Scrapper Night! Every Friday at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific
Wait a sec... isn't every night Scrapper Night?!
I'd love to play along, but I work Friday nights. Dang it.
I express interest. Fridays are iffy for me, as we usually got out to dinner/drinks Friday evenings; however, if I'm around, I'd love to bring either my MA/Regen or Claw/SR scrapper--both 50.
"Plausibility is nothing compared to nerdrage." --PumBumbler
Blackshroud- lvl 50 DM/SR at your service...
Reference Pics
The Legend Continues
My Deviant
I don't remember volunteering, but that is all right. Probably. We'll see how Friday pans out
I'd never use a nuke in a superhero universe. You nuke a city, you kill 1.5 million people minus one. The last guy not only gets superpowers from the explosion, but ones that let him survive a nuke...and wow, is he torqued off
PPD Mastermind
You didn't have to volunteer. We knew you'd want to come along.

Post Comic book Fan Films that ROCK!
Fight my brute
Hey Fanny! You can count on Joe Normal for this Friday's Scrapper Night (August 7th).
Joe Normal 50th Lvl (Veng Bait/ Face Plant) Scrapper.
Sign me up, ArmorShrike; Martial Arts/Invulnerability.
Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.
Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History
I have two Scrappers I could bring:
Arwen Darkblade - level 50 Claws/Invuln
Calamity Rose - level 50 DB/WP
I'll be there this Friday, but not so sure I can be there every Friday.
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
Looks like our first team is full and ready. Any takers on leading Team 2?
Another issue comes to mind... I did not se a fix for the TF-ending bug in today's patch notes. I am fully aware that this will make the STF impossible to complete with scrappers. However, cancelling is out of the question and the event is too soon to make another event, so lets call it a victory once the Fab 4 are defeated, shall we?
"In a nutshell, if you have powers that aren't recharging, you're not trying hard enough." ~Enri
Looks like our first team is full and ready. Any takers on leading Team 2?
Another issue comes to mind... I did not se a fix for the TF-ending bug in today's patch notes. I am fully aware that this will make the STF impossible to complete with scrappers. However, cancelling is out of the question and the event is too soon to make another event, so lets call it a victory once the Fab 4 are defeated, shall we? |
And Scrappers effing hate distractions.
I was going to see GI Joe friday but I may be able to make it. So that would be one Thornster in full DA regalia with a nice Opressive Gloom to stun the repair dudes.

Char Site | My DeviantArt
Scrappers! What is your profession?!
I can't make this one, but it sounds like a fun event that I hope to scrap the hell out of when I can
Reference Pics
The Legend Continues
My Deviant
Dang, you people make me wanna PL all two of my scrappers (a 32 db/fa and a 10 ma/wp) to do this stuff.
Not quite enough to drop permanently out of the RPGing I do most Fridays, but still...
Where to find me after the end:
The Secret World - Arcadia - Shinzo
Rift - Faeblight - Bloodspeaker
LotRO - Gladden - Aranelion
STO - Holodeck - @Captain_Thiraas
Obviously, I don't care about NCSoft's forum rules, now.
Team 1 is set. Team 2 needs 4 members. Tell your friends about tonight! I'd rather we be full at 7:45pm than waiting to get people on.
"In a nutshell, if you have powers that aren't recharging, you're not trying hard enough." ~Enri
It was a fun time. Sorry my internet pooped out.
@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog
Critical oversight on my part... I forgot to say where we're meeting! Let's gather on the boat in Independence Port about 15 minutes before kick-off, so we have time to fill teams. Anyone who shows up right as the event starts without prior notice will not be included. My global handle is @Fanny

Event begins at 8PM Eastern/5PM Pacific
Imagine, if you will, a night where everyone gathers around on their favorite scrappers, has a few drinks, shares a few laughs, and does some incredibly stupid/awesome things.
I'd like to introduce you to an idea I had around the time people started doing Tanker Tuesday - Every AT has its potential to be fantastic - it's the way the game is designed. I've always loved how you can make absolutely any build, ever, and get something out of it. But enough about that, we're going to focus on scrappers.
A few notes on Scrapper Night:
- This is not an XP event. All events are geared toward level 50s. If you really, really want to bring someone lower than 50, go ahead, but you are responsible for your own SKing. And you're going to die. A lot. That's a given. Which brings me to my next point...
- You are going to die. Probably enough to become debt capped. But it's no fun until someone gets used as veng bait. If you don't like dying, then you really shouldn't join an event that wants everyone to be batpoop crazy.
- There are no prizes. Well, unless someone volunteers a prize for a specific goal during a specific night. I, personally, will not be handing out prizes. This is a weekly event and that would be crazy. The real prize is accomplishment.
I thought about what would be a suitably epic first event, and after some input, ideas, and questions from friends, I decided on a Statesman Task Force.
After much consideration of all the TFs (I have not done the 5th yet, so I'm not sure if it's hard for 8 scrappers to do), I decided STF was the most difficult. We'll be playing by MoSTF rules - no temps (ANYONE can beat the STF with 8 shivans), without actually trying to get MoSTF. Unless, of course, your team wants to. If you get the badge, you win +2 internets. Just keep in mind that this is not a serious event, and is all in good fun.
I am starting off with 2 teams, so if you want in, please PM me with your scrapper name, type, and which team you want to be on. If you are the first to sign up for a particular team, then you are expected to lead it, or find someone who will.
Should we have problems filling teams with 8, we will start pulling from the general populace, via globals. To avoid this, I'm capping at 4 teams. Have your friends sign up!
Team 1:
1. Fan-Fania (Martial Arts/Regeneration)
2. Kadmon (Broadsword/Regeneration)
3. Phantom Protector (Katana/Super Reflexes)
4. Blackshroud (Dark Melee/Super Reflexes)
5. Joe Normal (Claws/Regeneration)
6. ArmorShrike (Martial Arts/Invulnerability)
7. Arwen Darkblade (Claws/Invulnerability)
8. Temporal Centurian (Claws/Regeneration)
Team 2:
1. Baalat (Tentative)
2. Chrome (Tentative)
3. Mike Honcho
4. Thornster
"In a nutshell, if you have powers that aren't recharging, you're not trying hard enough." ~Enri