Happy belated b-day to jkwervo!!!
happy birthday
good job
Who's that?
Well whoever he is, happy birthday
Happy Beer-day!

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.
Is this belated enough?
Ok, then. Happy Birthday.
The Unofficial Official of Nothing Official
Proud member of Nites of Darkness/Shut Your Pie Hole
Happy late-as-hell birthday!
@Jimmy Amp
Currently working on:
Jimmy Crush - Kin/Regen Scrapper
"Life writes the best scripts."
LOL i just saw this. Thanks dudes and dudettes!
HAPPY BELATED BURRDAY TEQUILLA....hope you had a good one! )
You 18 yet? Yeah? Then you're first...Giggity...
I am getting the feeling that our threads are getting deleted faster than before the new forum update. I put into one of XFunk's thread an extensive and detailed way to get rid of ring worm in 3 days as opposed to 3 weeks and it was removed in only like, 3 hours. I think there were only 4 other posts in the thread when I posted. Now, Haku's wow thread is gone.
Well we did hijack the living bejezus out of that thread. And happy belated b-day JK. A man named after my favorite spirit north of the Mexican border can't be all that bad at all.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
Happy Birfday.
In the name of PAAS I am hijacking this thread!!! Take me to a bar immediately or I shall let loose with weapons of mass sobriety. I am friggin' serious here.
Proud member of the Hard Liquor party
Unofficial leader of PAAS (Paragon Association for the Advancement of Stoners)
out of all threads how does a damn birthday thread last this much trolling
Hau'oli La Hanau JKwervo!!!!! Sorry it was late in coming.. but by the time I log on.. it's already the next day. I hope you had a great birthday!!!!! Extra HUUUUGS for you!!!!