Hurt and Heal the Devs and Mods.




BackAlleyBrawler = 42
Castle = 14
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 9
Ghost Widow = 1
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 43
The Television = 20
War Witch = 35

GW -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 42
Castle = 14
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 8
Ghost Widow = 0
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 45
The Television = 20
War Witch = 35

Ghost Falcon -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 42
Castle = 14
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 7
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 45
The Television = 20
War Witch = 35

Ghost Falcon -
pohsyb +



BackAlleyBrawler = 42
Castle = 14
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 6
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 46
The Television = 20
War Witch = 35

The Ocho +1
Ghost Falcon -1

Triumph Lurker: mintmiki 50 emp/archer
basically, if you see a miki on Triumph, it's probably cute and it's probably me.

Huge thanks to cuppamanga and all the folks in the mac help forum for prolonging my borrowed time on this game.



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 14
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 6
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 46
The Television = 20
War Witch = 35




BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13 (-)
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 6
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 46
The Television = 20
War Witch = 36 (+)

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 5
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 46
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

TV +1
Ghost Falcon -1



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 4
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 47
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

GF -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 3
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 47
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

pohsyb +
Ghost Falcon -



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 3
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 46
TheOcho = 48
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36




BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 2
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 48
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

pohsyb +
Ghost Falcon -

why you people picking on my backwards byshop kill the easy people since you're not going to kill him.



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 13
Ghost Falcon = 1
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 49
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

GF -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 48
TheOcho = 50
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

david -
pohsyb +



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 51
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36


Cause now I want ocho to win and backwards byshop is competition.



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 12
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 52
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

Castle -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 42
Castle = 12
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 53
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

BackAlleyBrawler -1
The Ocho +1



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 12
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 52
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

Babs +1
Ocho -1



BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 47
TheOcho = 51
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

Ocho -
Castle +




BackAlleyBrawler = 43
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 12
pohsyb = 48
TheOcho = 50
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

Vote # 285
TheOcho -
Pohsyb +

Vote 37 Positron was taken out by Kheldarn while voting for TheOcho. Positron had 4 votes for and 14 against. So much for the Moon Zone Nay sayer.
Vote 52 Jlove was taken out by NewAgeKnight while voting for TheOcho. Jlove had 0 votes for and 10 against. TheOcho is off to a strong start. Already has two down and out.
Vote 64 Avatea was taken out by Golden Ace while voting for War Witch. Avatea had 0 votes for and 10 against. TheOcho's killing streak has been broken.
Vote 76 lordofboardys was taken out by Bubbawheat while voting for The Television. Lordofboardys had 0 votes for and 10 against. Thus the TV has now become a contender with a kill.
Vote 78 Red Skeleton was taken out by Over Knight while voting for Blue Steel. Red Skeleton had 0 votes for and 10 against. In a first ever move Blue Steel takes out another Dev on his first vote.
Vote 116 Manticore was taken out by BrokenPrey while voting for BackalleyBrawler. Manticore had 3 votes for and 13 against. BABs has his first Kill.
Vote 124 Horatio was taken out by NewAgeKnight while voting for TheOcho. Horatio had 0 votes for and 10 against. TheOcho is starting to rack up the kills watch out.
Vote 141 Sunstorm was taken out by NewAgeKnight while voting for TheOcho. Sunstorm had 0 votes for and 10 against. another Kill for TheOcho.
Vote 151 Blue Steel was taken out by Chaos Creator while voting for Pohsyb. Blue Steel had 2 votes for 12 against, and 1 kill. Pohsyb scores his first kill.
Vote 170 Synapse was taken out by Chaos Creator while voting for Pohsyb. Synapse had 0 votes for and 10 against. Pohsyb scores a double wammy.
Vote 196 Mynx was taken out by Bubbawheat while voting for the Television. Mynx put up a bit of a sruggle and had 6 votes for and 16 against. The Television scores another hit show.
Vote 213 The Dark Watcher was taken out by Golden Ace while voting for pohsyb. The Dark Watcher had 0 votes for and 10 against. The backward bishop scores another kill.
Vote 231 Moon Witch was taken out by Bubbawheat while voting for the Television. Moon Witch had 1 vote for and 11 against. The Television is moving into sweeps week.
Vote 248 Empulse was taken out by NewAgeKnight while voting for TheOcho. Empulse had 1 vote for and 11 against. TheOcho scores his 5th Kill.
Vote 266 Ghost Widow was taken out by Kheldarn while voting for TheOcho. Ghost Widow had 1 vote for and 11 against. Score one more for TheOcho!
Vote 278 Ghost Falcon was taken out by Kheldarn while voting for TheOcho. Ghost Falcon had 0 votes for and 10 against. TheOcho is on a roll!

Dev Kills
TheOcho 7
The Television 3
Pohsyb 3
BackalleyBrawler 1
Blue Steel 1
War Witch 1

Player Kills
NewAgeKnight 4
Bubbawheat 3
Kheldarn 3
Golden Ace 2
Chaos Creator 2
Over Knight 1
BrokenPrey 1

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



BackAlleyBrawler = 44
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 12
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 11
pohsyb = 49
TheOcho = 49
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

Ocho -
pohsyb +



BackAlleyBrawler = 44
Castle = 13
david_nakayama = 11
Hero 1 = 15
Niviene = 11
pohsyb = 50
TheOcho = 49
The Television = 21
War Witch = 36

david -
pohsyb +