Good teammates for Mind Controllers?




I am part of a regular group of 5 players, meeting weekly for a little CoH action.
We've run a number of fun teams, but we thought we'd try something different.

That's why our newest team is going to consist of a pair of Mind Controllers, and then a trio of damage dealers to back them up (or maybe it's better to think of that the other way round).

My first instinct is scrappers, of course, but I'm more inclined towards high single person damage, in order to get the most out of the mind controllers sleeps. I think you can see where I'm going with this.

So, I'm opening the floor for suggestions. Who do you think teams best with Mind Controllers? What defensive secondaries pair well with all that highly active Mind control? What Primary and secondary sets would you recommend for the scrappers? Should we include a blaster? Tactics? Anecdotes about your own experience? Likely snags? Problems? What do you think?



The first thing that came to mind when I read your post was "Ice/Ice Blaster." Holds and slows with very good single target damage. It is almost a high damage controller. When you finally get Shiver, it becomes awesome for handling groups.

For a good single target Scrapper, consider the Dark Melee primary. It lacks AoE . . . and the single target attacks all debuff ToHit, making it less likely for that guy to hit anyone. Plus, Touch of Fear will stack with Mind's Terrify to take out bosses.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



Originally Posted by Amish_Justice View Post
I am part of a regular group of 5 players, meeting weekly for a little CoH action.
We've run a number of fun teams, but we thought we'd try something different.

That's why our newest team is going to consist of a pair of Mind Controllers, and then a trio of damage dealers to back them up (or maybe it's better to think of that the other way round).

My first instinct is scrappers, of course, but I'm more inclined towards high single person damage, in order to get the most out of the mind controllers sleeps. I think you can see where I'm going with this.

So, I'm opening the floor for suggestions. Who do you think teams best with Mind Controllers? What defensive secondaries pair well with all that highly active Mind control? What Primary and secondary sets would you recommend for the scrappers? Should we include a blaster? Tactics? Anecdotes about your own experience? Likely snags? Problems? What do you think?
Single target Scrapper, its hard to go wrong with Dark Melee.

What kinda secondaries you looking at?

With a lot of DEF buffers, can't go wrong with /SR or /WP.

With a lot of RES buffers, /WP, /DA, /INV, /FA would be gravy.

With DeBuffers, I'd look more towards /WP or /INV...

I'd take one meat shield Scrapper and one AoE blaster.



Well, if you have two Mind controllers, by level 32 not interupting sleep won't be an issue. Especially if both controllers have Hasten or some IO Set recharge bonuses. They can just pretty much spam Total Dom and Mass Confusion between the two of 'em.

Something to chew on.


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It's not so much a question of who/what, as it is of how many. Duo with an effective blaster, and you're golden. That's my best advice.

Or if you're a mind/Emp, get on four-man teams (including yourself) with three blasters, keep everybody CM'd and Fort-ed, and surgically control nuisances.

Oh wait, that doesn't answer your question directly. A pair of mind controllers + a trio of X, still, X should be blasters.

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Originally Posted by LVConvert View Post
Single target Scrapper, its hard to go wrong with Dark Melee.

What kinda secondaries you looking at?

With a lot of DEF buffers, can't go wrong with /SR or /WP.

With a lot of RES buffers, /WP, /DA, /INV, /FA would be gravy.

With DeBuffers, I'd look more towards /WP or /INV...

I'd take one meat shield Scrapper and one AoE blaster.
You didn't mention Shield. It is pretty easy to soft-cap defense on a shield scrapper . . . and you get the awesome Shield Charge, too. Two Shield scrappers, staying together, can easily cap each other's defense with Grant Cover. I just finished with my three buddies leveling up a team of four Shield Scrappers, and the level of defense when we were all together was amazing.

LOCAL MAN! The most famous hero of all. There are more newspaper stories about me than anyone else. "Local Man wins Medal of Honor." "Local Man opens Animal Shelter." "Local Man Charged with..." (Um, forget about that one.)
Guide Links: Earth/Rad Guide, Illusion/Rad Guide, Electric Control



I'd go with AoE blasters. With 2 Mind trollers, you won't need a tank. And since their secondaries are Defender primaries, that's covered as well (unless you want to go the buffer overload route). Scrappers wouldn't be bad, but most spawns should be locked down tight or attacking themselves, so AoE is really the way to go.

Given that, honestly, the best choice would be 3 toons the others want to play. If they aren't having fun, the rest doesn't really matter. With two Mind trollers on your team, you could bring two Girl Scouts and a trained monkey and still have a strong team.

xfire: zanthyna
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AOE blasters. 1 fire/fire or fire/mental, Arch/Nrg, and AR/elec.

But like Zanth said, 2 girl scouts and a trained monkey would work.

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