In The Land Of The Blind ((The Open RP Part))




Tuesday 27th - Morning

"You want me to do what?!"

"Not me, it's a request from Infinitron. He wants the Terra Volta power plant temporarily shut down."

"So, whats that got to do with me?"

"I think you're the best for the job, come on, don't chicken out on me"

"I'm not, it's just... that's going a little too far don't you think? Look, I'm not like you, okay? I'm still getting used to actually killing real people, now you want me to sabotage a city infrastructure? We're not Freakshow, okay? We're not Clockwork minions, we're... we're upstanding citizens. At least I like to think I am, anyway"

"Fine, if you won't do it, I will. So just tell me how your damn gadget things work"

"They only respond to me! Okay, okay, look, I'll do it, alright, but after this, I'm out. You're on your own."

"No way, you're not bailing out on me. We have an agreement"

"No, you had an agreement Sabrina, you did. If you love this guy so much, why don't you go marry him!"

"That's not even funny. You know how much this means to me. Criminals in Paragon City get away with anything because of the Law, it's too empathetic. The bastards who killed my daughter walk free, what's to say my son won't be the next victim? Come on! Even you, if it weren't for the Priest, you wouldn't be standing here today!"

"I have never, for a moment believed that the means can justify the ends. Peace cannot be achieved by more bloodshed Sabrina, you of all people should know that, last remaining heir of the San clan and all that."

"Girl, you do not wanna go there."

"Whatever, I'm outta this dump."

"Where you going?"

"If I don't see you in church, I'll catch you at school. Bye!"

"Altair Mary Stevens, you come back here right now!"

"Excuse me? That's Sister Mary Stevens, to you!"

"Oh yeah, some nun you are, crazy gun-trotting hypocrite"

"You know what Sabrina, I don't even have your time right now."

Tuesday 27th - Evening

A sharp noise like the buzzing sound of an airplane jet engine filled the mechanical halls of the Terra Volta nuclear power plant. The lab coat workers turned their heads as a white blur zipped past at superspeed. Inside the core, security cameras picked up a sudden surge of electrical energy, and then, it all went dark."



Tuesday 27th - 11:00.00

The lights around the city flickered for a few seconds as the power was lost, and the backup was switched to.
This was more than enough time, if planned properly.

An identical scene in several darkened server rooms, each somewhere in a Government building, around the city
A small mechanism inserted the USB dongle, allowing it to piggyback onto the computer server system; giving full access at the press of a button from the desired user.

In 6 homes around the city
In each home, a figure collapsed; dead. The forensic reports would each find that the cause of death was a slow acting poison. Each administered at different points before death. Time of death estimated at 11:00pm. Each body identified as a city politician.

The power LED on the cameras, aswell as the security laser grid, faltered along with the lights. The shimmer moving past them, had it been seen, was smiling.
Dropping down into a vent, silently it moved along, finding a grating and slipping out just as the laser grid came back on.

January 27th - 11:00.03
The lights stayed on steady, noone any the wiser as to what had happened.



The shimmer moved along the corridor, stopped, backtracked a bit and turned. Phasing into view, Infinitron looked at the wall, smiling inside the helmet. Reaching up his hand he tapped the glass firmly so it cracked and the fire alarm began to ring throughout the prison block.
Flipping his rifle round from behind his back, he checked the magazine, then chambered the first round; raising it up to a battle ready stance he began to walk forward down the corridor, once again shimmering out of view as he looked into each cell; the occupants backing up against the wall as he did.



The next day, Guards at the Zig moved the 18 bodies; all those of convicted mass murderers.

The communicators clicked on for what would likely be the last time.
"Get out of town. That is all".