The MA-Arc-eting Thread: advertising
***The Devil's Chord***
Arc Title: The Devil's Chord
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Limpet
Suggested V/H/N: Villain
Faction: Custom (Hip Hop Fans)
Difficulty Level: Contains AVs
Synopsis: Everyone knows that Rock is the music of the Devil. Help put an end to Hip Hop and allow the dark tentacles of Rock to seep into the cracks of society and tip the balance in our favour.
***Formula For Success, Recipe For Disaster***
Arc Title: Formula For Success, Recipe For Disaster
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Limpet
Suggested V/H/N: Hero
Faction: Crey
Difficulty Level: Off the hook
Synopsis: When your inside man at Crey Industries talks of secret formulas and then goes very quiet it's time to investigate and take matters into your own hands.
***Your New Agent***
Arc Title: Your New Agent
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Limpet
Suggested V/H/N: Neutral
Faction: Various
Difficulty Level: Contains AV action
Synopsis: You want to make it onto the top 100 supers list? Want to be the Hero the city loves or the Villain they love to hate? This list is nothing to do with dastardly deeds or heroic actions. It's about the quality of your agent.
Warning: May Contain Stupidity
Have to say I like the Paragon News. "All Blacks to take on Limpet". If only..
Sigh, great stuff limpet. I will definitely try out the devils chord. Very nice posters.
College of War / @Alvan present:
Arc ID #4734. Level 46+, Heroic <- Poster
You are approached by one of the famed Paragon Protectors and asked to investigate corruption within the PPD. Then things get somewhat hotter.
Contains an AV and an EB. And the last mission of the arc is actually failable.. You have been warned.
Even if you played the Test Server version, you should try it out. Every text bit has been re-evaluated and most of them are reworked. Maps have been tweaked a bit, new NPCs added, and most of all... The Paragon Protector you know is way more ... a personality.
[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]
Arc Title: The Rise of the Blood Countess Part 1: Blood Pact
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Elizabeth Bathory / Liz_Bathory
Suggested V/H/N: Neutral
Faction: Circle of Thorns, Carnival of Shadows, Custom
Difficulty Level: lvl 45-54, Contains EB's and end in one AV
Synopsis: The Circle of Thorns are planning on bringing power to theirselves by manipulating history. The Menders of Ourobouros are sending you into the past to 'Mend' this. You end up in early 1600, Hungary... Catiche Castle. But is it only the Circle of Thorns being empowered by this? Are they the real threat!?
Warning: Can be rather bloody at some points
Arc Title: The Rise of the Blood Countess Part 2: The Undead Life
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Elizabeth Bathory / Liz_Bathory
Suggested V/H/N: Neutral
Faction: Carnival of Shadows, Ghosts, Werewolves, Custom
Difficulty Level: Lvl 45-54, Contains EB's and end in two AV's
Synopsis: Follow the (undead) life of the vampire Elizabeth Bathory while she is influencing history at crucial points in time. The Menders of Ourobouros send you back in time to stop her. Are you able to do so?!
Warning: Can be rather bloody at some points
*** Promotional Poster ***
Arc Title: The Italian Job: The Return of the Godfather
Arc ID: (to follow)
Creator Global/Forum Name: @Elizabeth Bathory / Liz_Bathory
Suggested V/H/N: Heroic
Faction: Skulls, Mooks, Family, Custom Family
Difficulty Level: Lvl 5-20, Contains EB's and end in one AV
Synopsis: For years now the Verandi's and the Marcone's are fighting for the Port Oakes turf. Ever since the Marcone Don Manuel Marcone was arrested by Interpol. But that will change soon! A story about drugs, guns, girls and the mob...
Warning: None... unless you're not able to fight well below lvl 20
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

Arc Title: Terra Liberation Front: The Quantum Bomb
Arc ID:19848
Creator Global/Forum Name:@Cactus Brawler
Suggested V/H/N: Hero
Faction(s): Council and custom
Difficulty Level: Dear deities the last boss can be evil to face!
Synopsis:One day you are contacted by Shadowstar to help her investigate the disappearance of a friend and ally Shadowsight.
Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.
heres a few of the ones I knocked up for people when they wanted them:
IMHO a poster should tell you everything you need to know an arc, so I won;t include any descriptions (also that would take waaaaay too much effort )
My first arc:
Better the devil you know
The Bestest Radio Mission Ever
Bare Knuckles of Rage
Childhood Horrors
Twisted Tongue
Rise of the Blood Countess
__________________________________________________ _________________________________________________
Theres more doing rounds out there somewhere, but be damned if I can remember where I saved them
As a sort of secret rule I didn't do any [censored] arcs, so I'd reccomend pretty much all of these. But I'd especially suggest "The bestest Radio Mission Ever" and "Rise of the Blood Countess"
Arc Title: Enter the WildFire
Arc ID: 10665
Creator Global/Forum Name: @BW
Suggested V/H/N: Heroic
Faction(s): Nemesis (with a custom boss)
Difficulty Level: Medium
Synopsis: A strange dimensional annomoly has conserned SERAPH. They've asked you to look into what came through.
So how do you want to be done? Medium, Well or Extra Crispy?
@BW. The REAL @BW.... oh alright, @Catheram
Honourable United
Perhaps I missed it, but I thought the point of this thread was to show off artwork not the arcs themselves.
If not...we have like 12 of these thereads in the Beta forums
Sojourns right.
CactusBrawler and Black_Wildfire....The clue is in the board name... CREE....AYYY....TIV
Could it be any clearer? There are people actually making things to try and promote an of those things they are making, you might have heard of it, effort.
I assume you just couldn't be bothered. I'm sure that will reflect in your arcs.
I'll play them and mark them accordingly.
Some good stuff there Sojourn.
I started the same thread on the US forums and Soul_Train posted this flyer, I love it and wanted to share it here: (assuming he/she doesn't mind, publicity is publicity right?)
Soul Train: Origins
Arc: 9590
Levels: 1-14, 5-30, 1-14
Length: Medium
Contains: Skulls, Lost (Rikti at level 30), Custom Boss, Rescue, Timed Mission, Ally.
Synopsis: Origin of Soul Train, told as a flashback "story". Low-level friendly, although end boss might prove dicey without help.
Author: @SoulTrain
[/ QUOTE ]
Huge thanks to Snow_Globe and the City Scoop team.
Just to let anyone who has posted an Ad in this thread know, the City Scoop is willing to run the ads in upcoming issues. To have your ad appear on its pages submit your ad to the City Scoop submissions thread here:
(any EU only players can use a trial account to access the US boards)
There are some restrictions though:
# Image dimensions
# Full width pictures should be no more than 750 pixels wide.
# Single column width pictures should be no more than 350 pixels wide.
# Half-column width pictures should be no more than 150 pixels wide.
The maximum height is 890 pixels high.
If you want a link to a larger version, that is able to be done.
No video or audio ads, sorry. The forum restrictions prevent it.
[/ QUOTE ]
The Rise of the Blood Countess
@Elizabeth Bathory
5-mission arc travelling through time. A horror story involving blood, vampires, ghosts and the likes. Some canon content... and challenge... This is not a simple go-in-and-hit arc! And be careful with the reputation settings! I mean it!
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

For the ones I've done see the following thread:
I'm still working on them (3 on the go at the moment) but RL keeps getting in the way!
I've been talking with a few people on here and in game about this and it seems that a few people have created flyers/posters/videos/general eye candy in order to promote and market their Mission Architect creations, as well as just for fun.
Anyone wishing to show off their glorious creations and start selling their arcs to us is invited to do so here.
Along with a link to your poster/flyer/video/etc pop up the following (optional) information which should be enough for interested players to find your mission easily within the system.
(As far as I know only one of the top two items would be needed for a player to find your arc)
Arc Title:
Arc ID:
Creator Global/Forum Name:
Suggested V/H/N:
Difficulty Level:
Link to More Details or Feedback:
Please remember that there will be opportunity to talk about your arc at length when the MA forum section is created so please keep the synopsis brief or create a link to more details/feedback.