Help Wanted!-An idea to benefit the MA community




Ok, I've been mulling this over for a while after trying to (unsuccessfuly) test one of my own arcs on a half healer/half damage dealer corr. Who would be interested in a chat channel for MA users? It would:

-Offer advice for people on their arcs.
-Give people solutiosn to their problems.
-Help people test their arcs and give feedback before publishing it.
-Recommend arcs to others.
-Put together some MA teams (NOT FOR FARMING!) to use the MA for what it's intended for and to help others get some merits for their latest and greatest arc.

Anyone interested?



Yep - and the Global Channel "Mission Architect" already exists (and Defiant Architects if yer a Deviant needing local help)



Damn, someone beat me to it hehe. I hope they're up for helping me test my latest arc



Advice only, usually. People will play it if it's advertised in the correct locations, such as here and here.

Please fight My Brute:

Mission Architect 54161 - Michael Mundano, Megan Malloney and the Secret Senate.
Mission Architect 91838 - Constantinople Jones' Family Secret. A One Mission Story arc.



I've got testers using both channels before now - best to make sure you do so from the RWZ so both heroes and villains can pitch in.



People tend to be more than willing to help test arcs on the MA channel if they're not already busy with other MA-related stuff.



People tend to be more than willing to help test arcs on the MA channel if they're not already busy with other MA-related stuff.

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Or if you return the favour and test theirs. Getting to know the community also helps, much like the forums you don't want you first post to be "do stuff for me".



People tend to be more than willing to help test arcs on the MA channel if they're not already busy with other MA-related stuff.

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Or if you return the favour and test theirs. Getting to know the community also helps, much like the forums you don't want you first post to be "do stuff for me".

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Also so far i've found it to be the best channel iv joined so far ingame. Hasnt been a single argument that iv witnessed yet and all discussions have been very mature/friendly
Obviously just like any channel it has its more "regular speakers" but even new people get the same reaction as a long term vet which is nice to see

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!