Time to point and laugh at Marvel!




Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
Adolescence is stretching ever longer these days.
Absolutely true. I see it all the time. A friend of mine got her "first real job" (as she said) and she's....26 :S

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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
Whoa, I'll have to disagree here and emphatically reject that the "bad boy" is a creation of women. A negative reaction to feminism is not necessarily the fault of feminism. The negative reaction to "political correctness" is not necessarily the fault of the simple concept that maybe racial slurs and prejudices are, y'know, bad.

I'm pretty sure that women were treated crap before the sexual revolution and before most women got the simple temerity to think, "Hey, maybe it'd be nice if I could make decisions that actually impacting things!" or "Maybe I really am more than a complicated life-support system for the uterus!"

It's just that back then the reason no woman complained was because more often than not they'd call her hysterical (root, hyster-), and either keep her quiet with paregoric or eyeshadow applied with fists.

Now that there are women who're strong enough to not want to be pushed around, there are reactionary men, reacting to this progress and wanting to rewind it; there are people who are more than willing to be crude in that "ironic" sense because, oh hey, we're all beyond it now! as if it makes it better.
I didn't say it was the FAULT of it, I'm saying that it's an unfortunate consequence of sociocultural trends. I was just sayin' that now women don't even get the fuzzy end of the stick. So we still have lower paying jobs, we're STILL relegated to our ability to freaking breed, and sexism thrives strongly.

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Ahh, so THAT is self-actualisation. Glad to see I can still learn something new every day.
Though I have to admit, I generally think that heirachies of need are generally very over-simplified. Hell, I bet I could have crises on every single tier of that pyramid in a matter of hours... Admittedly, I'm generally fairly laid back, so people probably wouldn't notice it happening, they'd just think I was thinking about breasts for five minutes, and that's why I was drooling and twitching and staring at nothing.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Speaking honestly, sexism will always be rife. Not a pleasant fact, but there you have it.

Women will always be just one more facet of the downtrodden masses under the affluent white male demographic until the inevitable happens and every single woman in the world withholds sex. THEN you'll see some pretty damn rapid changes in policy.

On a less flippant note, sexism really will be rife no matter what. Even if the sexual revolution really did draw to its natural conclusion and the country became a matriarchy... its just substituting one flavour of sexism for another.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I didn't say it was the FAULT of it, I'm saying that it's an unfortunate consequence of sociocultural trends. I was just sayin' that now women don't even get the fuzzy end of the stick. So we still have lower paying jobs, we're STILL relegated to our ability to freaking breed, and sexism thrives strongly.
It is an unfortunate trend, but the wording of that post was very vague. I personally think feminism gets a bad rap; it gets blamed for a lot of things not its fault, like anything certain political groups pin on it. (Don't get me wrong, feminism is to blame for lots of things, but it should only be blamed for the bad things its actually actively caused, like a certain ex-governor.)

But yes, the last few reasons you've pointed out are among the reason why feminism is still relevant, regardless of the silly puff pieces that come out now and then.



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Speaking honestly, sexism will always be rife. Not a pleasant fact, but there you have it.

Women will always be just one more facet of the downtrodden masses under the affluent white male demographic until the inevitable happens and every single woman in the world withholds sex. THEN you'll see some pretty damn rapid changes in policy.
I don't think Lysistrata would really work in real life.

On a less flippant note, sexism really will be rife no matter what. Even if the sexual revolution really did draw to its natural conclusion and the country became a matriarchy... its just substituting one flavour of sexism for another.
I don't necessarily think that that's the natural conclusion of the sexual revolution. It's not like the "glorious" "Communist" "revolution" in which the proletariat somehow gets to live in a utopian tyrrany of the mediocre majority at the end of it all...



Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
It is an unfortunate trend, but the wording of that post was very vague. I personally think feminism gets a bad rap; it gets blamed for a lot of things not its fault, like anything certain political groups pin on it. (Don't get me wrong, feminism is to blame for lots of things, but it should only be blamed for the bad things its actually actively caused, like a certain ex-governor.)

But yes, the last few reasons you've pointed out are among the reason why feminism is still relevant, regardless of the silly puff pieces that come out now and then.
I'm an active feminist...

In fact, in all of my courses at University, Women's Studies was the most eye-opening subject. I mean, it encapsulates a lot of minorities, but it was freaking amazing how seeing even the SIMPLEST things perpetuate the sexism in the world.

And ROFL on Palin. That woman made me want to get a sex-change out of sheer embarrassment. "I CAN SEE RUSSIA!" I don't care what political party you are part of, that woman was and still is an idiot.

As for the women withholding sex as a way of making change...THAT within itself...is sexist. ROFLMAO I need a drink.

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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
Works in America, doesn't it? Like our health system. You know, if Stephen Hawking had to rely on your British system, he'd be dead.

Oh, wait...
Sid, I love you for quoting that quote. It's the most awesome quote unintentionally in favour of social healthcare ever.

Not that you can blame the guy from getting it wrong, though, I guess... I mean you'd never guess from his accent that Stephen Hawking was British.


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Originally Posted by Sorah View Post
I'm an active feminist...
Never meant to imply you weren't. At least you're willing to admit it, which is something far too many people these days refuse to do.

To be perfectly fair to her, she never actually said that she'd done this. That said, many of the things she did say *wink* and do were *wink* so much worse *wink*.



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Sid, I love you for quoting that quote. It's the most awesome quote unintentionally in favour of social healthcare ever.

Not that you can blame the guy from getting it wrong, though, I guess... I mean you'd never guess from his accent that Stephen Hawking was British.

Well, yeah. He sounds like he's from Cupertino, ca. 1993.



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Sid, I love you for quoting that quote. It's the most awesome quote unintentionally in favour of social healthcare ever.

Not that you can blame the guy from getting it wrong, though, I guess... I mean you'd never guess from his accent that Stephen Hawking was British.


America is being levels of retarded..."I don't want a bureaucrat between me and my doctor...who I actually have control over by way of this wonderful thing called democracy...NO! I WANT SOMEONE WHO IS BEING PAID TO SCREW ME OVER TO STAND BETWEEN ME AND MY DOCTOR!"

An interesting thing happened to me 2 years ago.

I got a kidney infection. Now, I had GREAT insurance under my father's policy. He's a fairly important dude, and has great coverage, and I was covered cause I was still in University.

Anyway, it was Memorial Day. All walk in clinics were closed early that could've given me my anti-biotics. So I ended up having to go to the ER. THAT was a fabulous experience, and by fabulous, I mean, I think I'd rather gouge my own eyes out next time. Had I not gotten direct care, I would've die due to renal failure and the like. Anyway, long story short, I lived (obviously haha)....but then...about 2 weeks later...

I was on the phone with our favorite hero, Xanatos (who as we all know is British), and I was lamenting what had happened to me. My bill for the thing was $6,000. I didn't have to pay it cause insurance covered me. However...it was what Xan said to me after I told him the price that made m wanna move the hell outta America...

"Wait, but if you WEREN'T insured, you'd technically have to pay $6,000 for your right to LIVE?"

Yup. ***** you America. LOL!

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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
II don't necessarily think that that's the natural conclusion of the sexual revolution. It's not like the "glorious" "Communist" "revolution" in which the proletariat somehow gets to live in a utopian tyrrany of the mediocre majority at the end of it all...
it's 7am, i'm posting from a tiny, awful laptop with a tiny, awful keyboard, I've not slept all night and hyperbole is my friend. *nod*

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
To be perfectly fair to her, she never actually said that she'd done this. That said, many of the things she did say *wink* and do were *wink* so much worse *wink*.
YOU BETCHA! *pew pew*

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Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
it's 7am, i'm posting from a tiny, awful laptop with a tiny, awful keyboard, I've not slept all night and hyperbole is my friend. *nod*
No, see... By taking you seriously, I was being the humourless feminist that never finds anything funny at all, ever, because I'm just so angry at the patriarchy for being the man, any man, rawr...



Ah, America... where they can't decide if having free healthcare is communist or fascist...

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Ah, America... where they can't decide if having free healthcare is communist or fascist...
Aren't you glad you cut us free?



Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
No, see... By taking you seriously, I was being the humourless feminist that never finds anything funny at all, ever, because I'm just so angry at the patriarchy for being the man, any man, rawr...
Sids...this is one of the many reasons that I love you. And I do mean love in that feminist, lesbian, hating men manner...obviously BWAHAHAAHAHA

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Originally Posted by sidney_b View Post
Aren't you glad you cut us free?
You mean after you took a leaf from the French playbook and revolted, then when you got your independence, turned around and signed preferential trade agreements with us? Heck, I felt pretty good about that already...

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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I'm only 'really' a second generation American. I mean, my white side has been here for a few generations, but I grew up in Korea with my mother, so America confuses the crap outta me.

In all seriousness, if not for some...slightly fortunate circumstances, only slightly...I'd have moved to Europe already. At least I can see porn there on TV. Lol....

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Uh... you can? I would have thought that if it were worth watching, I wouldn't have been reading the CoH forums at 5am...

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Elysienne View Post
Uh... you can? I would have thought that if it were worth watching, I wouldn't have been reading the CoH forums at 5am...
I saw porn on regular TV when I was there !

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Huh...at what time of day and which channel? *gets out the notebook*

In seriousness, though, while I can't talk for the rest of Europe, here in ol' Blighty you don't generally get porn on normal TV channels. Unless you count the slightly more raunchy kind of romance film.

At least, you don't anymore, after Channel 5 decided to clean up its act and try to be a serious contender for decent TV, rather than being the "boobs and news" channel.

Of course, its possible that satellite TV and the like provide for the porn junkies... I don't really tend to watch much telly unless the programme can grab me by the face and pull my feet out through my nose it grips me that much.

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Babe...was there...in 2007. I don't remember much...and I was pretty drunk the whole time....*glares at Xan* no one warned me about the excessive amounts of drinking to be had there.

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Oh, booze! I can definitely confirm the presence of booze.

But yeah, the "when and where" stuff was mostly just a setup for the notepad joke. 'cause it'd look like I was really interested in catchin' some porn, sorta thing.

As always, rule #2 of comedy comes into effect; "If you have to explain it, it wasn't funny."

Sigh. *hangs head*

The Elysienne; Magical controller
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Aenigma Rebis: "Actually, Ely's more like Jean Grey. Only... smart."



Originally Posted by Flea_Mark_Evil View Post

And finally, 4chan produces gold with random imagedump.

This is our future. You know it.
LMAO @ The Ice-man goldfish