Time to point and laugh at Marvel!




Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post
Greatest fight ever.

Marvel + Disney still isn't as epic as Sun Microsystems + Oracle. One programming language to rule them all!

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post

What's the line I'm supposed to use? BRB, Bio?
My roommate told me last night that apparently, Alex Skarsgard (Eric in TrueBlood), got voted the sexiest/most favorite vampire of 2009 by a long shot. I'm just happy that at least he got more props than "Edward."

I was in Atlas Park last night, saw a Tru-Blood SG...I was completely amused. *facepalm*

The show is so god awful...but I'd watch Alex do anything...*swoon*

I'll be in my bunk.

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
My roommate told me last night that apparently, Alex Skarsgard (Eric in TrueBlood), got voted the sexiest/most favorite vampire of 2009 by a long shot. I'm just happy that at least he got more props than "Edward."

I was in Atlas Park last night, saw a Tru-Blood SG...I was completely amused. *facepalm*

The show is so god awful...but I'd watch Alex do anything...*swoon*

I'll be in my bunk.
((Will you girls stop embarrassing me? ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Will you girls stop embarrassing me? ))
Hey I think it's high time girls get to discuss men as meat! And I'd take him Raw please! *ZING!*

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Hey I think it's high time girls get to discuss men as meat! And I'd take him Raw please! *ZING!*
(( *was born 25 years too soon to reap the benefits of the new feminism* ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
(( *was born 25 years too soon to reap the benefits of the new feminism* ))
Psh. How old are you Heroid? If you're over the age of 30 under the age of 50, I've totally dated guys your age LOL! However, aren't you married and stuff? I would think that that would hinder you more than your age

I learned my lesson with dating guys my age.

1) I scare them too much
2) I've got way too many life experiences (and har har, I'm not talking about between the sheets kind of experience either) that they generally feel inadequate or lesser than me :S
3) I'm not looking to babysit my boyfriend
4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********.
5) Older guys, especially if childless, are more happy to have the kind of relationship I want - slight emotional attachment, crazy amounts of physicality, no talks of marriage and no promises of children!

Plus, I mean, come on...Robert Downey is 44? He is so freaking hot. Brad Pitt's also in his 40s...and yeah, there are non-celebrity guys who look like that at their age *swoon*

I'm 23, I wanna be treated like candy, damnit!

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Lol? What is Howard the Duck?
What is this Cleve Land?



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Psh. How old are you Heroid? If you're over the age of 30 under the age of 50, I've totally dated guys your age LOL! However, aren't you married and stuff? I would think that that would hinder you more than your age

I learned my lesson with dating guys my age.

1) I scare them too much
2) I've got way too many life experiences (and har har, I'm not talking about between the sheets kind of experience either) that they generally feel inadequate or lesser than me :S
3) I'm not looking to babysit my boyfriend
4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********.
5) Older guys, especially if childless, are more happy to have the kind of relationship I want - slight emotional attachment, crazy amounts of physicality, no talks of marriage and no promises of children!

Plus, I mean, come on...Robert Downey is 44? He is so freaking hot. Brad Pitt's also in his 40s...and yeah, there are non-celebrity guys who look like that at their age *swoon*

I'm 23, I wanna be treated like candy, damnit!
haha, holy ****. I didn't look at the last post of this thread when I commented on the "who is Howard the Duck" thing.

One of the more interesting thread hijacks I have EVER seen. lol



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Psh. How old are you Heroid? If you're over the age of 30 under the age of 50, I've totally dated guys your age LOL! However, aren't you married and stuff? I would think that that would hinder you more than your age

I learned my lesson with dating guys my age.

1) I scare them too much
2) I've got way too many life experiences (and har har, I'm not talking about between the sheets kind of experience either) that they generally feel inadequate or lesser than me :S
3) I'm not looking to babysit my boyfriend
4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********.
5) Older guys, especially if childless, are more happy to have the kind of relationship I want - slight emotional attachment, crazy amounts of physicality, no talks of marriage and no promises of children!

Plus, I mean, come on...Robert Downey is 44? He is so freaking hot. Brad Pitt's also in his 40s...and yeah, there are non-celebrity guys who look like that at their age *swoon*

I'm 23, I wanna be treated like candy, damnit!

((Yes, I'm married with adult children, and am almost a whole year past the half-century mark. And I wasn't hitting on you, Sorah, hon. I think of you as an unofficial daughter and while you are indeed a bright and beautiful young woman, I'd feel like a perv if I thought about hitting on you. (It's why I don't much like Hooters. Old guys hitting on high school girls is creepy to me.)

It's just that I read C.B. Ceblowsky's Wonderlost #2 last night and that, combined with your post, made me wonder if the twenty-something year-old guys out there appreciate the current dating trends. Women ask guys out now, and often make the first advances. That wasn't common back in the 70's. Boys were expected to pursue and girls were expected to flee. If a girl got caught too easily, then society had nasty things to say about her, but boys were "just being boys".

Things are more honest today (or at least have the potential to be). You don't have to posture and pretend that you're not sexually active if you're a young woman. (Guys, however, are still pressured to exagerate their own level of experience, which is wrong too -- you'd think 40 Year Old Virgin would have made male sexual inexperience more acceptable.)

But I don't think the younger guys appreciate the situation. All I hear in modern rock songs are whiny boys complaining about how mean girls are. My advice to them: Grow up. Be nice. Put on deoderant and clean clothes. If your hair is long, keep it washed. If you keep your head shaved, smile more often so you don't look like a criminal. Smile more often anyway. (Smile when you say hello. And always smile sincere. If you can't find reason to smile, go see a therapist. Girls love it when guys flash a genuine smile.) Speak clearly. Open doors for ladies, even if it is old-fashioned. Don't expect sex after a date. Keep your house/car clean and tidy. Don't whine. If you're overweight, date overweight girls. They can be beautiful too. Or go on a diet. If you're ugly, be beautiful on the inside, and let that outshine your looks. Never let your expectations of others exceed what you're willing/able to give to them.

Anyway, I ramble. But, yeah. I am very happy with my wife and family. But if I was 25 years old right now, yeah, I think I'd be a happy camper then too. ))



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
But I don't think the younger guys appreciate the situation. All I hear in modern rock songs are whiny boys complaining about how mean girls are. My advice to them: Grow up. Be nice. Put on deoderant and clean clothes. If your hair is long, keep it washed. If you keep your head shaved, smile more often so you don't look like a criminal. Smile more often anyway. (Smile when you say hello. And always smile sincere. If you can't find reason to smile, go see a therapist. Girls love it when guys flash a genuine smile.) Speak clearly. Open doors for ladies, even if it is old-fashioned. Don't expect sex after a date. Keep your house/car clean and tidy. Don't whine. If you're overweight, date overweight girls. They can be beautiful too. Or go on a diet. If you're ugly, be beautiful on the inside, and let that outshine your looks. Never let your expectations of others exceed what you're willing/able to give to them.
haha, what he said Sorah!!

ooh, damnit now i have to edit in. But you know there has been a "bad boy" trend over the last 15-20 years that did some serious damage to manners.

Go ahead and call a woman under the age of 35 "ma'am" one time and check out the various reations you get.

Back when I was coming up I said ma'am because if my grandfather or father heard otherwise I got my *** kicked, so it was 2nd nature.

But now-a-days...it can be looked at as a sign of weakness. Seen it happen.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
((Yes, I'm married with adult children, and am almost a whole year past the half-century mark. And I wasn't hitting on you, Sorah, hon. I think of you as an unofficial daughter and while you are indeed a bright and beautiful young woman, I'd feel like a perv if I thought about hitting on you. (It's why I don't much like Hooters. Old guys hitting on high school girls is creepy to me.)
I know you weren't hitting on me silly! LOL! I was speaking on a grand scale! Just saying that guys seem to count themselves out of the "race" with 20 year old chicks cause of some ******** social standard that never works out anyway. I mean, how many individuals who are in their 20s, who have been dating each other, actually work OUT? Yeah. that's what I thought.

It's a strange standard that's only been around for a short period of time in human history. Women tend to socially mature quicker than men do, so it would only make sense that women would date guys older than them. 30 is my cut off point cause that's when guys have to start using their brains to actually feel attracted to a woman ROFL. I mean before that.... a pair of digital bewbs would get them going, ya know? XD

It's just that I read C.B. Ceblowsky's Wonderlost #2 last night and that, combined with your post, made me wonder if the twenty-something year-old guys out there appreciate the current dating trends. Women ask guys out now, and often make the first advances. That wasn't common back in the 70's. Boys were expected to pursue and girls were expected to flee. If a girl got caught too easily, then society had nasty things to say about her, but boys were "just being boys".
1) There is a very strong difference between BOYS and MEN. I don't date boys. My friends who are my age have boys...they irritate the hell outta me. Maybe I'm just too old in my head?
2) Guys these days (as in my generation) I would say DON'T appreciate the stronger feminism. Again, like I said, I scare most guys off. All through high school I was hit on a grand total of...twice? That's it. And I wasn't a bad looking girl in high school. But yeah, it was horribly impacting on my self esteem, I thought I had like body odor issues or SOMETHING. But I realized later, after going to NYC where I tend to think of people as being relatively freaking fearless, I was hit on walking down the street like 10598104980 times. So I realized it was just the caliber of people I was around and not any personal issues ROFL.
3) For me, I balance the "strong female" with the "coy female" and it's a very delicate game to play and a lot of people (women) fail at it or revert to one extreme or the other. I will still play the game of "not being an easy catch" even if I'm SUPER into someone, but I will then inform the individual what I am doing. Either they think I'm joking and it's funny, or they think I'm serious (which I am), and it'll open the door for a great discussion about social norms. If they can wow me with their brain, I'm golden! But seriously, there is a sick double standard out there that makes me really sad. I mean, I know I come off as being this happy go lucky gal who loves talking about sex and blah blah blah, but because of that some more prudish individuals think that just because I'm TALKING about it means that I am ******* around. Whereas with guys, the more they talk about, the more you know they AREN'T getting laid :S I dunno, I could go into a whole sociocultural-perspective thing on this, but I won't. Too much to do today haha.

Things are more honest today (or at least have the potential to be). You don't have to posture and pretend that you're not sexually active if you're a young woman. (Guys, however, are still pressured to exagerate their own level of experience, which is wrong too -- you'd think 40 Year Old Virgin would have made male sexual inexperience more acceptable.)
Meh, I had a virginal-dudes kick for a while, got bored. But that's me.

Chicks still have to posture into being virginal and pure, babe. I just happen to be part of a small group of chicks who just don't give a crap. Fortunately, I have happened to make a lot of female friends like me too! \o/

But I don't think the younger guys appreciate the situation. All I hear in modern rock songs are whiny boys complaining about how mean girls are. My advice to them: Grow up. Be nice. Put on deoderant and clean clothes. If your hair is long, keep it washed. If you keep your head shaved, smile more often so you don't look like a criminal. Smile more often anyway. (Smile when you say hello. And always smile sincere. If you can't find reason to smile, go see a therapist. Girls love it when guys flash a genuine smile.) Speak clearly. Open doors for ladies, even if it is old-fashioned. Don't expect sex after a date. Keep your house/car clean and tidy. Don't whine. If you're overweight, date overweight girls. They can be beautiful too. Or go on a diet. If you're ugly, be beautiful on the inside, and let that outshine your looks. Never let your expectations of others exceed what you're willing/able to give to them.

Anyway, I ramble. But, yeah. I am very happy with my wife and family. But if I was 25 years old right now, yeah, I think I'd be a happy camper then too. ))
Actually, fyi, statistically speaking, because of the conditioning of women in that we are treated poorly as a whole, women are more inclined to be attracted to guys who DON'T treat them well. Not until they get over their own low self esteem, which is sometimes never, depending on if they believe in therapy or not.

ooh, damnit now i have to edit in. But you know there has been a "bad boy" trend over the last 15-20 years that did some serious damage to manners.
Bad Boy trend was a reactionary creation of women, not men. It's like the Politically Correct thing...in an effort to make this equal, feminism attempted to change things to "mailperson" "policeperson" etc...which is fine, except that it has now turned all the sexism inward. Just like racism PC-ing. So within that, the bad boy sprung from women asking to be treated equally. So...before, we were being treated WELL and politely, but we paid for it by not getting paid more, not having the same kind of equality respect....so now...we have the ILLUSION Of equality without the politeness. It's crap to be honest with you. You can be a ****** to me, just pay me as much as you are paying the next person. -_-

Go ahead and call a woman under the age of 35 "ma'am" one time and check out the various reations you get.
I do NOT like it when an individual calls me "Ma'am." I'm young. I'm a freaking Miss. Unless I LOOK like I'm over 30 or I have a wedding ring on, do not call me Ma'am.

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Originally Posted by kilroy64 View Post
haha, what he said Sorah!!

ooh, damnit now i have to edit in. But you know there has been a "bad boy" trend over the last 15-20 years that did some serious damage to manners.

Go ahead and call a woman under the age of 35 "ma'am" one time and check out the various reations you get.

Back when I was coming up I said ma'am because if my grandfather or father heard otherwise I got my *** kicked, so it was 2nd nature.

But now-a-days...it can be looked at as a sign of weakness. Seen it happen.
umm actually I think the "Bad Boy" Trend started back in the late forties, when the GI's Came back from the war. Just look at movies from the 50's.

Sorah I agree that Alex Skarsgard is a Super 'hotty' but personally I think Stephen Moyer is Hotter *swoon*



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
umm actually I think the "Bad Boy" Trend started back in the late forties, when the GI's Came back from the war. Just look at movies from the 50's.

Sorah I agree that Alex Skarsgard is a Super 'hotty' but personally I think Stephen Moyer is Hotter *swoon*
He has old-face though (if you've seen him outside of the makeup )

And he's marrying Anna Paquinn. Clearly he's not that intelligent. And stupidity is not sexy in my book. LOL!

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Alright I think we've scared enough people today *cough*

Back to your business

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
He has old-face though (if you've seen him outside of the makeup )

And he's marrying Anna Paquinn. Clearly he's not that intelligent. And stupidity is not sexy in my book. LOL!
I hate to point out with one or two exceptions Actors/Actresses are not known for their brains, all they have to be is easy candy that can show emotion while saying dialog.



Originally Posted by Mariel_Martog View Post
I hate to point out with one or two exceptions Actors/Actresses are not known for their brains, all they have to be is easy candy that can show emotion while saying dialog.
Sad face, and true. But she is really really really really bad at acting too. And I wanna punch her in the face everytime I see her. Is that bad? She brings out a need to exact violence. LOL!

I mean, seriously, SHE WON A FREAKING EMMY FROM TRUEBLOOD. HOW?! HOW?! *stabs self*

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A few quick notes, some of which refer to double standards, and some of which don't. And I'm afraid its mostly to do with things that Sorah have said.. why is this? Because Sorah posts a lot, so its easy to pick up easily quotable little tidbits, not due to any malice held towards her. Generally, Sorah, from what I've read you've been a constructive and interesting and intelligent poster. So please, feel free not to take anything I say to heart. You seem to be a strong woman with good self-esteem, so I'm not too worried on that part.

But anyway...

Here's the bit I mostly take issue with.
"4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********."

I saw this, and remembered you saying you know a few unique individuals who are "self-actualised." Now, I'm not up on the whole... psyche speak, so I'm pretty uncertain on what being self-actualised is, but I'd presume its largely to do with knowing who you are, what you want to do and aiming towards it.
One would assume that this is a process rather than an instant transition, so I have to wonder why anyone would be unhappy with a person going through the process of asking the questions necessary to move towards becoming a happy, stable person. "What am I going to do with my life" is a very important question, one that may often require the support of friends and loved ones to get through. I also find the idea of anyone KNOWING with absolute certainty what they want to do with the rest of their life by the time they're going to university to be more the exception than the norm. Furthermore, just because a person is older doesn't necessarily make them any more self-aware than their younger counterpart. A case in point would be the classic mid-life crisis.

Also, just to finish off my Sorah-based attack on a slightly more comical note;
Duuude, you said you value intelligence then emote stabbing yourself. Didn't you know that's one of the stupidest things in the world you can possibly do?

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post
Correct. But the comic series is independant and fairly good. And still written by Weisman. You know, the guy the Disney head honchos turfed out resulting in the catastrophe that was the Goliath Chronicles?
Ah, did not know that. I kinda only know it as Star Trek: Manhattan.



Originally Posted by Eisenzahn View Post

Greatest Fight Ever indeed.

PS Youth is wasted on the young. Period. End of story.



Originally Posted by Heroid View Post
Boys were expected to pursue and girls were expected to flee. If a girl got caught too easily, then society had nasty things to say about her, but boys were "just being boys".
Eh, it still happens, to an extent. It's not like the female purity myth has gone away.

Things are more honest today (or at least have the potential to be). You don't have to posture and pretend that you're not sexually active if you're a young woman.
I think this is a bit optimistic, to be honest. While there's less shaming going around in most circles, being a manwhore isn't nearly as frowned upon.

Smile more often anyway. (Smile when you say hello. And always smile sincere. If you can't find reason to smile, go see a therapist. Girls love it when guys flash a genuine smile.)
But don't smile too much, that's kinda creepy. Like you're psychopathic or something. In fact, don't smile at all. Why are you still smiling? Are you hiding something? Do I have something on my face? Oh, god, I do, don't I? Just... just avert your eyes and keep away, or by the gods, I will stab you with this letter-opener...




Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
One would assume that this is a process rather than an instant transition, so I have to wonder why anyone would be unhappy with a person going through the process of asking the questions necessary to move towards becoming a happy, stable person. "What am I going to do with my life" is a very important question, one that may often require the support of friends and loved ones to get through. I also find the idea of anyone KNOWING with absolute certainty what they want to do with the rest of their life by the time they're going to university to be more the exception than the norm. Furthermore, just because a person is older doesn't necessarily make them any more self-aware than their younger counterpart. A case in point would be the classic mid-life crisis.
Actually, in a lot of ways, there's a sort of growing quarter-life crisis trend. The youth are told to get into college. Then they get there, **** around for a few years (figuratively, literally), and then are spat out, often with scads of debt, and they stumble around their mid-twenties, trying to figure out where they want to go.

Adolescence is stretching ever longer these days.



Ye gods, the truth. It burns.

I sometimes feel like I should've gone to college after getting out of school like all the rest of my peer-group... but then I see them stuck in exactly the same kind of dead-end jobs I worked in my first few years in the real world and remember that they have huge debts on top of general "young person broke-ness" and feel like maybe it didn't make the tiniest bit of difference.

Did you know the unemployment rate in Britain for young people (20-30 if I'm remembering the statistic right) is 80%? Only one in five of all young people has a job. Seriously.

Of course, it doesn't help that New Labour (boo, hiss) removed university grants where students would get money for being students, no strings attached.. and replaced it with student loans. Because, hey, nothing encourages the impoverished working classes of the country to better themselves like CRIPPLING DEBT.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
Silent Sickle; Natural scrapper
And many more.
Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Here's the bit I mostly take issue with.
"4) Guys who are older generally know what they are doing with their lives, they have a career, and so I don't have to deal with that whole, "WTF am I going to do with myself" phase of ********."

I saw this, and remembered you saying you know a few unique individuals who are "self-actualised." Now, I'm not up on the whole... psyche speak, so I'm pretty uncertain on what being self-actualised is, but I'd presume its largely to do with knowing who you are, what you want to do and aiming towards it.
One would assume that this is a process rather than an instant transition, so I have to wonder why anyone would be unhappy with a person going through the process of asking the questions necessary to move towards becoming a happy, stable person. "What am I going to do with my life" is a very important question, one that may often require the support of friends and loved ones to get through. I also find the idea of anyone KNOWING with absolute certainty what they want to do with the rest of their life by the time they're going to university to be more the exception than the norm. Furthermore, just because a person is older doesn't necessarily make them any more self-aware than their younger counterpart. A case in point would be the classic mid-life crisis.
I'm not taking offense and I will clarify

Self-actualization is a term coined from Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

Psychology basics, so it's relatively easy to understand without a giant amount of background info. That image should sum it easy enough.

I simply meant that, Sorah (speaking third person ZOMG!) at age of 23, has a life/job path she loves and self-defined philosophies. I know who I am, what I stand for, what I am against, and I can damn well argue WHY I have those beliefs. It's about being able to break out of the conditioning being hammered down our throats since birth. Asking yourself the tough questions, refining your thoughts, etc.

Example: Ask your average 20 year old girl where she wants to be in 10 years. She'll say, married, in suburbs, 3 kids, 2 dogs, happily married, etc, etc (gag). Follow up the question with, "Okay....WHY?" And they can't give you a freaking answer because they haven't THOUGHT about it.

I'm not a self-actualized individual though, as I said, it's not a point in time, we fluctuate in and out of all stages, but I am self-aware enough to understand my wants and needs.

Now, your 'average' guy my age, is looking at the bottom 2 tiers of fluctuation. GENERALLY, the older someone is, the more time they have had to establish those 2 tiers as a base point and so can fluctuate on higher levels. It's just how it is. Your college graduate is looking for a job, trying to find a place to live, etc, etc. A 30+ year old (barring medical school and the like), is going to have fallen into a certain niche and routine of surviving.

Also, if you meet someone who is already "fully baked" as an individual (yes, I am comparing people to brownies or potatoes haha), there's less of a chance of growing in completely 2 separate directions.

Now, I KNOW age is nothing but a number, but we're talking statistical realities here. I know 44 year old women who have the maturity/independence level of a 12 year old...men too! I'm just saying that I have better luck finding the caliber of individual I want with an older individual.

Going on a path of "self discovery" is not my idea of fun. I know who I am. I want someone who knows who the **** they are too and I don't want to wait around for someone to catch up with me. That's all LOL. I'm not saying I'm all wonderful and perfect, TRUST ME, I have issues hahahaha.

Also, just to finish off my Sorah-based attack on a slightly more comical note;
Duuude, you said you value intelligence then emote stabbing yourself. Didn't you know that's one of the stupidest things in the world you can possibly do?
*stabs self again just to spite ya* hehehe

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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
Bad Boy trend was a reactionary creation of women, not men. It's like the Politically Correct thing...in an effort to make this equal, feminism attempted to change things to "mailperson" "policeperson" etc...which is fine, except that it has now turned all the sexism inward. Just like racism PC-ing. So within that, the bad boy sprung from women asking to be treated equally. So...before, we were being treated WELL and politely, but we paid for it by not getting paid more, not having the same kind of equality respect....so now...we have the ILLUSION Of equality without the politeness. It's crap to be honest with you. You can be a ****** to me, just pay me as much as you are paying the next person. -_-
Whoa, I'll have to disagree here and emphatically reject that the "bad boy" is a creation of women. A negative reaction to feminism is not necessarily the fault of feminism. The negative reaction to "political correctness" is not necessarily the fault of the simple concept that maybe racial slurs and prejudices are, y'know, bad.

I'm pretty sure that women were treated crap before the sexual revolution and before most women got the simple temerity to think, "Hey, maybe it'd be nice if I could make decisions that actually impacting things!" or "Maybe I really am more than a complicated life-support system for the uterus!"

It's just that back then the reason no woman complained was because more often than not they'd call her hysterical (root, hyster-), and either keep her quiet with paregoric or eyeshadow applied with fists.

Now that there are women who're strong enough to not want to be pushed around, there are reactionary men, reacting to this progress and wanting to rewind it; there are people who are more than willing to be crude in that "ironic" sense because, oh hey, we're all beyond it now! as if it makes it better.



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Of course, it doesn't help that New Labour (boo, hiss) removed university grants where students would get money for being students, no strings attached.. and replaced it with student loans. Because, hey, nothing encourages the impoverished working classes of the country to better themselves like CRIPPLING DEBT.
Works in America, doesn't it? Like our health system. You know, if Stephen Hawking had to rely on your British system, he'd be dead.

Oh, wait...