Have you ever ... ?

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Have you ever been told to doorsit by someone with an "uber-build", even though you were perfectly capable to help, only to watch that person faceplant over and over?



Have you ever quit the team but then stayed in the mission map?



Have you ever deliberately finished someone else's farm mish cuz they made you mad? (Now, that I'd never do!)



hahahaha! no, but I know someone who has!

Have you ever PL'd?



I have PL'd a few peeps, yes. And been PL'd as well, by the very same friends

Have you ever wondered who came up with the goofy costumes on the signature heroes and villains in this game?



Have you ever made a char with the signature costumes?



Have you ever jumped off one off the tallest buildings in Perez Park, and have your friend do a [Recall Friend] on you just before you hit the ground?

(then on the second attempt, face plant in a group of Skuls).

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
Have you ever quit the team but then stayed in the mission map?
I have done that, but to go invis then heal my heart out to help a team that got killed over and over. They were very grateful, and it made me feel good.

Have you ever turned someone in for having a nekkid toon, or one with a really inappropriate name?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�




Have you ever sent a /tell to sonmeone warning them that they'll probably get genericized for a costume?



Once, when I first started playing...

Have you ever... seen a toon that was copying a real life person.
(Awhile back I kept seeing these mma fighters (ie:Wanderlei Silva[sp?] et al) running around Villains. Should that be reported?



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
Have you ever... seen a toon that was copying a real life person.
Strangely, I've never sen a toon that was modeled after a celebrity. I have seen toons that were self-insertions though.

Have you ever gotten angry over the prices at Wentworth's/Black Market?



Sure, it's a great motivator for making money

Have you ever finally gotten the money to bis on something at WW's only to hav ebought the WRONG thing?



You know, I have actually done that. But not because of "Mis-clicking", but because I thought I was bidding on one thing in particular and bid on something that was only slightly different. Like a temporal analyzer and a temporal tracer for example.

Have you ever been disappointed by a power?



I am dissapointed that "lift" doesn't lift targeted objects (also like in bank mishes. those scaredy people running around like chickens with their heads cut off or the crates!!

Lift !!!! ^#^%@^@&%$!$#$@%^@

Have you ever been pleasantly surprised with a power?



First time I used Blazing Arrow and dropped a Lieutenant down 50% health. It has been my most precious power ever since...especially with Apocalypse

Have you ever become trapped in a phone booth or similar aparatus? (prior to discovering /stuck)



LOL, I spent 30 mins trying to get out of a high corner in a CoT cave, ended up logging off...lol, then I heard about stuck sometime after...

Have you ever went skiing?



I love skiing! Though I had to let a friend use my account to get all the badges for me...I don't have the coordination I guess.

Have you ever mini-skiied on the small patch of snow outside of the chalet door in Pocket D anytime during the year?



I have not.

Have you ever skied (sp?) after defeating FrostFire?



Originally Posted by Early_Girl View Post
Once, when I first started playing...

Have you ever... seen a toon that was copying a real life person.
(Awhile back I kept seeing these mma fighters (ie:Wanderlei Silva[sp?] et al) running around Villains. Should that be reported?
Karl_Rove_Man? ..saw several presidents and real life actors with clever name work-arounds.

Did you ever keep going back to a mission over and over (even though you kept dying) because it made you mad, and you HAD to beat it?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



FrostFire. I got killed more times than I care to remember.

Have you ever given large amounts of inf to lowbies at random, just because? I've been known to do that



I still do that. It's a gut feeling with me, and not based on costume or bio. (LOL usually the bad names/costumes are really new to the game.)

Have you ever been so wowed by someone's costume that you 'sort of' copied it?

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



Yeah, but that got me Gen'd. (I made a Power Girl costume on a toon I had)

Have you ever been awed by the sight of a Rikti Mothership raid?



Annoyed yes (lag). Awed, no.

Have you ever ran a TF repeatedly for merits?



Have you ever downed Scrapyard three times in an hour, because he just keeps coming back?

I have gone to find myself. If I get back before I return, Keep me here!



Have you ever went to post something on the forums only to forget what you wanted to post in the 1st place?