something fishy




i've noticed late at night for a few days now there have been two lvl 1 brutes standing in fort darwin not moving, pretty much all night.

they show up on my team member search and they were lvl 1 for so long i decided to fly over and investigate. maybe offer some help if they were new.

they're acting very much like WoW gold sellers.
call me a worry wart but i think theres something rather fishy about them.
one of them is even wearing the basic "cancell all changes" costume.

the names are EDITED.

anyone else seen these chaps?
what say you



From your description, it sounds like an exploit.

Have you tried talked to them?

BTW, I've never seen them, but it sounds suspicious.



yeah. their status is afk, but i tried chatting a bit in local, gave em both a fire shield for giggles and didnt get any response.

they were gone when i logged but theyre there a lot. just by the flyer like they hardly moved at all from the create screen



From your description, it sounds like an exploit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Iv got to ask, what do you think 2 chars standing in mercy are exploiting?



they could be contact points for inf selling

they could be accounts hooked up to a monitor that records all names that appear on the team search menu, refresh and list compare done at intervals could build up a list of playernames for spamming emails.

they could be bot accounts auto generated



they could be contact points for inf selling

they could be accounts hooked up to a monitor that records all names that appear on the team search menu, refresh and list compare done at intervals could build up a list of playernames for spamming emails.

they could be bot accounts auto generated

[/ QUOTE ]

They could be standing there talking.



expensive instant chat client though

depends how long they were there, but the names are obviously spur of the moment type of names you see spambots use to sign up to internet forums (i've seen many many spam accounts) and the fact that the AT was Brute (first choice on the list) + the costume was default leads me to think that the characters were created by a bot of some description. it would be interestign to see the powersets and the power choice, also if there is a link to a website in the character description

of course they could be real players. But the description given points to an increased possibility of being bots or spam accounts. I never said "they're definitely positively bots/scammers" I only answered your question about what the exploit could be



expensive instant chat client though

depends how long they were there, but the names are obviously spur of the moment type of names you see spambots use to sign up to internet forums (i've seen many many spam accounts) and the fact that the AT was Brute (first choice on the list) + the costume was default leads me to think that the characters were created by a bot of some description. it would be interestign to see the powersets and the power choice, also if there is a link to a website in the character description

of course they could be real players. But the description given points to an increased possibility of being bots or spam accounts. I never said "they're definitely positively bots/scammers" I only answered your question about what the exploit could be

[/ QUOTE ]

To be honest i havent got a clue what they are there for, i dont really give a monkeys, people should report them if it makes them feel good, not name and shame them on the forum.

Like you i was just trying to make a point, that not everything has a sinister undertone.



Also,, even if they're "bad" Naming and shaming isn't allowed on the forum, so if Big Red A. feels evil you might get a temp. ban from the forum, or more likely a warning.

If you think it's fishy and feel heroic(?) petition them.



i was just trying to be helpfull

a ban is unnecessary.
i wont be posting here again



you dont think one of them could be a seccond or 3rd account filling for a farming spawn do you? I mean from the name and everything

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



i was just trying to be helpfull

a ban is unnecessary.
i wont be posting here again

[/ QUOTE ]

Now don't be like that!
Just pointing out that the rednames can sometimes be very rigid about name'n'shame. I've had a few warnings myself for that during the epic out-of-body flamewars. (Yes, I think I might hold the record for the longest non-perma forum ban actually, and OMG it was definitely worth it )

They *may* be bad guys and it's good you find them and report them, and we like more ppl on the forum, it's just that you're not allowed to shout out their names here since they might actually be ok.

Asfar as I'm concerned, feel free to bring out the tar and feathers and deal with the situation properly!



_scum_ please send me a private message with the times and days when you could see them ingame too, it would be most helpful And I have removed the names from your original post but don't worry I can see you had good intentions. Please include them in your private message.


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There's a weird on in Atlas Park on Defiant too - but I've not seen it for a week or two now - but before, it was always in WW for hours and hours - but always level 1

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



I've just got sent a email about a RMT PL; actually 2, from exactly the same person.

I've never seen this person, but I guess it must be the same person you're talking about.

So it must be something fishy.



i new it.



I got an email as well but so far only on one alt. That was the same one that I was logging into alot over the last week getting ready for the hamidon raid.
If i log the email as spam does that also report it?



Apparently the devs get notified if you spam the e-mail mate.

Found out today.



Thats good as I have had 4 e-mail from 3 deferent names
but only on the one alt.