Company of Soldiers
I must admit, i went 'too' far on my post few times most posts are posted just after i once again tried to play my Mercs again, not a good thing.
The view on DoT's may vary, probably based on my own playstyle through out the years. I go for a 'everything you can kill instantly, do so', rather then spread out damage over a peroid of time if you can trash out the damage straight away.
But overall, you do have to admit they never can be par with any other MM primairy, dispite they being 100% ranged. Ok, they do have a immobilise power, but eventualy mobs will reach them at melee at wich point they have no advantage anymore over any other class. (bots have heal, ninja have slight more defence, necro.. well u got extract soul and they got selfheal, thugs got their defence).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
I like my dots.
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More dots please!!
The view on DoT's may vary
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More dots please!!
Dots is the flavor of the set.
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More dots please!!
Trying to be be serious now (heehee). I play Mercs (and my AR corrupter) for the brilliant non stop "Chakka Chakka Chakka" noise. I know it sounds nutty to a lot of people, but half decent and cool sounding attacks are all I need.
PS. Merry Christmas. Buff mercs and assault rifle!
My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464
PS. Merry Christmas. Buff mercs and assault rifle!
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Arrmen, and a happy new year to go with that.
LRM still hardly ever gets used and I've only seen it used at snipe range. If they fixed that then mine is still broken
On the whole I'm not that upset with Mercs, mostly cause after playing Necro I went straight to ninja's and they're the biggest n00bs I've ever teamed with. In comparison Mercs are expert players. OK so ninja's have better abilities but they need to be micro managed.
I have since tried all the primaries and am still happiest with my Necro (I love the control, it makes my controller be unused) but Mercs does nicely. Sure thugs seem to have an unfair edge on trained fighting soldiers (surely they should be the uncontrollable idiots not the ninjas?) But mercs actually have a nice feel to them and are the easiest to control when teaming. Now if only the medic could be taught to clear mind me rather than just other henchmen at random he might actually have a purpose in the group. At high level I do feel like I am down one hench cause he does sod all
Edit: my major gripe with them before was that Necro upgrades didn't root you and Merc ones did. This is now solved, now I'm just missing nice high ST damage and control, made up for AoE damage (when they get it right) and grouping (which is a downer when fighting long bow flamers)
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
There has never been a patch addressing the LRM Rocket range, and/or snipes AFAIK. So they are basically WAI. Personal testing show no change here either.
Medic: Those with the Force Field Generator would like heals, those without would like stimms. More of both would be nice. He he.
Medic: Those with the Force Field Generator would like heals, those without would like stimms. More of both would be nice. He he.
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I have aid other and stimulance both heavy with int-IO's. Along with my veteran and few tricks, i replace the freaking medic myself (you need to sacrifice slots if you want to make medic heal more specialy since he get interupted a bit too often, unlike bots wich can be full slotted for support -def/heal/debuff-same partly for the tier2 thugs and afaik the others have no supportive pets).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Medic: Those with the Force Field Generator would like heals, those without would like stimms. More of both would be nice. He he.
[/ QUOTE ]
I have aid other and stimulance both heavy with int-IO's. Along with my veteran and few tricks, i replace the freaking medic myself (you need to sacrifice slots if you want to make medic heal more specialy since he get interupted a bit too often, unlike bots wich can be full slotted for support -def/heal/debuff-same partly for the tier2 thugs and afaik the others have no supportive pets).
[/ QUOTE ]
Used to have the space for 1-2 support SO's for the medic exclusively, but with the advent of IO's, there is absolutely no room. If the tier one soldiers had done damage that was not resisted so heavily in the first place, then it would be possible to drop a proc in favor of upgrading the medic. As it is, soldiers now got 3 SHOE's in them, in order to free up other slots for procs, and a bit of debuff/recharge.
For Mercs, tier one soldiers do a significant part of the total damage, so putting in anything not aiding this cause, will very quickly have a visible impact.
I manage to play with the triage as the only "healing" aid, but this require me to summon pets fairly often, and maintain a very strict regime within the ranks. :-p
But the secondary set will heavily dictate the options, so this will be a case of that, and of play style.
It just doesnt make sence to put 'defensive' support in tier1, mainly considered being cannon fodder. Both thugs as bots have them in tier2 (where ninja/zombie have their huge source of damage), together with the fact tier2 merc perform way too low compared to any other tier2. (def bubble/aura bot/thug, high damage ninja/zombie - those seals do what? stun/hold once in a blue moon, snipe only if they are far and a totaly useless stealth)
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
Aye I like the fact that my support on Necro is my T3 really, with its control. I'd lose a T2 for a decent medic instead of a half [censored] T1. Did a mission yesterday and found out afterwards I'd forgot to summon my T2s.......... not saying they're poor, but it seems Mercs have nicer T1s than they do T2s which is duplicated by............ no other set that I know of
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
The Spec Ops ARE poor. All that supposed control is useless and completely random due to the fairly long recharge and pants durations.
Your men have between them three grenade launchers; the Commando only uses an actual damn grenade with the second upgrade and of all people, your Medic is the one throwing one. For mind boggling reasons the Spec Ops guys only packed webbing and flashbangs. Possibly some sort of practical joke.
Ditch the pile of butt web grenade and give them the M30 grenade. Yeah, enemies'll be flying all over the place, but what do we care, Mercenaries all mostly do single target damage and it'll be a better damage mitigating control than the pathetic gestures our men make at the moment. Not to mention that utilising a huge amount of high explosive would give us at least a chance at having some uniqueness to set us apart from Thugs, the most thematically unbalanced set I have ever had the misfortune to ever see that dumps all over the Mercenaries parade.
Actually, it'd be even more brutally useful if it were an M30 Grenade with a knockback magnitude of 0.50
Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.
Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."
of all people, your Medic is the one throwing one (grenade).
[/ QUOTE ]Not anymore. Shoots it from the rifle now, was changed to reduce redraw and such, in the same theme of changes that allowed GKs to use Dark Blast/Gloom with their swords out.
I still say they should give the commando Ignite. :>
If the spec op got double damage from their stealth rather than absolutely nothing at all then they might actually be useful
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
If the spec op got double damage from their stealth rather than absolutely nothing at all then they might actually be useful
[/ QUOTE ]
It would be a proc then
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
If the spec op got double damage from their stealth rather than absolutely nothing at all then they might actually be useful
[/ QUOTE ]
It would be a proc then
[/ QUOTE ]
They could at least go and fetch me insps from the store while I'm doing the mission
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I started my Merc MM for rp purposes mostly but im saddened by reading this thread . They definitely have a good atmosphere on them (except commando rambo wanna be)).
Spec ops control abilities are usefull but i noticed their web grenade negates the effects of other henchmen and our slug&M30 grenade knockback effect.Perhaps it could be changed with a slowing down effect.
Still i dont think they will change anything.I like Mercs.
I started my Merc MM for rp purposes mostly but im saddened by reading this thread . They definitely have a good atmosphere on them (except commando rambo wanna be)).
Spec ops control abilities are usefull but i noticed their web grenade negates the effects of other henchmen and our slug&M30 grenade knockback effect.Perhaps it could be changed with a slowing down effect.
Still i dont think they will change anything.I like Mercs.
[/ QUOTE ]Most people would prefer the immob to the knockback, I'd think.
Possibly. While immobilized enemy can still use powers so immobilize is better against melee combatants and knockback should be better against ranged combatants,thats what i believe at least.
Depends. On TA or Dark i could imaging you dont want any knockback out of your AoE's put on the ground. Also in teams knockback is not really appriciated (unless you know what you doing like nrg blaster who can target mobs and position himself).
50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.
Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!
As a Dark KB is a pain, means out of toggle, off tar patch etc etc. So I dont tend to use those Dark powers except on AVs now
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
I don't agree with Medics doing more damage if their threat level is going to be in line with the others but perhaps the webgrenade should be an aoe immob, -spd, -rechg. The medics heal could be better.
He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.
Dots is the flavor of the set. I like my dots. When you add them up, you get fair numbers, apart from the lack of uh... armor penetration. A small -res component, added with the final upgrade or something would help at upper levels. The -def is great for early levels. Hitting a lot of the time makes up for much resistance. Spike damage would be nice, but that's not what this set is about, so for the sake of concept, I would like to keep the dots as per today, just with a bit more sting. Concept might not always be reasonable, but it's the thing with the bullet shower and whatnot... ;-)
Yeah, you still see the LRM Rocket and snipes go off at range, not in close combat. While the Rocket should be able to go off, snipes seems to be long ranged material in their nature. If they only could crit from a working stealth or something.
Heals, the delivery method is a problem for the kind of pace you do SF's and missions later on. If the medic stops up and stimulate/heal, he's suddenly way behind you. If he could both stimulate and heal at the same time, at least there would be a chance you got a little heal from time to time. He don't have time to do both...
Redraw: Yep, that's going strong...
Other damage types. Spec Ops territory? Special bullets? Hollow bullets filled with acid, for small toxic damage addition? Adding a component to something that already exists is best, don't need more broken stuff.
Recharge times, yes they are rather incredible. Double the damage on the LRM, OR cut the recharge in half, otherwise tell me why it's there. lol. Serum: Make it AoE, now you can justify the recharge. Call it Morale Boost. Not gonna happen, but it's not worth taking today. Because you can drop some insps on that pet, get the same result and take something useful instead. And don't get me started on the grenades again.
Gun turret: Hell yeah. They can be mobile now. What's the delay. :-p