In The Land Of The Blind ((The Open RP Part))




Paragon City – Sunday 11th January 2009
Around the city, people wait. They have turned on their televisions to see this person who has taken away 5 minutes of the regularly scheduled viewing. Some flick between channels, but to no avail; every channel shows the same, an announcement from Infinicorp. will follow shortly. Then the screens flick to black.

The screens flicker back to the scheduled programming; everyone watching sat in mild disbelief.

The video was already on Youtube, techno whizzes getting it transferred expediently, posting the URL on forums and blogs around the world:
Also transcripts of the message began to pop up all over the net, being analysed for any further meaning, or just for the disbelief:

“Greetings and salutations citizens of Paragon. I come to you today with a message; a message of hope, a message of duty and a message of Peace. For it was Vegetius who wrote, “If you want peace, prepare for War”.
I have fought for this city for many years now, I have done my duty. I have seen and orchestrated the downfall of many plots to corrupt and destroy this city. I have stopped the criminal element from going about their devious ways from the local hoodlums, to the demonic beings, to the invaders from other realms. No citizens, I am not looking for gratitude; I am looking for justice. For I have seen and done these things – but what for? I believed I was improving the city; but the criminals do minimal time, break out and escape, are ‘rescued’ by the hand of Arachnos – a force that the government won’t touch, and then these lowlifes are back doing what they were doing with equal fervor. They do not perceive a threat to what they do. They do not fear us. This, is going to change.
It is said that we protectors of paragon have 2 choices; “Die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain”. Well I was never the former; with the pain I caused in Eastgate, I fooled myself into thinking I could change; that redemption was the answer. It wasn’t. There is no such thing; the inmates of the Zig have proved this. A leopard does not change its spots, and neither do I. So I will take it upon myself to do for this city what must be done, what your heroes cannot. I’m going to end this, one bullet at a time.
So criminals and scum, listen up.
It is open season on crime; I no longer operate within the confines of my hero licence. Punishment for your crimes will be permanent, justice will be swift. My work has already begun, by me picking off some of the lowlife elements that inhabit Steel Canyon, and that warehouse in Independence Port. To even the playing field, as it were, I have relinquished my emergency transport beacon that ties me into the city network. So you can come for me if you want, and I will take you down in self defence; you heroes must see the sense in what I must do – so if you try and stop me, I will assume you are protecting these scum and are therefore with them. If not, then I have one piece of advice for you all. Run and hide.
I am coming.”

An explosion reverberates around the city. In Perez Park, a number of craters have appeared and the bodies of many vahzilok, skulls and circle of thorns lay strewn beside them.

The war has begun.

((Reactions please. Currently Infinitron is unaccounted for. Investigators may want to start at the Infinity building, Infinicorp. Headquarters, Steel Canyon [PM me if you want more details]. Any heroes who wear silver armour will be getting a lot of attention from villains and authorities alike; feel free to play that how you like.))



Time: 8:10

Sean sat as far back in his black leather office chair as he could, stareing blankly at the wall mounted 52" plasma screen tv on the wall oppersite him. He had watched the message from Infinitron on it and down sat there in pure shock and disbelief.
"Coms..C-Coms, tell me that was some kind of very bad joke.. or a fake message.. tell me that wasn't what I think it means." Sean spoke breaking the slience of the room.
"Sean, Sadly I am unable to do so, however I shall investigate the matter and get-" Coms voice came over his desk top speaker near him before cutting off suddenly.
"Sean.. just got a message from a old friend of yours, seems there been an attack in Perez Park.. quite a lot of gang memebers have been taken out." Gemme's voice came from the Speaker.
"Drat.. fine im going to go see if there's something or way I can help down there." Sean said getting up from his seat and walking over towards the door, "I take it the Transport network is running right now."



Edward grinned, "ahh so it was Infinitron that did the killings, oh well, a lesson learned but information gained.."

Edward leaned back in his chair, taking up a cup of coffee as he rewatched the footage on youtube..."it seems someone else has seen the light that the only way to truly rid Paragon of all criminal elements is to apply a true form of justice that no smarmy lawyer or corrupt Judge can save them from...I wish I could say that it was by my hand they had seen the light but I guess all paths lead to enlightenment...."

Edward chuckled, "guess now is the time to hit and hit of their brightest and best has seen the light...perhaps it's time to show both heroes AND villains just how powerless they are..."

Edward brought up his plans, reviewing them, "first I need to see if I can pull this off, no point having a plan flounder at the intial stages..."

Edward smiled, "let's see if I can get in contact with this Infinitron first...he may be a worthy ally..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Red sky at night, Sheperds delight, Red sky at morning, Hellions warning...
The Hellion stuffed the rag into the bottle and lit it. Winding back his arm to hurl the molotov cocktail in through the window; he was understandably surprised with the fact it shattered and exploded at the peak of its arc above his head. Covering him in the flammable liquid which promptly did what it was desgned to do - combust.
Screaming and writhing around in pain, the others around him turned in panic. His screaming stopped abruptly as another shot rang out tearing through his cerebrum.
The others began to run; but they could not run fast or far enough. One by one they fell; one shot, one kill.
The last one, backed into an alley, crouched down, he cried for mercy. As the figure of Infinitron shimmered into view and raised his rifle, he merely shook his head and took the shot.
Before the body had even slumped to the floor, Infinitron was gone.

The guards at the Perez Park hazard gate were knocked over by a sudden gust that ripped past them. Looking at each other puzzled, they shrugged and got back to their feet.




Flashpoint blinked, "...For god sake. Always the nuts." slipping into her armour she spoke to the room at large, "BODI, rescheduale my use of the training room please..." as she strolls out the door, "I will arrange for it to happen." Flash grinned as she reached the doors of the tower and stepped into the sunlight, "Time to put myself to the test." and rocketed off, searching for Infinitron.... "Oh and run checks of the city for murders." putting her hand to her ear as she runs

[Union Roleplayers]Kiken: Tick the off in your Observer Book of Lesbians
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: we need a perma-man feature
[Union Roleplayers]Nitro v. IV: I'd trust you more if you did it in front of me

Gotta love dem dere RolePlayers



Efranof stared blankly at the television screen after the announcement. His armour and weapons rattled as he got up, cracking his knuckles and putting his hand on a table covered in various melee and ballistic weapons. He picked up a high power sniper rifle and slug it over his back, slowly disappearing into a black mist. He saw an oppertunity to clean up the streets without worry and he took it.

Sunday, 8:23am, multiple shots rang through Kings Row as the butchers who serve Doctor Vahzilok fell to the ground with a fatal head wound. Efranof kept to the rooftops and shadows, hiding from the naked eye and firing towards the mercyless killers, eventually stopping after running out of ammunition. He took a sigh of relief, "S'pose better go after the nut too.." And with that, he fell into the ground, a dark mist staying behind, eventually dissipating as ambulance sirens approached the scene.

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



8:10 AM

"Miss Molly?"

Molly Longstaff groaned quietly as she was slowly pulled from the land on Nod by the voice of her android butler Erica.

"Miss Molly, please wake up. I have something that may be of interest to you."

"Just a few more minutes, okay?" Molly muttered as she shuffled a little in her bed. "So... need... a few more..."

"Miss Molly, it's concerning the hero known as Infinitron. You know, the one that sh..."

"Wait, what?" Molly blinked as she remained still under her quilt. "What about him?"

"He's... gone completely off his rocker, it seems, Miss. Completely turned vigilante, it seems."

"WHAT!?" Molly yelled as she sat bolt upright in her bed, flinging the quilt off herself in the process and just about revealing all to the small camera drone hovering directly in front of her. A cough emerged from the drone.

"Miss," Erica's voice uttered from the hovering drone. "You may wish to cover youself. This drone is streaming to the DataSpace."

"Eep!" Molly squeaked as she rushed to drag the quilt back up to neck level. "Totally not a great start to the day, huh?"

"Indeed, Miss. Shall I send you the broadcast he made while you get dressed?"

"Sure thing, thanks."


8:15 AM

Alright, Erica! Molly communicated silently with her butler as she stormed out of her bedroom wearing her pink dress and high heels, making a bee-line for the kitchen, and in turn, her toaster. This is the plan... for now. I want Longsword Prime set to Surveillence Mode and shifted over Perez Park. Get a trace on that broadcast running. I've got a train to Steel to catch.

Molly then casually dropped a slice of bread into the toaster and slammed the lever down.


Erica stood at the centre of the spherical supersystem that was the DataSpace, raising a brow at Molly's final sentence: She had a train to catch.

"Very well, Miss." The machine butler responded as two windows popped up on the walls of the DataSpace: one displaying a simple world map along with a single blip pointing out the location of the mislaunched satellite Longsword Prime, and the other window, showing what appeared to be a chibi version of Erica herself, holding a magnifying glass in her hand. Above her head was a white speech bubble which read: "TRACE IN PROGRESS. You may want to go put the kettle on!"

"Indeed." Erica muttered as she stepped forward, making her way out of the DataSpace as blip slowly moved over Rhode Island.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Edward smiled, "let's see if I can get in contact with this Infinitron first...he may be a worthy ally..."

[/ QUOTE ] Cassandra placed her hands on Edward's shoulders, kneading her fingers in as she massaged them and leaning over his shoulder to glance at his plans. She smiled, kissing his cheek.

"Let me take care of that, daddy"

She opened a portal and stepped into it, vanishing into its void as collapsed.

Red sky at night, Sheperds delight, Red sky at morning, Hellions warning...
The Hellion stuffed the rag into the bottle and lit it. Winding back his arm to hurl the molotov cocktail in through the window; he was understandably surprised with the fact it shattered and exploded at the peak of its arc above his head. Covering him in the flammable liquid which promptly did what it was desgned to do - combust.
Screaming and writhing around in pain, the others around him turned in panic. His screaming stopped abruptly as another shot rang out tearing through his cerebrum.
The others began to run; but they could not run fast or far enough. One by one they fell; one shot, one kill.
The last one, backed into an alley, crouched down, he cried for mercy. As the figure of Infinitron shimmered into view and raised his rifle, he merely shook his head and took the shot.
Before the body had even slumped to the floor, Infinitron was gone.

The guards at the Perez Park hazard gate were knocked over by a sudden gust that ripped past them. Looking at each other puzzled, they shrugged and got back to their feet.

[/ QUOTE ]Cassandra watched the killer at work, clutching a police report detailed the probable sequence of events that led up to finding the bodies. She smiled as she read the report, thinking how closely the forensics had been into the order of death and exactly what had killed them. As she caught a glimpse of her target, speeding away, she snapped his aura in her mind and closed the report, post-dated from today.

"Now to see about a meeting..."

She opened a portal behind her and stepped back, vanishing into it.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



The vahzilok eidolon looked to his surgeons,
"Get these bodies inside now, the army needs replenishing and we..."
he stopped as something bounced against his foot. Looking down, he saw the small round object. It was the last thing he saw.

As the grenade exploded, the Eidolon was vapourised immediately, the mortificators however were not so lucky. Their legs were torn from their body, and they flailed on the floor screaming in pain. Luckily for them, their pain was short lived.
The sniper rounds hit them before they even heard the shots.

A hundred metres away, the trees rustled slightly as something within them moved.



It was early in the morning and Emily hadn't got much sleep. This in itself wasn't that unusual, she spent far longer awake than asleep these days. But even with the body modifications Dynamo WeaponsTech where paying her to test (Or at least that's how the story went) keeping her keen and alert for days on end, Emily had hit one of those times where she knew sleep would help and yet she couldn't relax enough to get it.

She'd always worried that one day someone was going to topple the set up Heroes had. Whole groups of Super Powered individuals, legal vigilantism and almost no oversight was a set up so good for someone so in love with independence as Emily that when someone did try to topple it, they lost sleep.

"Idiot" she said out loud as she went over the cork board she'd set up, coloured string joining scraps of information and articles to visualize her over crowded thoughts on the matter. "If it is him." Emily One had met Infinitron a few times and he didn't seem the sort to flip so easily. Until evidence of something traumatic turned up, it was better to assume Infinitron himself was MIA and someone else was wearing the mask.

Tracking the killer through the materials were useless. Ammunition was easy to find and didn't take up a lot of space. One van could keep him supplied with enough to make a sea of corpses and if he just took off the mask and put on a different one he could buy more with no paper trails at any of the less desirable districts in the city.

The video was useless too, no background clues, no reflections other than the camera itself, voiced garbled beyond descrambling Emily had access too and anything else had been picked over on the internet. All it did was confirm intent.

The best hope she had for a start would be at InfiniCorp itself. Somewhere there was a schematic for the suit and with that came opportunities to catch it out. After that came searching his home and office for clues, he'd likely not left a helpful note explaining where he'd gone but at least evidence to what caused this break might turn up.

She'd get her gear on the fly from Dynamo's teleport network a little thankful that she'd taken the time to set that all up. Having a rifle on the streets today would cause problems.

Flicking off the light to her home and taking the tactical visor from the hook by the door, affixing it over her head with a satisfying 'Kachunk' Emily stepped out into the early morning. She didn't have an appointment at InfiniCorp, but she found in times like these that didn't really matter.



With a heavy thud, the rockets cutting off sharply, Infinitron landed on a building overlooking his own.
Seeing the banner down the side of it, and noticing the logo of Doctor Mechano on it, he merely shook his head.

He then felt a tingle in his back, spinning around he found a clockwork hovering behind him, giving its all in electrocuting him. He merely stepped forward, grabbed its head in his hand and released energy as he crushed it; cogs and bits of metal falling to the floor.
Throwing the remains down, he tapped a panel on his wrist and a layout of the city was projected, with several spots highlighted. Tapping again, it retracted.

With a shimmer, he was gone.



With a sudden flash of light, which filled the room briefly, Sean appeared on the teleporter pad. Taking a moment to get his composure before stepping off of it he quickly walked past the rest of the pads and to the door.
"Coms take it the package has been sent to my lab yes?" Sean called out walking down the corridor.
"Of course Sean, and the other package has been sent down during your transport to the location you gave me earlyer on." Coms voice boomed out from seemingly no where.
"Good, however im still not completely sure I should be helping him.. given what he's done." Sean muttered stopping at a door a tapping something into the keypad next to it.
"Sean this is Mr Joseph Infinus after all, and you are counted down as a friend of his." Coms voice came out again before the doors opened infront of Sean to show a lift.
Stepping inside Sean tapped a button as the doors closed.

"Yes I know but still he wanted everything we had on Edward.. plus he is the one doing those killings.. it's just.. you know how much trouble I can get in for helping him." Sean said glancing around him, as if checking for something.
"Indeed Fedal offence.. is something the matter?" Coms voice said as a small screen appeared on the wall of the lift and his Wireframe head appeared on it.
"I.. well checking for bugs.. and it's odd Gem's stopped calling.. and wasn't there to meet me on the pad." Sean said as the lift came to a stop, the doors opening up to his lab, the same as it was in the Warehouse base everything in the same place and the exact same look apart from the shipping boxes carefully placed on each work table.
"Ah yes she has worn herself out and fell asleep, I thought that would allow you to wokr on your new item there." Coms voice said as his head appeared on the screens around the room.
"Ah excellent.. however you know the knockout gas thing will only make her even more mad at me?" Sean asked walking out of the lift and to the shipping boxes, "Of course that I can worry about later.. I take it everything has been delievered and we are ready to work most of the night on uprades to it yes?"



Near the statue of galaxy girl, behind one of the large rocks, the leaves began to rustle. Shimmering in and out of view, a figure could be seen picking up a large folder before disappearing; muttering to himself,
"Thanks Sean".



A short while after the rooftop watcher left a Toyota Hilux drove into the parking lot and found a space. There were plenty to choose from, the facility had been near abandoned for months following a mass murder of staff. Only one remained and that was where the truck was going later.

Out of it climbed two figures, Emily One now dressed in a black, professional buisness woman's outfit. Close range teleporters helped her a lot with looking the part these days, if you didn't mind the thought of losing a bit of skin if something went wrong. Her passenger was another woman, pale white and dressed as a personal assistant. Plain black jacket, pencil skirt and a black binder tucker under one arm. Her name was simply Beth, one of twenty female clones of Omega Chief her dour and calculating outlook on life left her a perfect match for Emily One. The two looked across the unkempt lawn at the large unfurled banner of Mechano.

"Are you certain this is worth our time?" asked Beth "Edward Mechano is too public. We won't get along with press well"

"Never certain" replied Emily "But keeping this going even more to the press is important. People are scared enough as it is about this Vigilante."

Falling silent, the pair enter the foyer of the building approaching a Reception Bot which stands listlessly behind the front desk. It brightens up seeing it has people to serve at last.

"Hello! Can I help you Ma'am?"

"I'm Emily Vickers. I'm here to review the place, weekly inspection of the staff"

"We currently have no staff Ms. Vickers. I was not aware of an inspection."

"Check with your temporary staffing contractor, you'll see this is authorized."

The robot clicks as it accesses some files, before nodding Emily through.

"Unusual, but you are scheduled. Have a nice day Ms. Vickers."

"Thank you. You too." smiled Emily. This whole thing had been arranged in the last few hours and taken a few favours, luckily good will was something you quickly amassed when playing as a Hero, even a hired one, especially one which mainly took missing persons cases.

So far things were going well, but it was early days yet.



The almost rhythmic clicking of high heels on concrete signalled Molly's arrival as she approached the InfiniCorp builing within Steel Canyon. The Pink One maintained a steady pace as she looked up at the banner down its side, raising a brow momentarily.

Miss, the trace you requested has worked its magic, the disembodied voice of Erica made its presence known within Molly's head. Nothing special, everything was pretty much legit.

I wouldn't say everything, Erica. Molly responded as she returned her attention to the main entrance.

Of course, Miss. I just figured the message itself and what he was implying would have went without saying.

Molly giggled quietly.

Okay, time for a little fieldwork, Erica. Get yourself over to the stations that put it out, poke around as much as you can, okay.

Consider it done, Miss.

Molly finally approached the doors and swung one of them open, catching sight of two women dressed in black as she let the door swing shut, followed by the sight of the reception bot as the two of them continued onward.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Cassandra waited on the roof of Infinicorp building, the sun had set a good long while ago. She held up a stop watch, smirking as it counted down a number of seconds. She waited, patiently.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Hearing the sliding of the main entrance, Emily turns to look at the new arrival. Beth on the other hand makes herself busy looking through the doorways, working her way along corridor as she searches for the Office they want.

"Ah, Miss Longstaff. Would you care to join us? We were just about to take a look around." says Emily with a very laid on formality.

Emily knew Molly.EXE, but not too well. She seemed a good soul and ignoring her would just hamper the investigation. Plus she had a way with technology that even Beth couldn't match.



Cassandra waited on the roof of Infinicorp building, the sun had set a good long while ago. She held up a stop watch, smirking as it counted down a number of seconds. She waited, patiently.

[/ QUOTE ]

A disembodied voice eminated from behind Cassandra.
"You have 10 seconds to tell me what you want before I put you down. I know you work with Edward Johnson, and that's the only reason you are still alive; what is his interest with me?" said the invisible metallic voice of Infinitron.



Cassandra held up the stopwatch as it read ten seconds as Infinitron's speech finished.

"He just wants a word. Pocket D, 8pm down the bottom of the monkey cage. You'll get the right day on your own."

She opened a portal and stepped through just as the stopwatch beeped on hitting zero, the portal collapsing into nothing as it went through.

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Hearing the sliding of the main entrance, Emily turns to look at the new arrival. Beth on the other hand makes herself busy looking through the doorways, working her way along corridor as she searches for the Office they want.

"Ah, Miss Longstaff. Would you care to join us? We were just about to take a look around." says Emily with a very laid on formality.

Emily knew Molly.EXE, but not too well. She seemed a good soul and ignoring her would just hamper the investigation. Plus she had a way with technology that even Beth couldn't match.

[/ QUOTE ]

Molly blinked momentarily, before giving a quick nod.

"Sure thing," she answered with a smile as she took a few steps toward Emily. "I'd love to."

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




At the monkey cages in Pocket D's; an occasional shimmer as the light was bent improperly could be noticed by the extremely observant. The cloaked figure waited.



Edward wandered down and smiled, "I know you're here Infinitron, you can drop the light show...after all that's what invisibilty is...a bending of light..."

Edward had come as his normal old man self instead of his demonic form...he felt it represented him better.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ashley Grey- Who was sitting the floor above the two strained her ears, trying to catch what was taking part on the floor below her as she continued to drink silently, trying to remain as inconspicuous as possible.



As the figure shimmered into view, it was clear it wasn't Infinitron, but instead his Reception Bot ((minus the arms)).
It's voice box kicked in automatically;
"Infinicorp. offices are currently closed. Please use the website for any correspondence. Mr. Infinus is not available, nor are any other staff", after which it clicked and whirred, and the pitch of it's voice changed.
"Greetings and salutations Edward Johnsson; as you can see I am unable to attend. I don't have time for your little games, and Zero's playground is not an appropriate place for myself at this moment in time. If you really want to meet me, I'm sure you can come and find me. Good day."
And with that the bot, clicked and whirred again and floated off, leaving the Doc to think things over.



Edward chuckled to himself, "hmm cunning...very well Infinitron...looks like it's me taking a risky venture into Paragon then..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!