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Her face looks a little odd to be, kinda sharp and blocky.
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I know it's strange but I really like this style, I would like one day to finally be able to draw like this... But for the moment, all I can do is an half thing like that...
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Other than that it looks nice, perhaps the wings are kinda on the large side.
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These wings are really huge^^ I din't realized it until I compared with the veteran reward wings
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Also love the name, Synvilla is swedish for Mirage.
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Thanks for the info^^ I didn't know, it's a beautiful name
I like it again. Is it a bit scarry? Not in bad kind scarry mind you...
Especially liked the color.
It's really rather good.
I really really like this one. Probably one of my favourite one from you Soul.
It's sharp and sexy.
You really are a creative factory printer!
WAOW... I didn't think there would be as much comments
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Especially liked the color.
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Thanks Knightly, it's pobably my favorite feature too^^
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It's really rather good.
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Thanks Cass
[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
I really really like this one. Probably one of my favourite one from you Soul.
It's sharp and sexy.
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Oh I like the "sexy" comment a lot ! Thanks Swissy
OMG! I take back that creepy comment. Swissy's new avatar is creepy. What happened to you mate? Spend too much time in Terra Volta?
I like it and would definitely leave the wings as is to me they look like they could allow the character to fly.
OMG! I take back that creepy comment. Swissy's new avatar is creepy. What happened to you mate? Spend too much time in Terra Volta?
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Google Plants vs Zombies
A request from a Vigilance player, I played a bit and tried something more "clean" than my last. The result is more like my two swords monte Cristo (not quite the same but near...) I hope you'll like it^^