Dev digest messed up for anyone else?

Father Xmas



I can't seem to find any posts about this, but dev digest seems really messed up for me.

Dev Digest
<table border=0 cellpadding=2 cellspacing=2> <tr>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/28/2009 01:40</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/28/2009 01:08</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/27/2009 23:59</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Training Room down for a new I15 patch</td><td>07/27/2009 21:45</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Network Maintenance - 28th July 2009</td><td>07/27/2009 17:36</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Comic Con has begun!</td><td>07/24/2009 18:40</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Comic Con has begun!</td><td>07/24/2009 16:57</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/24/2009 00:57</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/23/2009 23:20</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Migration to new Message Boards - Part two</td><td>07/23/2009 23:17</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: GR vs CoV</td><td>07/23/2009 01:57</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: More freebies for some US players again</td><td>07/22/2009 21:57</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: Colours !</td><td>07/21/2009 23:33</td>
<td>Avatea</td><td>Re: I16 and flaming</td><td>07/21/2009 01:14</td>



Originally Posted by PositronBot View Post
I can't seem to find any posts about this, but dev digest seems really messed up for me.
It is not working due to the migration. The boards work so much differently that the current digests don't work. According to TheOcho, it is being worked on (4th note down).





Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
It is not working due to the migration. The boards work so much differently that the current digests don't work. According to TheOcho, it is being worked on (4th note down).

Good to know.



Then you aren't looking hard enough because there are dozens of threads on multiple boards complaining about the broken dev and community digests since last Friday.

Personally I now have most of the community mods and devs selected as contacts and through statistics in each of their profile's bring up a list of their posts and go from there. It's no way as convenient as the digests but until they've come up with a fix it, it is a working solution.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Originally Posted by FatherXmas View Post
Then you aren't looking hard enough because there are dozens of threads on multiple boards complaining about the broken dev and community digests since last Friday.
This is when they need to take advantage of thread merging, and merge them all into one big thread...

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:



There is another thread floating around with url hooks to these forums that search for the given persons(devs) chatter.