Inspiration Drops in Test Mode
/signed, it's not exactly as if they're expensive but for new players wanting to test their arcs, Inspirations might be needed a lot more than they can afford it.

Yeah it gets VERY hard as a low level character testing a mission.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
Well, for a "natural lowbie" tester this is a great help and won't matter much for a high-level player anyway...
Would be handy if the inspirations simply didn't vanish after being used in test mode. Since there's no reward in test mode why should there be a penalty?
Would be handy if the inspirations simply didn't vanish after being used in test mode. Since there's no reward in test mode why should there be a penalty?
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Actually that's a superb way of giving people an optional "god mode" for testing their arcs properly too. Just pop a non-vanishing Insp a few times to fight the AV / EB so you can check their ambushes or other dependent conditions trigger correctly.
Nice idea Cal!
Would be handy if the inspirations simply didn't vanish after being used in test mode. Since there's no reward in test mode why should there be a penalty?
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Actually that's a superb way of giving people an optional "god mode" for testing their arcs properly too. Just pop a non-vanishing Insp a few times to fight the AV / EB so you can check their ambushes or other dependent conditions trigger correctly.
Nice idea Cal!
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Gets my vote too. I have run my own arcs a couple of times then had to break off and go buy more inspirations, as I want the arc to be just on the edge of insanely tough while still being doable.
Would be handy if the inspirations simply didn't vanish after being used in test mode. Since there's no reward in test mode why should there be a penalty?
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Actually that's a superb way of giving people an optional "god mode" for testing their arcs properly too. Just pop a non-vanishing Insp a few times to fight the AV / EB so you can check their ambushes or other dependent conditions trigger correctly.
Nice idea Cal!
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Gets my vote too. I have run my own arcs a couple of times then had to break off and go buy more inspirations, as I want the arc to be just on the edge of insanely tough while still being doable.
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Not to mention that this would allow you to test your arcs - or more specifically, your custom EBs and AVs - with various inspiration setups other than the ever popular "just fill it all up with purple". Which in turn should give you an indication as to how balanced they are.
Great idea, I like it too
Am I the only one who thinks that Insps should drop in Test Mode? I just did a quick forum search and saw that the suggestion has been brought up during Beta, but that was about it.
I understand about nothing else dropping and no xp/inf rewarded, and that's of course very reasonable. However, as far as I'm concerned, if an arc doesn't require you to use inspirations (at least during Boss fight or while up against more than one Lt), it's too easy. And if it DOES require you to pop insps, how are you supposed to test it properly without them (especially if it's a longer one)?
Yes I know, you can buy medium and large insps right there in the AE building, but why should you be forced to fork over your hard-earned tickets, AND interrupt the flow of your mission to go and get them?