Age old dead horse, Walking.
I have seen alot of people suggest walking over the years, but like all other things that have been and will be implemented into the game, people with bigger brains than myself has always said, "It will never happen, stop asking." Sorry to be a bit bitter here, but I always knew those people were full of it. I can not count the things we have in this game that was told to us, "it will never happen" yet here we are.
So on that note, I believe I have discovered a way to make the Walking for us as players possible. We were looking at this the wrong way. we were asking for Walk as an option, but it never occured to anyone (at least not to my knowledge) that if it were implemented as a self debuff power combined with a walking animation, it could be possible to implement. Much like sprint, it is a buff that increases your speed, so now we can instead have a new power called, "Walk" which is nothing more than a movement speed debuff, another toggle that debuffs your speed and has with it a walking animation. In light of this, do you guys and gals think this would be workable? |
2. Don't confuse the brains of the naysayers with bs. I seem to recall the same kind of "/no" responses when it came to power customization (Issue 16), changing body type/height/gender (Super Booster: Superscience), and switching allegiances (Going Rogue), all of which are either about to be implemented or are already in place.
Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667
I'm always for this being implemented. There is no reason why it wouldn't be ok. I don't like running everywhere.
~ Infinity Heroes ~
Dark Voltage - 50 NRG/NRG/EM Blaster
Shure Shot - 50 Arch/NRG/MM Blaster
Silent Shadow Blade - 50 Katana/SR/BM Scrapper
Uphir - 50 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster
It's absolutely workable, the question is whether it's worthwhile. And a self-inflicted debuff with no in-game advantage isn't going to have much use for the vast majority of players (my trays are full enough with stuff I barely use, thanks), so is it really worth the devs' time, effort and money to implement?
Yes, there's already a walk animation. A walk forward animation. This would mean creating new animations for turning left/right while walking, walking backwards, and strafing/sidestepping while walking. For each body type. All for the benefit of relatively few people. Sure, it'd be nice, but for all but a few players, it wouldn't see a whole lot of use, being, at best, about as useful as a new emote. Except it would take as much work as at least three emotes -- and that's assuming creating a "reversed" version of an existing animation is as simple as clicking an "invert" or similar button. If not, then it's as much work as five new emotes, since left and right versions of turning and strafing now have to be made separately. So the question becomes whether most players would rather have walking, or three to five new unique emotes. Assuming the animation team isn't working on animations for new powers or something, in which case I have to figure that things like that take priority.
The vast -- vast -- majority of players want to get where they're going faster, not slower. Voluntarily slowing down? I'd call it a step backward, but there's no animation for that.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
They made new animations for flight and I've never once seen them being used. I know people use them, but I've never seen it. That tells me they're not used very often. They exist solely for people who have flight (a subset of players) who don't just want to get there faster but want to get there in a way they think looks good (a smaller subset of players). Yet those animations were made. How many are there? I have no idea. But if being a non-utilitarian animation desired by a small subset of players is a reason for not building them, then I'm pretty confused as to how the flight emotes ever came into being.
As to the use of a self-debuff for implementation, I'd have to say I have no opinion on that. Sounds like it could work, but I don't know if there's not an easier way that just hasn't been put in the game. The emotes alone could include x/y movement, for all I know, and therefore you wouldn't need a debuff.
As to the need for turning: there's no turning in the run or sprint animation. You just turn. You don't lean into the turn, you don't flex your hips or shoulders to adjust for the turn, you don't move your arms towards the angle of incidence, you just turn your facing. It's the same when you are standing still and you turn. There is a different animation for strafing and running backwards, but not for turns. I count four animations: move forward, move backward, strafe left, strafe right. It's possible that strafe left backwards and strafe right backwards would also have to be included, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure any of the strafing animations would be needed at first anyway. Those could be added if it was found that more people were using them.
I like the idea of having walking as an option. We can freakin' swim in a 2-D environment, but we can't meander??? Come on already.
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
They made new animations for flight and I've never once seen them being used. I know people use them, but I've never seen it. That tells me they're not used very often. They exist solely for people who have flight (a subset of players) who don't just want to get there faster but want to get there in a way they think looks good (a smaller subset of players). Yet those animations were made. How many are there? I have no idea. But if being a non-utilitarian animation desired by a small subset of players is a reason for not building them, then I'm pretty confused as to how the flight emotes ever came into being.
Posi: "Those new flight poses look great."
BAB: "Yeah, they're pretty nice. I hope people like 'em."
Posi: "Seen anybody using them yet?"
BAB: "Not a one."
Posi: "But it's been months! And people were asking for them!"
BAB: "Yeah, but it turns out they're just a novelty, and not really good for anything."
Posi: "Guess that's the last time we waste resources on something like that."
But I'm just guessing.
FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.
You may be guessing but it's a damn likely guess. I know if I was on the team that's exactly how my conversations would go.
--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
I vaguely recall one of the devs hinting that the power in the 'natural' costume pack could possibly be 'walking' (I'm hoping for 'strolling' or 'meandering' myself).
Much like sprint, it is a buff that increases your speed, so now we can instead have a new power called, "Walk" which is nothing more than a movement speed debuff, another toggle that debuffs your speed and has with it a walking animation.
In light of this, do you guys and gals think this would be workable? |
I always like more options. I understand it would be an amount of work for BAB, but if he had the time to do it in the future, I would approve.
It's absolutely workable, the question is whether it's worthwhile. And a self-inflicted debuff with no in-game advantage isn't going to have much use for the vast majority of players (my trays are full enough with stuff I barely use, thanks), so is it really worth the devs' time, effort and money to implement?
Yes, there's already a walk animation. A walk forward animation. This would mean creating new animations for turning left/right while walking, walking backwards, and strafing/sidestepping while walking. For each body type. All for the benefit of relatively few people. Sure, it'd be nice, but for all but a few players, it wouldn't see a whole lot of use, being, at best, about as useful as a new emote. Except it would take as much work as at least three emotes -- and that's assuming creating a "reversed" version of an existing animation is as simple as clicking an "invert" or similar button. If not, then it's as much work as five new emotes, since left and right versions of turning and strafing now have to be made separately. So the question becomes whether most players would rather have walking, or three to five new unique emotes. Assuming the animation team isn't working on animations for new powers or something, in which case I have to figure that things like that take priority. The vast -- vast -- majority of players want to get where they're going faster, not slower. Voluntarily slowing down? I'd call it a step backward, but there's no animation for that. |

One of the last times I got into one of these threads I summarized a workable implementation for a Walk power for CoX that avoided most of the problems BAB has mentioned would be hang-ups for it. Basically it goes like this:
1) Create a clone of the Sprint power which instead of boosting a character's run speed it would reduce it.
2) Cut-n-paste the current NPC "walk forward" animation into this power so that it looks good while moving forward.
Done. That's all that we -actually- need for this.
Now of course the obvious criticism of this is that you could say "well that would look silly if you tried to move in any other direction except forward. It'd be like a weird slow motion run animation." To that I would agree - a Walk power implemented as I suggested would look a bit silly if you tried to move any other way than forward. But my answer to that is two-fold:
1) So what? People who are going to use this power are typically only going to use it in non-combat RP situations. We don't really NEED new animations for this thing to cover movement scenarios that will very rarely if ever happen.
2) I hate to rub BAB's nose in this but implementing a Walk feature EXACTLY the way I have described is EXACTLY the way Champions Online has done it. It works and looks perfectly acceptable like that in that game.
So while I realize BAB would prefer to give us a fully tricked out version of Walk with all sorts of dedicated animations for it I contend that that kind of complexity is actually not required to satisfy what we really want out of this. BAB has perhaps deluded himself into thinking this thing has to be more difficult than it really has to be.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Without being privy to the discussions inside NCSoft, I can't really say, but it's possible that those emotes are part of the reason we haven't seen walking.
Posi: "Those new flight poses look great." BAB: "Yeah, they're pretty nice. I hope people like 'em." Posi: "Seen anybody using them yet?" BAB: "Not a one." Posi: "But it's been months! And people were asking for them!" BAB: "Yeah, but it turns out they're just a novelty, and not really good for anything." Posi: "Guess that's the last time we waste resources on something like that." But I'm just guessing. |
The flight poses are beastly to use. You have to be moving forward, you have to implement the pose emote, and if you stop, you'll have to do the emote again to change to the pose you want once more. I think that, more than anything else, is why they aren't used. If it was easier to implement a different flight pose (via a menu, a variable set via /command, or some other method other than what we currently have), they'd probably see a lot more use.

Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
I'll admit the flight poses are not trivial to use right out of the box so to speak. But I have them keybound to buttons on my mouse and I've been using them regularly every time I play for years now. In fact using them is pretty much an unconscious habit for me at this point.
![]() |

To answer one persons question as to how they came to be, flight emotes were not always emotes, they started out as automatic. If you wanted them to change, you had to let go of the W key and hit W key again, and you had the next flight emote. People were unhappy that they could not use the flight emote they wanted, so it was changed to an emote instead of (which I liked better) automatic. Along with the automatic flight emotes, you would also tilt when you would turn in flight, but some people did not like the flight change (And I was *not* one of those people, I loved them) so the Devs changed it back to it's original state. Shame it had to go, I liked it fine the way it originaly came out, automatic along with the mid flight tilt while turning. Meh, can't please everyone.
/e approval clap
I am not always in that much of a hurry to get from point a to point b... layer cake cave anyone??? walking would be nice there.
Btw, any chance of flight poses being tied to the flight power in I16's power customisation? We know animations can be tied to powers because that's what's going on in MA and SS...
On the flight poses: What are you people thinking? Flight poses are only really useful when travelling long distances. How often do you travel long-distances and spend enough time around other fliers to be able to tell what flight emote they are using? I mean, in the five years I've been here, I have NEVER had an instance when I flew next to another flier close enough and consistently enough for me to tell what they were doing. This is so unlikely as to require actual coordination to achieve. You don't see people use the flight emotes because you don't see people AT ALL when they are in a position to use them. They're not for you to see them on other people. They're for other people to see them on themselves.
Secondly, there is such a thing as a speed floor and a speed cap. No matter what happens, you CANNOT be slowed to a speed below what you get when you are stunned. Certain powers, however, already alter your speed cap. Caltrops, for instance, have a "Max RunSpeed -3.5 for 1.25s" effect on them, meaning that they actually lower the maximum speed you can run at. Caltrops stacked together by something likethe Knives of Artemis bring your speed cap so low that it equals the speed floor, such that no amount of run speed buffs make any difference whatsoever. Keeping players are absolute base speed is possible within the system, because it already happens.
Furthermore, we know that powers can change your running animation, because this is exactly what Presite Power Slide does.
Finally, back to the popularity of this. People have been asking for walking intermittently for the past five years, and been told BY PLAYERS that this isn't worth doing. This is identical to the process of power customization being suggested all this time and meeting with player responses that it isn't worth doing. It's being done, which both sets a precedent and also depicts how little perception people have of the popularity of things they don't want personally. I don't mean this as an insult, but arguments stating that not a lot of people would use something are always bad form.
Unless BABs or Castle drop a few more practical problems why this isn't desirable, I'm going to have to agree with the original poster here. Let's have walking already. It's not a big deal, but it's still cool.
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
It's always funny to see how easy it is for people to make the classic assumption that "since I don't use X that must mean that nobody uses X".
The history of this game is filled with countless QoL improvements each of which are only used by certain subsets of the player population. The flight poses are a perfect example of that. No feature like this is ever going to be universally appealing to everyone. Thus a given person disfavoring feature A, B or C by themselves is -never- going to be a valid enough reason for the Devs not to provide it.
Will we ever get some version of a Walk feature? Maybe.
Will everyone want to use it if we do? Of course not.
Is that a legitimate reason to stop suggesting it for the game in general? Of course not.
Is it sad Champions Online is launching with a Walk and we still don't have one yet? Well... Just saying.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
The flight poses are beastly to use. You have to be moving forward, you have to implement the pose emote, and if you stop, you'll have to do the emote again to change to the pose you want once more. I think that, more than anything else, is why they aren't used. If it was easier to implement a different flight pose (via a menu, a variable set via /command, or some other method other than what we currently have), they'd probably see a lot more use.
For instance:
/bind T powexec_name Fly$$em flypose2
That would mean if you hit the T button on your keyboard, the fly power would be turned on and then would go right into flypose #2.
More information on bind commands are here:
The downside is you'd have to engage the flypose again if you stop. Another option is to create a bind command for the flypose and then click on it when you engage flight.
For the record, I try to engage my alts in different fly poses whenever possible.
The workaround on that (and yes, it probably should be in a different thread) would probably be to include the travel powers in Issue 16's power customization, which would allow you to change the default flight emote. (Maybe that would be an Issue 17 fix?)
Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667
I have seen alot of people suggest walking over the years, but like all other things that have been and will be implemented into the game, people with bigger brains than myself has always said, "It will never happen, stop asking." Sorry to be a bit bitter here, but I always knew those people were full of it. I can not count the things we have in this game that was told to us, "it will never happen" yet here we are.
So on that note, I believe I have discovered a way to make the Walking for us as players possible. We were looking at this the wrong way. we were asking for Walk as an option, but it never occured to anyone (at least not to my knowledge) that if it were implemented as a self debuff power combined with a walking animation, it could be possible to implement. Much like sprint, it is a buff that increases your speed, so now we can instead have a new power called, "Walk" which is nothing more than a movement speed debuff, another toggle that debuffs your speed and has with it a walking animation.
In light of this, do you guys and gals think this would be workable?