Reward Bag Rolls
I was searching through and found this post from last year. Thanks to Maynia for posting the links. Im not really understanding. Or maybe I am and don't want to be seeing it that way.
It says that between 15-40 there are 6 recipes. So does that mean I have a 1 in 6 chance of getting the recipe I want from that roll? If so why don't more people roll the 20-40 recipe for the Miracle + recovery?
I know that cant be right..right?
Ok researced a little more, and I understand now. So no purples from recipe rolls huh?
I ran soem AE missions last night and used my rolls on ONLY lvl 10-14 Bronze and got Miracle + Recovery, a Steadfast KB Prot, and a Kismet KB Prot. A VERY lucky night I guess. Made about $250M in one sitting lol
My search-fu is off this morning and I was unable to find anything, so my apologies if this has been asked and answered. Is there any guide or resource or spreadsheet that has been compiled that shows just what IO recipes can be found in what group (Bronze, Silver or Gold) and at what level range? My thanks to any information someone could pass along, just got my first level 50 and I'm looking to put some IO sets together, and WW's can be mighty pricey. The random recipe rolls from the AE tickets might work better for me, especially if I was trying for the right bag.