Say something nice about the Protectorite above you, Version 2.2




Has a powerful Search-Fu, that I promise to not abuse when my own fails. Repeatedly.

Self Proclaimed KING of Radiation
My Post count is > Dave Winfield
The Smoking Lounge. Saturdays @ Midnight on The Switch



Is not one of those meddleing kids when you get caught, but could go for some Scooby Snacks and usually does have the munchies.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



umm has a twitter and follows the coh devs... thats cool.... ohh yeah and follows me ^_^



But that's home from work not twitter. And is a very active member of the community...way more than me that's for sure.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



is a very active member of the community, running at least one event a week (at one point toxic tuesdays now RtR)



IS a very sexy man......

hey since no one else had said anything in a few days i thought it was my turn again



Joo broke the game.

The good Dr. invited ole Slim here to a TF team over the weekend... making him both very nice, and a glutton for punishment for putting up with me for a couple hours.



Plays a mean DDD (or would that be DDDD? Dark/Dark/Dark Defender? In any case, that's a lot of Ds!)

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Is completely Rawktastic and always reminds me of bubbles!



Is always up for a good time!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Helped me with my AE arc and was kind enough to reply to my comments.



Is a good teammate. Not only do I mean skill wise, but also has a sense of humor! I WIN!

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Is the Don Da da man!

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Died well, Died often, took others with him, & Always sent blind invites.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Is so awesome that people who don't even know him battle for the honor of having him on their server!

City of Heroes taught me that when the world is burning, you don't just stand by and watch, you grab a fire extinguisher and do whatever you can to stop it-even if it's not much at all. Sign the petition to keep City of Heroes alive HERE.

@MissKyo, Leader of the Teamsters coalition on Protector



Is an amazing cook!

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



Is wise in the ways of avoiding boredom.

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



I sent blind invites? Silas is fun and up for anything...especially when bored.

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



is one of the best friends a a guy could randomly get. :P

You pay to play. Having fun is ok. Kill Skuls or kill Crey. Hunt at night or in the day. Black or white or shades of grey. Play it your way. We have no say.

Silas' official theme song: Word Up!



Was a fun teammate and will be missed on Protector!

Blazing Blue 50 fire/fire Blast, BlueStarr 50 PB, BlueSt 50 stone/ss Tank, Purple Pummaler 50 bs/regen Scrap, Green Puritan 50 emp/nrg Def, Raging Red 50 ice/cold Cor,WhiteLightning 50 ill/storm Cont, GrayMatter 44 WS,Green Marauder 24 nrg/stone Brute,Dark Blue Blaze 26 fire/fire Cor,etc



Is impressed with my reverse long jumps.



has an awesome show on!