Mr. Wuffles' Big Inf Event!




I'll start by cutting right to the chase. You could win up to 200 million influence! And a minimum of 20 million! Read on to see what the hell I'm on about.

Mr Wuffles' Big Inf Event

To celebrate my Claws/Regen scrapper being IO'd fully, I am holding a mass event in which a few chosen heroes from the union server will compete with each other to win big inf prizes.

But what exactly is it? This event consists of many competitions. Each competition will yeild points and at the end of the event, the hero with the most points comes first and so on. It will kind of be like a league table.

Due to the fact that I am putting a lot of influence into this competition, I have to regretfully limit the size of the event to 10 heroes. Those who will compete will be selected through a process which will be explained further down.

The event will run from June 1st (1/6/'09) until October 1st (1/10/'09). There will be various competitions held and a time limit given to complete them, this will vary with each competition. Due to the length of this competition, I would ask that you only apply if you will stick with it. Each competitor is allowed 3 'passes' where they can skip a competition and get the points allocated to last place. However once these 3 passes are used up, if a competitor misses another competition then they will be disqualified and the prize for last place will be split amongst the remaining places. (E.G. If one hero drops out, the last prize of 20 million will split and each prize will go up by roughly 2 million.) Note: If you can't compete in a few competitions and have used your passes, you must let me know in advance. For good reasons I might let you stay in the competition.

The Prizes

1st place = 200,000,000
2nd place = 175,000,00o
3rd place = 150,000,000
4th place = 125,000,000
5th place = 100,000,000
6th place = 75,000,000
7th place = 60,000,000
8th place = 50,000,000
9th place = 40,000,000
10th place= 20,000,000

Prizes will be given out sometime after October 1st. A specific date will be chosen near the end of the competition.

Competitions Held
I don't want to reveal too many details about the competitions now but they will cover a wide range of categories, both in-game and outside the game. A few of these categories are : Art (drawings etc.), Creative (bio writing, short story etc.) and of course, a costume competition. There will be ten competitions held throughout the event and everyone can pick up points just by trying. (The point system will be explained more closer to the date).

How To Apply
Now the part where you see how to get in with a chance to earn a lot of influence. Since I am only having 10 competitors, I had to come up with a way to filter through all applicants and pick those I think will make the competition interesting and won't give up halfway through. All applications should be sent to me by email ( or alternatively,you can send an in-game E-mail to Mr Wuffles. The subject should be 'Competition - Application for <insert hero name here>'. Below are some guidelines as to what should be in the email:

-> Character you will use, give the name, archtype, level and powersets. This is because if possible, I would like to have a variety of heroes in the event rather than 10 scrappers or something like that. Also you must use the same character for any in-game competitions for the duration of the event, so choose wisely. If you delete the character you won't be able to compete in any in-game competitions.

-> What you will use the influence prize for. This is just out of curiosity so I can think about prizes in future events (yes by the way, if this goes well I will do it again).

-> If you have any links to websites that contain drawings or stories or anything done by you (e.g. deviantart, wordpress etc.). This can let me see your talents so once again, I can get variety into the competition.

-> If you will stay comitted. Proof can be given if you wish (e.g. a link to a nanowrimo/dramo page with work you did for it or any other large, long duration projects). This is not to say that if you havn't done one of those that I won't pick you, I want to mix it up a bit.

Just a few last minute notes:

-> Any applications posted in this thread won't be counted.

-> If you would like to join a channel for discussing this event, send me an ingame tell (Global Handle : @Mr. Wuffles )

-> If you have any questions that weren't answered in this thread, please PM me and I will get back to you A.S.A.P.

So come one! Come all! Get those applications in swiftly! (And yes I will take note of how early you get them in )
And most of all! Have fun! I hope it all goes well and I will hopefully have a repeat in the future a short while after this concludes!

Your favourite hero,
Mr. Wuffles



Very interesting! Going to keep my eye on this one! Will send you an aplication when i log on in the morning!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Applied myself, sounds like alot of fun!



Application in the post x

Consciousness: that annoying time between naps.



Colour me applied, too.

Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)



Thanks for the sticky Avatea

And Donna, if by "Application in the post" you mean you're still writing it, thats okay because I havn't received it yet



Only received 5 actual applications so far If you havn't sent one in simply 'cause you keep putting it off, please don't put it off and just send it in!



Due to lack of interest and the fact that I'm quiting the game come August when my account expired, I have decided to scrap this competition altogether. I will probably do some costume competitions instead now and then instead, sorry for any inconvenience caused.



Why you're quitting?



Because i14 has ruined the game for me



Just... don't play MA arcs? lol

Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)



You gave a competition 10 days for entries over a bank holiday week? There are probably a few people who enter every competition almost compulsively but I would say a fair few people hardly ever check this page (For example I just found it). Also since you mentioned prizes in October I am sure people thought there was plenty of time to enter.

And also you decided to quit the game in 4 months time due to something you don't like right now? I know you can't cancel your subs but don't most people who hate something stop straight away?

Both those sound quite strange to me.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



In the previous post sorry for the [Re: Capt_Starblayde] part, not sure how that happened.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



I14 did major damage to playerbase, do not try to deny that (except if you haven't visit Atlas for the last week or you don't want to compute how that affect us all in the quest of finding teams, MA or no MA).

Also, people dedicated to CoH and competitions, hardly could miss a sticky thread during new issue launch, even at holidays...



PrincessDarkstar, my stupid dad had bought 6 months subscription for me (despite me telling him not to bother and just to pay for 1 month at a time) and thats why my account doesn't run out for ages. But I'm only going on the game now and then when there's nothing to do, and tend to log off after about 5 minutes



But I'm only going on the game now and then when there's nothing to do, and tend to log off after about 5 minutes

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats an awful shame Wuffley, give us a call when you're next on-duty, we'll have to team.

Wishing you all the best with your revised costume competitions.



I14 did major damage to playerbase, do not try to deny that (except if you haven't visit Atlas for the last week or you don't want to compute how that affect us all in the quest of finding teams, MA or no MA).

[/ QUOTE ]
I haven't actually been on since the day i14 launched and it looked busy enough then (Although there was a big lull prior to that), but last night it really did look fairly quiet.

I know a few people have left the game due to the perceived forcing us into pvp (Which I can understand and will drive me away if it gets and worse) and not liking the MA (Which I can't because people will be back on normal missions soon enough I think once the novelty wears off).

Also, people dedicated to CoH and competitions, hardly could miss a sticky thread during new issue launch, even at holidays...

[/ QUOTE ]
I think it was aimed at more than the dedicated few though, and it seems the regulars did find it - the others seem to need more time to get over the MA'ness.

PrincessDarkstar, my stupid dad had bought 6 months subscription for me (despite me telling him not to bother and just to pay for 1 month at a time) and thats why my account doesn't run out for ages. But I'm only going on the game now and then when there's nothing to do, and tend to log off after about 5 minutes

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah the joy of parents listening to what you tell them

Finally - I just want to apologise Mr.Wuffles if I offended you earlier on, thats not how I meant it although it doesn't really read the friendliest, so I am sorry.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



and not liking the MA (Which I can't because people will be back on normal missions soon enough I think once the novelty wears off).

[/ QUOTE ]
That's the problem exactly! When "the novelty wears off"?
...because until then, it's way too hard to get a team that does decent missions.



What abouts the peoples that did apply? Do we not get any recognition for trying?



That's the problem exactly! When "the novelty wears off"?
...because until then, it's way too hard to get a team that does decent missions.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe it's wearing off already, as I managed to get a random invite to a team for Manticore's TF - which was nice. Now for Numina and Imperious!

Blueside Union: Starblayde (Blaster), Pax Imperia (Tanker), Pax Britannia (Defender)
Redside Union: Natasha Redshade (Stalker)



Maybe we can persuade Mr. Wuffles to resume normal operations of this event then?
I am not that creative to apply for it, but it is great to see those kind of events happening!



What abouts the peoples that did apply? Do we not get any recognition for trying?

[/ QUOTE ]

I forgot to say sorry to those that applied for getting your hopes up. Who knows, my mind might change within the 4 months. But even if it does, I won't be resuming this competition for a while.

But I have quit and come back twice in my 3 years (almost) on CoH. And my 'time away' only ended up lasting a few weeks last time so you never know...