Ok How Do I Do This
Pretty much anything combined with cold domination I'd think.
- @DSorrow - alts on Union and Freedom mostly -
Currently playing as Castigation on Freedom
My Katana/Inv Guide
Anyone who doesn't take truth seriously in small matters cannot be trusted in large ones either. -Einstein
Elec/therm Corr can beat pretty much anything 1v1 in arena
Elec/Therm - lol. He was asking for ones that could beat his tank. Not ones that easily get beat!
@Sweet Chilli
Elec/therm Corr can beat pretty much anything 1v1 in arena
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Elec/Therm - lol. He was asking for ones that could beat his tank. Not ones that easily get beat!
@Sweet Chilli
How do you work that out chilli?
Heat loss then stay alive for the short amount of time till his end is completely gone, kill him. Repeat. If he counters by popping Geas etc just phase then repeat.
Anything that isnt high defence is going to have a hard time keeping enough end to do anything surely?
What have i missed?
Elec/Therm - lol. He was asking for ones that could beat his tank. Not ones that easily get beat!
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Kk i guess your like the best pvper on EU now so i understand why this ridiculous statement was made. Elec/therm will take out a fire/ss easily. Aim -> Heat exhaustion --> shortcircuit. If he pops geas, just as Charnell said you pop demonic or just run away til it ends. Once that ends hes gonna have no end really fast. He can pack 20 blues but it still wont matter, with perma heat exhaustion (which isn't hard to get) them blues will be gone within the first 3-4 mins of the duel seeing as fiery armour is quite end heavy, not to mention the constant rage and hasten drops.
Once his end is starting to go you apply Melt Armour and he will drop in no time.
Well fire/ss cannot get end protection like some sets out there, but I would expect anyone going up against anything elec or therm to pack blues.
The therm will only have perma HE if they survive until the tank runs out of blues which may be over 7 mins into the fight. If a fire/ss tank cannot kill a corr in that time then they have more to worry about than their endurance.
If the tank does kill the corr in that time then the corr's chance to have perma HE is severely depleated.
@Sweet Chilli
err HE isnt heat loss, we are talking about a thermal here not a cold lol, Heat exhaustion goes on your target for 30 seconds does -50% dmg i think and -recov -regen, it affects yourself in no way what so ever.
Well fire/ss cannot get end protection like some sets out there, but I would expect anyone going up against anything elec or therm to pack blues.
The therm will only have perma HE if they survive until the tank runs out of blues which may be over 7 mins into the fight. If a fire/ss tank cannot kill a corr in that time then they have more to worry about than their endurance.
If the tank does kill the corr in that time then the corr's chance to have perma HE is severely depleated.
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Heat Exhaustion will just drain their end. Add the Elec attacks. Pop blues like mad it wont stop it. With just hasten you can have HE up every 44 seconds. Shaving those last 4 seconds off will hardly cost the earth?
And even the two sets with end protection would struggle. Dark gets 86% protection? Mids has HE at 276.8% -recovery.
And forget your arbitrary 7 minute figure. Imagine the rage crash with HE on you all the time. And every single attack by the therm is draining end away.
Also at any point the therm gets in a bad place he just hiber/phases. The tanker has no option to do this. Even if they had picked phase its useless without end.
There are always exceptions to the rule. A good player can overcome the odds with forethought and skill. Well less so in i13 but still possible. But a fire/ss tank vs an elec/therm corr is a very one sided battle. A heavily slotted tanker may well be able to get by with huge recovery bonuses but if the therm is heavily slotted too with say +rech and a load of defence imo it would be a foregone conclusion.
Easy win for the thermal, it wouldn't even have to be elec.
Not much will beat a decent thermal especially as you don't have to worry about being mez'd .
Max Powerz: Lv 50 Tanker
Max Khaos: Lv 50
Overlord of E.V.I.L.
My Brute - http://maxy-khaos.mybrute.com/
LF SG! Arc ID# 193083
I know.
Your thermy was fearsome pre i13 and still damn powerful :P
Not the authority on I13 pvp here, but surely a tray full of winds rather than cabs would sort this out.
This was always the downfall of -end builds in I12. If inspirations can beat it, it's not an overpowered build.
I arena'd chilli's kin/elec around I11 and came to the same conclusion.
Happy to be proven wrong in I13, I just hate it too much to test
especially as you don't have to worry about being mez'd .
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I think that may be the overriding point :P
Therm is worse than a kin. Kins end drain comes in chunks and is easier to mitigate. Dangerous but I find them more annoying than deadly.
Once that crackling sound starts when I am in RV I just run directly to a safe place. And wait what feels like a lifetime to get my end back.
Procced out claws stalker with shockwave slotted for range. :V
Well, they won't have no end if they pick up blues so they would be able to phase. If they had it...but I can't see many tanks picking that up.
I just think you 2 are only seeing one side of the fight. You both forfetting that the tank is going to be beating on the corr while the corr waits for the tank to run out of blues?
@Sweet Chilli
Why dont we just settle this? Go duel Max's therm.
I think in any melee vs Max he will win.
Sadly I only have a Fire/BA...
@Sweet Chilli
Okaii my mate is a fieryaura/superstrength tanker
He kicks my lvl 50 bs/regen scrapper in a 1on1 duel easy
I am wondering what AT and powersets would be able to beat him in a 1on1 duel
I was thinking these
ice/ss tank
wp/ss tank
bs/wp scrapper
dm/wp scrapper
dm/wp brute
ice/ss brute
or a ice/ice blaster
thermal/red corrupter
your opinions please and tell me fast :P