Have you ever looked all over for your toothbrush only to discover it is in your hand?
(Well that is better than looking down and seeing it in the potty!)

Have you ever stared into a fire and been totally mezmerized by the 'dancing' flames?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Originally Posted by Healix View Post
(Well that is better than looking down and seeing it in the potty!)

Have you ever stared into a fire and been totally mezmerized by the 'dancing' flames?
Yes! (both counts)

... selected a bag of chips from a vending machine but only gotten a bag of air instead?

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No, but sometimes I get two bags of chips.

Have you ever accidently burnt off your eyebrows?



Have you ever accidentally given something with nuts in it to someone that is allergic to nuts?

(thank god for epi pens)



Deez Nuts?

Have you ever tried to write with an epi pen?



only on my jeans..

ever tried to write with a pig pen?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�