Defendable objects bugged?
That would support my intuition, that the bug is with defendable objects.
What I think must be happening is the defendable object is failing to flag a spawn point as taken, when it spawns. which means that another defendable object, or another kind of spawn that uses the same type of spawn point has a chance of spawning at the same point.
In the situation where you have just one defendable object, you might be able to solve the problem by making sure the defendable object occurs after any rescues, escorts or allies.
I really should do something about this signature.
Well, maybe. On the other hand, duplicate spawns happen too often and I haven't seen any triples (although they're much much less likely anyway, maybe I just didn't play it enough times) in your arc, which suggests that's not the whole story...
I had a triple on one test last night.
I really should do something about this signature.
Don't know about defendable object but I have a strange problem with destructible objects. Mission is fine with just one, adding any more results in them all becoming 'invalid targets'. Some frustrating bugs at the moment
Don't know about defendable object but I have a strange problem with destructible objects. Mission is fine with just one, adding any more results in them all becoming 'invalid targets'. Some frustrating bugs at the moment
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Always 'invalid targets' or just invalid until the guard mobs are aggro'd/attacked?
I know on my missions it's always given the 'invalid target' message until the guards were attacked.
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my toons
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Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)
Also another thing makes me wonder the result. I just saved and exited last night without a chance for testing.
I placed 5 destrubtible objects and needed to place some glowies also. Game didn't allowed glowies in assuming map is too small for them to replace. Funny thing is it accepted 5 more different destructible objects.
Waiting for tonight to test that mission, i am very curious about the outcome.
Don't know about defendable object but I have a strange problem with destructible objects. Mission is fine with just one, adding any more results in them all becoming 'invalid targets'. Some frustrating bugs at the moment
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Always 'invalid targets' or just invalid until the guard mobs are aggro'd/attacked?
I know on my missions it's always given the 'invalid target' message until the guards were attacked.
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Ah, that's a good question. I'll have to look into that. I've never noticed having to attack guards before, it's certainly not necessary if you only have a single object though. I always go for the object first hoping to one shot it and damage the guards with the resulting blast
Ok tested this, seems that regardless of the number of destructible objects in the mission, the first one can be targetted at any time, the rest cannot be targeted until the guards have been alerted to the players presence or the first object has been destroyed - since there's to way to determine which the 'first' object is in the mission this is going to be a pain in the neck.
Also, the comment that is supposed to be displayed when all objects have been destroyed is actually displayed for each and every object. Think there is some debugging still to be done in the MA!
I placed 5 destrubtible objects and needed to place some glowies also. Game didn't allowed glowies in assuming map is too small for them to replace. Funny thing is it accepted 5 more different destructible objects.
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The maximum number of glowies is completly seperate from the maximum number of defendable objects: they don't use the same spawn points.
It tells you how many of each are alowed on the map info page (some maps don't alow any).
I really should do something about this signature.
What I think must be happening is the defendable object is failing to flag a spawn point as taken, when it spawns.
[/ QUOTE ]Might be related to the fact that defendable points actually need two types of spots, an ambush spot as well as a defenable object spot. For example, the "Dreck" map only allows 61 defendable objects whereas it states it supports 90.
I dunno about that, it sounds to me like the drek map could simply be improperly labeled. All the maps I have tested on have the correct number of maximum defendable objects as listed. I've been testing on a small map, that allows 4 "any type", and it does indeed alow 4 defendable objects.
And they do spawn on top of each other, at about the interval you would expect if it is assigning them at random to spawn points without taking into account that they are already filled. I have had three at the same spawn point on occasion. I used different objects so it was easier to see them all.
This is potentially exploitable, its a great way of making hoards of mobs come to you to be AoEed into oblivion.
I really should do something about this signature.
I dunno about that, it sounds to me like the drek map could simply be improperly labeled. All the maps I have tested on have the correct number of maximum defendable objects as listed. I've been testing on a small map, that allows 4 "any type", and it does indeed alow 4 defendable objects.
[/ QUOTE ]Try large maps, say, in the 20+ allowed range or so. Anything with more defendable objects than ambushes listed allowed still only allows the smaller number. Same vice versa.
That's b/c of those dupli-cars? You reproduced them? I hoped it was just me
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Yup. Reproduced reliably. Multiple Defendable objects spawning on top of each other.
I din't have time to investigate if it was a problem with the map, defendable objects generally, or just defendable cars. That's tonights job.
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Now, when I think about it, there is something similar in my own arc (Goldbricked!) : in 90% of cases a captive is spawned right on top of the defendable object. Since that captive doesn't trigger an ambush this is less of a problem there... Although I reduced object's auto-ambush size now, to be extra-sure that it won't create the same overwhelming effect.
This needs further research though to say definitely one way or the other.