A general question about the game...




I've been playing on and off forever. @.@''

Most of my time playing CoX is just shooting the breeze with friends and just
running newspaper missions. Now.. I just run AE (Which I love).. but I was wondering
if there was a site out there that explained just what exactly is 'out there'.

I know there are TF's, and CoX has nice lore out there. I just feel so... 'blind' playing
the game at times. Unlike some unnamed MMO's out there. There aren't npc's with
explanation points over their heads.

If tried to run some TF's before.. but they get 'locked' and members disappear, or
have to go leaving the missions unable to be completed. I also tend to join VG's that
are more on the 'chill' side. They rarely do anything but roleplay and run random
missions that leave me feeling like there's only randomly generated content out there.
(When I know there's more.)

I'd love to know a list of what is out in the CoX world. Cause,... right now I just run
AE and newspaper missions over and over and I really feel like I'm missing out on
something. I want to dig deeper into the game.

Help a fellow player drowning in his ignorance of CoX.



To start, Paragon Wiki has a lot of information about the game and the game world.

But, inside every zone somewhere, is an NPC dressed in maroon and yellow that gives you background information about the zone.

And your contacts provide lore-related mission arcs.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Thanks --NT!!

I'll go check it out now, and for that..

*Spreads the Thermo-nuclear marmalade.*



Originally Posted by Golden_Girl_EU View Post
Also, welcome to the forums, ThongSnapper - even if your name is crazy
*Hugs* Thanks so much! Yeah,.. It's a fitting name for me. ^^



Originally Posted by ThongSnapper View Post
*Hugs* Thanks so much! Yeah,.. It's a fitting name for me. ^^
Sounds like a troublesome kind of name

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Badges. Get all the Badges.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Badges. Get all the Badges.
I got the entertainer badge not to long ago, though I don't wear it cause I'd hate to look like a diva.



Parts of this might be useful to you:

Guide To Life Outside the AE Building

I particularly recommend going to Ouroboros and playing the canon arcs you haven't already.

Addendum: It's worth emphasizing that unlike in certain other MMOs, there is much more content throughout the level range than there is at the end game. You might want to try creating a new alt and leveling up through story arcs. Your new alt will be introduced to a story arc contact right off the bat; if you ever run out of contacts, run papers until you get a safeguard/mayhem, complete that, and then return to your safeguard/mayhem contact to be introduced to a new story contact.

Also, heroside, there are several completely optional zones with their own content: Faultline (15-25), Striga Isle (20-30), Croatoa (25-35), the Rikti War Zone (35-50), Cimerora (35-50), and the Shadow Shard (40-50). Check them out if you haven't yet.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



Get into your server forum, and check up on global channels. That's the best way to get a group of people you can trust, helping you out.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Didn't someone create a website somewhere for begginers to this game? I swear I have seen it, but I can't remember what the guys name was or what the sites name was.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



Originally Posted by ThongSnapper View Post
*Hugs* Thanks so much! Yeah,.. It's a fitting name for me. ^^

I think I liekz you... Haz a Cookie!

BTW, Are you on virtue? if you are we can play



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
But, inside every zone somewhere, is an NPC dressed in maroon and yellow that gives you background information about the zone.
This is incorrect. NPCs dressed in maroon and yellow are Reward Merit Vendors.

The NPCs that give information about a zone are only located in Hazard Zones (or, for CoV, in the "Hazard Zone Lite" section of the City Zone). They're typically clad in dark/camo/military-type gear.

Paragon Wiki: http://www.paragonwiki.com
City Info Terminal: http://cit.cohtitan.com
Mids Hero Designer: http://www.cohplanner.com
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by ThongSnapper View Post
I was wondering if there was a site out there that explained just what exactly is 'out there'.
Here are a couple of pages from Red Tomax's guide to the game that you may find useful - they explain how you get contacts, listing most contacts available in a table which helps to explain how contact referrals work (CoH and CoV differ in how you get contacts - personally I prefer the CoV way):

Contacts in City of Villains
Contacts in City of Heroes

You may also want to bookmark this page on Paragon Wiki which will let you link to the wiki pages of the contacts in your current level range so you can see how to get them and what they offer in even more detail.



Oboro. If you don't have the badge, go to Wentworth or the Black Market and just ask someone to open the portal for you. So long as you're level 25 and up, you can go in. Once inside make sure you get the badge yourself, that way you can open up the portal on your own in the future.

Oboro has its own storyarcs, including a TF you can run yourself given by Mender Silos (I love this storyarc), and it also has the icecubes with the fire inside that allow you to exemp to just about every storyarc in the game. I find that a lot of times it's easier for me to do content this way rather than leveling up with content because I'm neurotic about organization and Oboro ensures I don't miss anything.

Also, I recommend doing Levantera's opening arc to the Rikti War Zone because 1- You don't get Vanguard merits otherwise. And 2- It gives some background information. Consequent missions from her will eventually open up other contacts in RWZ and those are a lot of fun, aside from which - I don't know anyone who doesn't love a good Mothership Raid.

Play the market (BM or WW). I know it sounds silly, but for me it's very much a "sidegame". I like to see how much inf I can make how fast.

Also. If you haven't already, join badging channels. The people who run those TF's are usually very serious about them and won't just randomly drop out. Those channels are also really good for random Q&A, people like to help out.

Oh. And someone mentioned badges. Some badges are just plain fun to get. Some unlock contacts and some unlock custom weapons or costume pieces. Those are fun to work towards. They can be found on the wiki.

... think I'm done now.



Holy cow! Thanks for all the help everyone! ^^ I have plenty of info now to
declare my life a great success! Off I go to Oboro!

And I am on Virtue ShadeovBlack! *Eats cooking and talks blowing crumbs everywhere.* =O - ' .



Happy! ↓ global ↓