In The Land Of The Blind ((The Open RP Part))




The group of three didn't take long to find the office. It was locked, but that was a minutes work to solve at best. Pushing open the door, the room felt slightly musty with a very thin layer of dust settling on everything. It was a standard office, with a large mahogany desk a computer and even a small coffee table stacked with magazines and papers and sofa for meeting with valued costumers at a more personable level.

"I'll search for electronics, you go over the normal Beth. Molly, the computers all yours if you want it." says Emily One, whipping out a small electronic wand that crackles as she sweeps for hidden devices starting with the lighting fixtures.

"Same as always, I'll be sure to check the trash this time" said Beth started to industrially go over the room using a small camera to photograph practically everything and then piling things onto the sofa as she finished to keep them out of the way. She even made good on her words and picked through the trash, placing a small crumpled post it note on the table along with a week old paper bearing a front page of Dr Mechano claiming responsibility for the InfiniCorp murders, the picture was crossed out in red pen.

"What's the note?" enquired Emily

"Not sure on all of them but Rachel Strauss is head of KGN for Paragon, Philip Donahue we've helped before he runs the Public Access, I think it's a list of TV executives. Would fit in with the message that went out. Maybe he actually paid for it, that's a trail worth checking on."

Emily mumbled approval as she started to go over the desk, trying to keep out of Molly's way. The wand picks up a buzz and leaning down to look under it she finds a small concealed button behind a tiny wood panel. Pressing it a section of the wall slides away, revealing a heavy blast door, keypad, retinal and fingerprint scanner.

Beth looks over from her pile "Now that's a nice find. Any idea how we're getting in?"

"A few" says Emily, looking between Beth and Molly "You two finish, it's not going anywhere though."



Ashley Gray sat and waited, taking advantage of the ravers in the area to see when, and where Edward would go. And when he left- she would be ready to follow him.



Monday 12th - Evening

A known murderer and high ranking member of the Warriors made a daring trip into Eastgate. Seems he was working with the Outcast mutants, planning a raid on the Trolls. Their meeting was in the open plains, a lone warrior heavy in conversation with a gang of ice-skinned youths. Something goes wrong and a fight breaks out, the warrior is hit square in the jaw, but he firms the impact and produces a long sword. With lightening speed, he impales one of the Outcast gangs, bright red blood oozed from the young man's heart as he keeled over in agony. Suddenly, a sharp noise like a miniature aeroplane zips past in a blur. All six gang members, warrior and outcasts alike, fell to their deaths, a bullet hole gaping from their foreheads.

Tuesday 13th - Midnight

A group of young Hellions have been guarding a dark alleyway for the past two hours, each taking turns to disappear into the shadows before re-emerging minutes later with their pants unzipped. The last three youths were now growing impatient and decided to disappear together. Minutes later, a young girl's prolonged screams are heard coming from deep inside the alley, followed by the thuds of fists pounding on flesh and the unmistakable sounds of broken ribs. Suddenly, a slender bullet zoomed through the air and disappeared into the darkness, quickly followed by seven other flying rounds ushering in the disconcerting, crunching sound of human skulls imploding. Seconds later, a blood-drenched teenage girl staggered out of the alleyway, her clothes shredded into rags, her mascara highlighting the river of tears eroding at her cheeks. Sobbing miserably, she gingerly makes her escape into the night.

Wednesday 14th - Morning

A known psychopath arrested for the murder of his infant child and the violent assault of his wife was sentenced to just twelve months in a hospital, on a successful insanity plea. Outside the court room, surrounded by photographers and news cameras, the infant-killer descended the grande stairway with a maniacal grin etched on his face. A flurry of camera flashes and the man had taken a bullet to the head. His lifeless body slumped unpleasantly on the cold courthouse marble.

Thursday 15th - Evening

The sudden rise in gun-related vigilantism resulting in the deaths of various criminals had begun to make the city citizens uneasy. The authorities grew increasingly desperate to find the rogue hero Infinitron and put a stop to this madness. Yet despite their efforts and the investigative work of licensed heroes around the city, the killings continued. A prison transport bus containing two dozen convicts was recently hijacked by the prisoners, they managed to escape with the bus as far as Independence Port before the vehicle was blown sky-high into the flames of hell by a swarm of grenades.

Friday 16th - Dawn

Daybreak and already the Founders Falls National Bank was being robbed, again. As the alarms blared through the morning air, the serenity of sunrise was cast asunder. Five masked thieves rushed out from the swiveling doors and looked dazed at their aflamed get-away vehicle. Simultaneously, the Steel Canyon Bank was hit by four thieves, identically dressed to the Founders Falls robbers. One after the other, the nine thieves took a bullet to the head. (344)



Molly strolled over to the computer, making herself comfortable in the nearby chair as she pressed the power button on the machine. As she waited for the thing to boot up, she listened carefully to the conversation on the note.

"I've sent my butler to check out those TV stations, by the way." She piped up with a slight smirk, at the same time placing her hands on her head while the computer slowly dragged itself into action.

When the desktop finally showed itself the teen hero leaned forward, planting her hand on the mouse to navigate her way to the computer's primary hard disk, only to be greeted with a box that read: "Please enter username and password".

Go fig, Molly thought to herself. Reaching into the detached sleeve on her right arm, she drew out a small USB flash drive and proceeded to insert it into the computer, only to stop just centimetres before making contact.

Hold up...

"No, no, no, no..." she muttered quietly to herself as she withdrew the flash drive. "He -has- to have thought of something better than a boring old username and weakest-password-on-the-planet. -Way- better... Hell, better than an insanely strong password."

Molly then sat back once more, rubbing her chin in deep thought.

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




Friday 16th 07:00
The trolls gathered at the meeting spot for their latest superadine purchase.
"You say you give us the stuff, for half price of normal guy, no matter how much. We like offer"
"Yeah, about that..." came the metallic drone as the silver clad figure stepped from the dark, rifle raised, and opened fire.

Friday 16th 10:00
The chanting of the circle priests on the three adjacent rooftops was enough to block out the incoming whine from above.
The green glow around each of the victims, dimmed and vanished as each priest fell; their robes soaking up the blood.

Friday 16th 12:30
The sky raider skiff plummeted to the hangar doors of the complex, a single bullet hole through the canopy - and the pilot.
The grenades followed it, bouncing through the hole. As the incendiarys went off, all the windows were blown out by the explosion, as the inside - and it's occupants - all burned.

Friday 16th 17:00
The council agent lifted his binoculars at the approaching obejct in the sky. Unable to make out what it was he signalled to his partner on the opposite side, and pointed it out. Returning to the binoculars, the last thing he saw was his own reflection on the shine of the bullet.
Before his partner could even react, the second round went through his chest and dropped him to the floor.
The men below packing the boxes would have no warning.

Saturday 17th 13:00
Landing in Kings, Infinitron moved silently up to the door of the warehouse, invisible, unseen. Moving past the 2 guards that he'd taken down with one shot, he opened the door slowly and quietly and slipped into the building; checking his rifle as he did so.



Saturday 17th 13:38
Stepping over the bodies, the officers moved forwards, swiftly and quietly. Every now and then the point man, Officer Kayne, would raise his fist and the team would halt.
Signalling forward the PPD S.T.A.T (Superbeing Tracking and Apprehension Team) would move forward.
Ignoring the groans of the mixed corpses and soon-to-be corpses of Circle of Thorns and Vahzilok members; they pushed onwards into the basement of the warehouse, and then deeper into the tunnels.

They went through some small doors into a large chamber. The walls gleamed with the moisture all over them, the stalagtites dripping down to the ground. The chamber they had entered was comprised of the rim they were on and large pit in the middle of the room.
As the team moved forward, they prepped their Bio Energy Feedback Inducers and checked their sidearms. Edging forward to the edge, Kayne saw the bodies strewn all over the place; and in the centre, an eidolon on his knees with hands behind his head. Infront of him stood Infinitron, seemingly asking questions.

Motioning his agents to move forward and take aim, and once they did so, he stood, raising his own rifle and shouting,
"Don't move Infinitron, you are under arrest, drop your weapon"

Infinitron glanced up and announced,
"Be right with you", turning back to the eidolon and pulling the trigger. As the latex covered figure slumped down, Infinitron dropped his rifle and turned towards the agents, raising his hands.
"Took you long enough. Oh well, you got me".

Saturday 17th 17:00
News report, on all channels, this one specifically from channel8 news.
"A PPD correspondent has confirmed that the vigilante known as Infinitron, better known as businessman Joseph Infinus, has been apprehended by PPD officials. He is being held currently at the Kings Row Police Department before his transfer to the Ziggursky Penintentiary Facility tomorrow afternoon."



Edward had made his way into Paragon upon hearing of Infinitron's arrest, he wasn't about to let another hero like himself go to prison, he wasn't going to let someone who had the right idea rot in a cell. Edward motioned for his family to take up their positions on the incoming armoured transport and the requisite Police cars infront and behind...a rather silly move.

Edward nodded his head, sending the signal for the attack to commence, rocket fire streaming from a rooftop of a Kings Row building to cause the first car to burst into flames, the front of it anyway. Edward was not going to kill Police officers...he had other plans for them.

A second stream of rockets piled into the car at the rear, trapping the armoured police prison transport in the middle.

Edward flared his wings and landed beside the prison transport, with a tap of a button a forcefield blinked into life, shoving back anything not rooted to the spot or weighing more than several men away from him.

The Police officers who had clambered out their cars to open fire found themselves flung and pinned against their own vehicles or nearby walls. Edward focused his power and used a focused forcebolt blast to smash the armoured prison transport doors open.

"Infinitron, freedom awaits you..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Sunday 18th 17:00
The prisoner, handcuffed, stepped forward to the back of the armoured van. The doors of all 3 were opened, and Infinitron was ushered into the middle one, followed by Officer Kayne. The other two vans were each occupied by 3 members of the capture team. Each van was driven by specially selected higher ranking PPD officers.
Flanked by squadcar escorts, the 3 vans rolled out of the Kings Row compound and headed South.

The news crews swarmed, with the cameras flashing in a blinding wave. In the sky a news helicopter observed the scene with its gyro stabilized camera system.

For the drivers, this would seem like a long 15 minutes.

Sunday 18th 17:07
The rockets hit. The officers vapourised with the extreme heat. As the officers jumped out of the other vans they were swept away by the villain.

Upon hearing the voice, the up until now docile Infinitron perked up. Kayne looked paniced and didn't notice. With a quick burst of energy the handcuffs were gone; and before Kayne could react, he was hit hit in the chest with a shattering blow. Leaning forward, Infinitron grabbed his sidearm from the holster, and prepared to kicked open the back doors of the van.

But there was no need as the doors were ripped away by the Doc.

"Infinitron, freedom awaits you..." came the voice from the other side.

"Aye it does. But I'm afraid it has other plans for you" and with that he raised the pistol and performed a flawless execution of a double tap to the chest and one to the head.
The Doc was lifeless before he hit the floor, motionless, with blood pooling from the wounds.

The forcefield faltered and dropped, and the fires burned hot. Spinning round to ascertain the situation, Infinitron glanced up at the news helicopter that had captured it all. Giving it a quick salute he turned, tapped something on his wrist and pointed his hand at the ground. From the concrete began to erupt orange light in the symbol of Infinity; and with a step and a flash - Infinitron was gone.



For a moment there was surprise on Edwards face as he took the bullet to the chest with a grunt, the second caused him to the head caused him to slump to the ground, a thought passing through his mind before the blackness consumed him.

"Never trust a vigilante..."

With that everything went dark before he hit the ground.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Ashley sat a mile or so away, watching the scene with the help of flock of birds above. She shrugged slightly as Infitron traveled to Oroboros, hoping she'd be able to catch him- Ashley quickly pressed a small attachment on her key ring- and hardly before the orange portal was visible, she was gone.



Monday 19th - 10:00 - Founders Falls

The Rikti stood, waiting. A drone patrolled the area, whilst the Headman organized and commanded the foot-soldiers. They were relaxed, they hadn't encountered a hero in several days, and their last mission was a success.

Three-hundred meters away on a rooftop, the rifle was held steady. The owner was slowing their breath for the shot. The scope zeroed in on the head of the lead Rikti, and trajectories planned to take down the rest of the squad in one volley. Five shots, four kills and one destroyed drone. Drawing in a half breath, the marksman took the first shot, and then with tiny adjustments fired off the next four.

As the first bullet span through the air towards its target at approximately five hundred meters per second, the headman continued his instructions. As the bullet neared its target, a mere twenty-five meters a way, it was suddenly deflected with an ear shattering ping. Mere milliseconds later the next four bullets experienced the same phenomenon.

The Rikti span, looking for the source of the noise. As they did the drone exploded, and then each soldier jerked backwards and slumped to the floor; their heads penetrated from front to back.

On the rooftop, the marksman pulled back from the rifle sight, unable to believe what just happened. Someone had shot the bullets out of the air, then taken the killing shots themselves. The marksman was shaken out of mild shock by the blast of air and impact on the roof nearby. Spinning around, the marksman stood speechless as the real shooter stylishly slung his rifle around his back.

"Greetings and salutations", he droned forth, offering a hand, "I am Infinitron; I know that you and your friends have been copying my style of vigilantism. Congratulations, I have a job for you."

Monday 19th - 13:30 - Talos Island

A stealthy gunman checked and double-checked two pistol clips. Both full, the steel weapons slid back into place under a black coat, barrels cocked and ready to fire. Effortlessly, the gunman jumps down from the roof and strides out of the alleyway, flitting quickly between the shadows cast by the buildings. Once within fifteen meters of a grouped Tsoo clan, the gunman silently planned how to confidently dispatch them all before they could react. In a matter of seconds, the dual pistols were raised, focused and poised for action.

Suddenly, the target burst into flames and began to scream. Not missing a beat, the gunman opened fire into the group, picking off head-shots where possible. As the last sorcerer fell, a silver clad figure shimmered into view; bending down and picking up a glowing stone off the body, he rose back to his feet and stared straight at the shadow-cloaked, pistol-wielding gunman.

"It's safe to come out" he droned, "I am Infinitron, I know that you and your friends have been imitating my style of vigilantism and as it happens, I am in need of your skills."



The gunman stepped out from the shadows, confident to have finally met Infinitron. A sharp noise like a miniature aeroplane zips past in a blur and halts beside the gunman. Both nodded at the other, still with their faces masked with a veil. The speedster held out a hand to Infinitron. "It would be an honour to work alongside you Infinitron. We share your perspective on criminal execution and will gladly offer our services. However, for security purposes, we would like to keep our identities secret, even from you, sir."



"Agreed" he said handing each a communicator, "I will be in touch shortly"



Both collected the communicators and in a sharp blur they were gone.




Beth looks over from her pile "Now that's a nice find. Any idea how we're getting in?"

"A few" says Emily, looking between Beth and Molly "You two finish, it's not going anywhere though."

[/ QUOTE ]

One hour later

Both wearing blacked out googles Beth and Emily One were crowded round the safe. Beth with her finger lit up in a thin lance of fusion energy was busy melting a set of holes all along the joins of the safe, while Emily stood in between her and Molly to avoid blinding anyone.

Brushing her brow Beth stands up and gives a smile to Emily. "That's it" she says "Get the plasma charges set and let's hope they work as well as the Bunnies promised and that we don't get in too much trouble for this"

With a soft white glow, Emily One calls down the small cylindrical charges from her pre-stocked teleportation storage arrays using her eye mounted display. Fitting them into the holes Beth had slaved over, she quickly adds detonators into a slot in the charges and pulls the arming tabs.

"We do as needs must, he can afford a new safe. Stand back. All clear." Emily one says tersely, the thirty second timer giving them plenty of time to stand clear. The explosives were an unusual design and a by product of the Omega Chief clones powers, a small sample of stored fusion energy was crushed in a minor gravimetric field and then released the resulting expansion ripping apart anything in contact with it at an atomic level. It probably broke at least ten different laws of physics, but it worked.

The explosives make short work of the supports pinning the safe in place. Rather than a bang their only real sound is a loud hiss as the metal is atomized and then the door starts to fall, Emily and Beth rushing to meet it and with groans of effort managing to get it on it's side against the wall.

Looking inside the safe they see an old looking suit similar to the one Infinitron commonly wears, a discarded helmet with several nasty looking bullet holes in it and vacuum packed bodybag. Beth pales at this a little, because the bag is currently occupied.

Quickly leaning down to cut it open wit ha small flick knife, Emily One pats over the body "He's FBI, they've been looking for him I managed to get the briefing when.. well that doesn't matter right now. Molly finish up fast, we're going to have to call this in sooner than I'd have liked"



"Doing so!" Molly squeaked as she waited for the USB drive to work its magic. Over the course of the past hour, she had noticed what originally appeared to be a dead pixel on the monitor, an chance accidental clicking revealing a new login screen, along with a thumbprint scanner that emerged from the desk.

The hacking attempt with the flash drive proved an exercise in failure, when all of a sudden an EMP burst from the machine, frying everything in it along with the flash drive. Molly also felt her own augmentations go a little fritzy for a brief second as she jumped back slightly in surprise at the computer's sudden self-destruction.

"Geez! Okay, uh... finished..." Molly added, yanking the wrecked flash drive from the computer. "I'll... have to raid this dump's servers later, then."

Sam: "My mind is a swirling miasma of scintillating thoughts and turgid ideas."
Max: "Me too."




For a moment there was surprise on Edwards face as he took the bullet to the chest with a grunt, the second caused him to the head caused him to slump to the ground, a thought passing through his mind before the blackness consumed him.

"Never trust a vigilante..."

With that everything went dark before he hit the ground.

[/ QUOTE ] Benedict Plaza, Basement level.

Cassandra could only watch as Edward's still body lay on what she assumed to be an operating table. William stood by her as he watched his cyborg, Lucky Kitty step up to the securely bound Dr. Mechano. Her H.U.D. drew across her head displaying a map of Ed's brain as she brought her neural re-sequencer into the small, exposed gap and began sewing his neurons back together. The rest of Ed's body was being attended to by various other mechanisms that carefully removed the bullets and repaired the damage with surprising speed. Lucky stared through the image and repaired a specific set of neurons.

"Wake up, Doc!"

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Friday 23rd - Morning
A crowd of people milled through the city on their way to work, bumping into each other here and there. In Galaxy City, some of the crowd cut across infront of the Galaxy Girl Statue. As the crowd thinned towards 9:00, and eventually subsided completely; unnoticed a small silver disc was embedded into the pavement.

"Good morning angels", came the voice through the communicators; the communicators that clicked onto record if the owner was not within listening distance, "it's time for your first mission each, a test of skill, and a test of devotion to justice. As you may have discovered, each of your communicators is a flash drive aswell, and your targets and some information has been uploaded to them... now. I will know when the missions are done. Preparations are being made for the 'big game', as it were. Good luck, should you need it." And with that the communicators clicked off back to lifelessness.



"Angels" said the young gunman, "how prejudice". The pair laughed quietly, straping on thier weaponry. "You get the judge, I'll take the lawyer" they decided. "Roger that" the marksman agreed. "Same plan as always, follow the targets until they lead us to incriminating evidence, their execution should leave them in a compromising location of death. Lets keep this simple"

Friday 23rd - Morning

The marksman held position for several minutes, watching the target through her sniper-scope. Simultaneously, she ran through the information displayed on her communications device. Target: The Right Honourable Judge John Teren.
Crime: The judge is on the payrole of the Family; giving out minimal sentences to their members. This cannot continue, justice must be served. Evidence: Attached photos of the judge meeting with ranking members of the Family clearly during a payoff.
As the bald man walked out of his morning showers, he sat by his computer screen and accessed his files. Suddenly, a splash of blood splattered across his monitor, tiny drops leaking into his keyboard and dripping into his last morning coffee.

Friday 23rd - Evening

The young gunman had been following this lawyer all day and had learnt about his criminal friends and contacts, everything about him, down to his bad habits. From reading his lips she had overheard him talking to someone on the phone, revealing his secret alliance with the Mafioso. Our gunman continued on a black motorcycle, dressed in glossy black leather and tinted helmet, tailing the target to the Ziggursky Penintentiary. He didn't go in through the secured gate, but waited in an alleyway outside the tall fences with a duffle bag, where six men in bright orange prison garbs scuttled down a loose telephone cable. The lawyer handed over the bag full of civilian clothing and waited casually for his friends to get changed, often glancing out of the alley as if expecting a car to arrive. Unfortunately, he was greeted by a motorcyclist wielding an Uzi.



Monday 26th - Breakfast News
"And it is day two since the disappearance of 6 children; each the child of a serving or previous serving Rhode Island politician. There has been no ransom demand, and note left indicating the reason. Police currently have no leads. The following are the 4 boys; Jack Thompson Jnr, 7, son of Jack Thompson Snr; Steve Bush, 9, son of Kelly Bush; David Tonns, 4, son of Arthur Tonns; Peter Hughne, 9, son of Colin Hughne; and 2 girls; Lisa Bryant, 10, Daughter of Steve Bryant; and Lucy Prefect, 8, Daughter of Lindsay Prefect. If you have any information regarding the disappearance please phone the number onscreen now immediately.
Accompanying the number are the pictures of the 6 children
Meanwhile in other news, the President has stated...."



Sean flicked the channel over has soon as yet more news about the President had came on.
"Gee.. by the sounds of things this is going from bad to worst.. to just plain madness." Sean muttered throwing the remote down onto the coffee table. Again he was in his private room onboard his spacestation and he had sent most of the weekend over in the UK dealing with some matters to do with the station it's self.
The screen suddenly shown up the images and reports from Paragon City from the past week, the killings the police reports the images.. even the news feed from them each scolled in their own boxes dotted about the screen.
"Coms.. tell me how can one man work this fast without help?" Sean muttered looking up at the room's ceiling.
"He couldn't.. Mr Infinus must be being aided by a group in order to of done this." Coms voice boomed out into the room.
"Great.. thats all we need yet more copycats and hotheaded gunmen.." Sean muttered pulling himself upright and holding his hands over his face, ".. Could this month get any worst?"



Steel Canyon
6 vans roll out onto the streets from an underground carpark; each a seperate colour and shade; one Blue, one Red, one White, one Grey, one Black and one Brown. They all quickly seperate in 6 different directions.

2 minutes later from the same carpark; an identical group of vans pulls out and split off aswell.

Unknown Location

"Ok, it begins", came the voice of Joseph Infinus talking to himself. Turning he picked up his communicator and clicked it on.
"Good evening you two, I have your mission. You will need to work together for this, and timing is key. Information is being loaded... now. Good luck, should you need it"

Turning again, he put the communicator down as he clicked it off, and tapped a sequence of buttons on his wristpad.

Meanwhile: Galaxy City - Galaxy Girl Statue
The silver disc slid open to reveal an aperture and a beam of light shot out, and a figure formed above it...

((cue: ingame RP))



((ok, should have the ingame log written up by tomorrow morning. Then you can post what happened after retroactively; thanks for anyone who was, and who is going ot be involved. Can easily join in to this bit. There will be a seperate thread for the outcome of tonight and what was discussed))



Galaxy City – Galaxy Girl Statue – Tuesday 27th
In front of the statue a beam of light erupts from the ground and the image of Infinitron appears.
The collected heroes all suddenly glance up, the conversations suddenly quietened.
Strangelet: well yo ho ho and a pint of space rum ...
Terr'Ox: ... hello..
Infinitron: Good evening citizens
Eientei: Oh, this should be amusing
Infinitron: I hope you are all paying attention
Burned Ice glances over, "Oh cool.. A ghost... Someone call the Ghostbusters!"
FIashpoint: It's a bloody hologram. I can tell. I mean A) I can see the damn sidewalk on the other side. B) He's not that thick.
Infinitron: as you may have guessed, this is a hologram; a projection of a recording.
Terr'Ox waves his hand infront of it.
Infinitron: the reason i have come before you is simple; I have a task for you all.
Strangelet: poor resolution ..not a new holo model
Infinitron: too long have you sat idly by as this city fell into the pit it is in; your 'heroics' are not solving the real problem in this city
Awesometastic Girl: The real problem?
Infinitron: Your light handed tactics, your ideas of 'redemption', your ...mercy.
Crazy Dragon messes about with his coin, tossing it from hand to hand, "Get to the flamin' point."
Strangelet: only the strong can hand out mercy
Fea frowns at the hologram
Infinitron: as you may be aware, 6 children were abducted this week; each the child of a politician. These politicians have all been, or are currently being, investigated for corruption. This makes them fair game.
Cinanev: Naah, I'm thinking holo-guy. The guy's clearly nuts in the well-planned way.
Infinitron: as you may have guessed, it was I who apprehended these children
Fea stares at the hologram, lips pressed tightly together.
Infinitron: why? You ask. Well for a simple game of hide and seek
Burned Ice: Yay! Big man! Picking on kids! What an [censored]
Infinitron: Each child is in an area of the city, which I will give you; and each is in a coloured van, which again, I will give you. But is it that simple? Of course not.
Strangelet: ok release them and we will go easy on you ..
Infinitron: Each van has a counterpart in the same area...
Strangelet: this is your only chance ..release them now
Infinitron:... packed with high explosives; open the wrong one - and you have a large problem.
FIashpoint: ...Why do I see that me, being a regen, will be needed...
Infinitron: so pick carefully.
FIashpoint pinches the bridge of her nose
Fea clenches her fists together tightly, trying to control her temper.
Terr'Ox: So.. mind tellin' me where the boom vans are..?
Cinanev yawns. "Okay, so you fancy blowing up parts of the city because you feel like showing us... what? Not to be merciful? So why not just leave 'em?"
Infinitron: so, onto the game, here’s the list you are surely all waiting for
Infinitron: Jack Thompson Jnr - Talos Island. Blue Van
Steve Bush - Skyway. Red Van
David Tonns - Steel Canyon. White van
Peter Hughne - Atlas Park. Grey Van
Lisa Bryant - Kings Row. Black Van
Lucy Prefect - Independence Port. Brown Van
Terr'Ox: someone got a pen.. 'cause im not writing it down.
Crazy Dragon: Aye!
Soaring Horizon writes them to a small black bound diary "Sure take mine in a second"
Infinitron: Good luck
The image flickers and disappears, and the small disc explodes, completely vapourising the components.

(( and here's the link to the open RP thread for this:Hide and Seek thread ))



((Oops, didn't realize there was another thread- posting it there instead.))