Official Canon vs Player Canon




then I would prefer someone (anyone! Whether the plot-runner or any of the participants) to ask me to back off.

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Well, I did suggest that with Ghostie and the Ellie Breakout scenario. I guess I'm just blunt when it comes to people I like.

Oh, he'll casually swat away any Hellions that get too close to the Galaxy Girl statue as a result of some ill-advised griefing attempt, but if it's a job that requires a screwdriver, he won't insist on people taking along a hammer.

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Well, y'see, skeletons are immune to sharp and zombies are immune to blunt, so it's usually best to have both along... Oh, hang on, wrong system, and anyway they dumped that for Revision 3 of the rules.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Hmm well as super god like vamps have been mentioned I shall have to grumble about my main villain a little. To clarify things as this is not the first time someones said she seems invincible, she is not really invincible, shes arrogant and mouthy :P There are a few ways to fight her and she can certainly be hurt a lot and she can be killed. The reason religious things don't bother her is she was never undead, has not been brought back from the dead and never made a pact with a demon. So, she is not in the offical sense unholy. She is decended from a form of evolved vampire, she is also a mutant too so has a shadow wraith part of her, so again strict anti vamp things jsut would not work on her, as for her breed of vamp well basically they came about as human hunters naturally, something that can mimic a human can hunt them better, I got that from the film mimic with the beetles looking like men in big coats. anyway if I ever get close to godmodding i'm sorry but honestly its accidential as all my chars have set out weaknesses, it makes them more real. Additionally a villain is going to act invincible it don't mean they are :P

The only real alterations that cant happen in games is my main villain can sink into shodows and use a black liquid she can vomit up to actually phase through doors and walls, this wa sjsut to add a bit of a addition element to the toon and I never use it in pvp or RP in general really, it's just there to enrich the concept.

On another note about COH story v player made story, I never claim my charecters can fight and win against recluse or state's until they actually have beat him in the game, that's how I limit my charecters powers. Plus my main chars on both sides have alt powers, meaning I have two versions of the mains explained by technology and artifacts and the like, that way I don't think i'm breaking any rules as it's a item my char wears to give them additional powers. I would alt in a fight to bring such powers into arena matches not just suddenly say. 'Generic cackling evil villain' throws fireball at you face knocking you out when its a ice dom or the like.

So I try and stick by the rules and I repsect most peoples charecters as well, unless they blatently god mod, or make really stupid/unrealistic even for COX claims I respect what their toons profiles say.

The end is just a new beginning, Goodbye all my coh friends and even the enemies, its been a blast I will miss you all. Thank you Paragon team, you gave me a home from home I will always appriciate it.