Chest thumping
Can you not just set their opening animation to use /e tarzan?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
Im sure the Unyielding power from the Invulnerability set make you beat your chest too.
The screenshots I have seen didn't give any indication that you could set animations.
Invunerability would be better than regen. Or I could use the powers from a Garvord.
I really should do something about this signature.
I thought there was a setting for opening animation on the screenshots?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
No it doesn't. I hate that emote as well. It gives a character an impression of being behind in evolution. It's alright if you want that but I can't stand it.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
I thought there was a setting for opening animation on the screenshots?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ah yes, found it!
But wouldn't it play continously while the mob was passive? could look a bit silly unless there was a goodly pause in between.
Hijacking the Garvord powers might be better, as they almost always activate Intergation at the start of a battle.
I really should do something about this signature.
Hijacking the Garvord powers might be better, as they almost always activate Intergation at the start of a battle.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes probably. Of course, maybe your gorilla is just a bit crazy and constantly beats his chest.
I suspect there's going to be a few funny looping animations when the MA first appears (unless you can set a pause, in which case the devs did good in thinking about it).
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
Unstoppable from Invulnerability uses the tarzan emote.
No it doesn't. I hate that emote as well. It gives a character an impression of being behind in evolution. It's alright if you want that but I can't stand it.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hah me too. It is so bad one of my favorite powers use that emote as well, Force of Nature from Force Epic.
Out of curiosity, how are you going to make an ape? My attempts with the costume creator have been... unsatisfactory.
It's a bit meh, but I need it so it will have to do. I'll post the costume file when I get home.
It would be animations that would "sell" it though.
I really should do something about this signature.
Yet another example of why I wish players had access to the Beast body type (Warwolves, Dwarves).
That would help, but it is the lack of "monstrous fur" for normal legs/feet that is the real pain.
I really should do something about this signature.
CostumeFilePrefix Huge
Scale 25
BoneScale 1
ShoulderScale 1
ChestScale 1
WaistScale 0.9568
LegScale -0.1
HeadScales 1, -1, 1
BrowScales 1, -1, 1
CheekScales 1, 1, -1
ChinScales 1, -1, 1
CraniumScales 1, -1, -1
JawScales 1, -1, 1
NoseScales 1, 1, -1
SkinColor 0, 0, 0
NumParts 27
BodyType 4
CostumePart ""
Geometry Tight
Texture1 !hips_V_Skin_Zombie_01
Texture2 !hips_skin_necro_zombie_01_dual
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Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry Tight
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Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_HUGE_HEAD.GEO/GEO_Head_V_Deformed_02
Texture1 Skin_V_Deformed_02
Texture2 Skin_V_Deformed_02_Mask
DisplayName P687117166
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BodySetName "Full Masks"
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Geometry V_HUGE_GLOVE.GEO/GEO_LArm*_Monstrous_01
Texture1 Skin_V_Monstrous_Hair_01
Texture2 Skin_V_Monstrous_Hair_01b
DisplayName P3937616722
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Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
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Geometry Flat
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Texture2 none
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Geometry none
Texture1 none
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Geometry none
Texture1 none
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DisplayName P2793026233
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Fx none
Geometry none
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Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
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DisplayName P2371314042
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Geometry none
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Color3 255, 255, 255
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Fx none
Geometry none
Texture1 none
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Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
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CostumePart ""
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Geometry none
Texture1 none
Texture2 none
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Fx none
Geometry none
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Texture2 none
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
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Texture2 none
Color1 255, 255, 255
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 255, 255, 255
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Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
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Color4 0, 0, 0
CostumePart ""
Color1 0, 0, 0
Color2 0, 0, 0
Color3 0, 0, 0
Color4 0, 0, 0
I really should do something about this signature.
Which powers use the chest thumping emote?
The ones I can think of are Tough and Intergration, are there any others?
I'm trying to put an ape into an MA mission, I don't particularly want to give them /Regen.
I really should do something about this signature.