The Assault on Unity Plaza ((Semi-closed RP))




"FALL BACK!" Ryan gave the order, his group dashing back towards Leo. As they caught up he gave the signal to Quickfrost, who pushed himself to the limit as he forced the rapid formation of ice walls to block them off from their attackers.


[/ QUOTE ]

Leo had managed to wedge a chair under the handle on the door to the stairs. He heard Ryan's orders but stood ready at the door in case they managed to break through. He fell back when the ice wall started to form around him.

Leo stood waiting for Ryan's next order. His face was set not giving away a flicker of emotion. He knew he could absorb the most damage so he expected to be infront.


-Unity Tower-

Gemini poked her head out into the stairwell. She could hear voices one floor above her. She took her chances and slowly made her way down the stairs. Her Crey training kicking in, she checked all the dark corners before moving on, she did not want her presence known.

She reached the lobby without incident. She lent against the last section of wall before the stairs opened into the lobby. She stayed low and assesed the situation.

Her eyes widened at what she could only describe as a mini war that was being waged. She could not believe this was happening. She raised a hand and aimed a healing energy at the first person she saw.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Linda grunted as she twisted to look for the last mercenary. This fourth one was an officer. She was also much faster. She was the one whose blows hit like hammers. One of those hammers crashed into Linda's kidneys. As Linda arched in pain, a backhand chop hacked at her exposed throat and she staggered backwards, gurgling. The Hand of Artemis followed up, sweeping two blades from sheathes on her back and leaping at the staggering heroine. Linda caught her in mid air and swung her into and through the smouldering countertop of the reception desk.

Liberty Girl grinned, coughing and clutching her bruised throat. Four Knives in about a minute. She was slowing down in her old age...

Looking up and taking in her surroundings properly for the first time, she glimpsed a familiar blur of scarlet and black. "Klair..." she croaked.


[/ QUOTE ]


At a dead run, the three women skirted a number of the combatants outside the building, and squeezed amongst a number of Malta and Knives. A Malta Sapper was powering up his energy cannon, aiming at a familiar white-clad heroine. Mel was about to snap an order, when Julie, angry, disturbed Julie, lifted her arm and pressed the crossbow to his temple.

"Bad move, trying to hurt my friend."


The Sapper dropped like a rag-doll.

Marie, snarling as Julie's stealth-field faded, reached into a pocket and withdrew something the size of a cell phone, flicked a switch on the side, and dropped it behind her.

"A-T bomb primed, Boss. It won't do a thing to that Kronos, but it'll drop a Zeus on its back."

Mel, proud of her sisters, grinned to herself and hurled a fistful of caltrops - poisoned caltrops - just outside the building, then began murmuring over and over and over, in the vague hope that BODICIA would hear her. "Three Sisters of Artemis in the lobby are friends, we're here to help. Three Sister of Artemis in the lobby are friends, we're here to help."


The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Leo had managed to wedge a chair under the handle on the door to the stairs. He heard Ryan's orders but stood ready at the door in case they managed to break through. He fell back when the ice wall started to form around him.

Leo stood waiting for Ryan's next order. His face was set not giving away a flicker of emotion. He knew he could absorb the most damage so he expected to be infront.


[/ QUOTE ]

"All New Vigilants, remember to keep together and work as a team! This is no time for heroics! Well.... you know what I mean!" Ryan broadcasted throughout the tower, before switching to local mode and looking to the others, begining to gesture.

"The Malta are about to breach the stairwell, and-" He paused as a sharp tipped sword poked through the ice. "Keep away from these walls. Quickfrost, reinforce them while we bide our time. On my word, Hi-Fi, blast the Northern Wall. Lo-Fi, the Southern. Quickfrost and Rushmore, get ready to attack anyone coming for us. Leo and I will need Hi and Lo's aid again." He stated, before grinning.

"What we're going to do is use your vibration powers to chuck a wall of air at them. Leo, you take the North wall. I want you to ignite that wall of air. I'll take the south. Once it's clear, fall on them and take them down. No killing. Synergy, I tell you. Synergy."

The other team members nodded, and Cindersnap looked to Leo with a nod. The sound of explosives rocked from the north as the door was blown off its hinges.

"Alright, let's do this."


Red-Alpha-Zero grinned to himself under his mask as he started to search the magical lab for any of the itinery he'd been sent to capture. A moment ago, he buzzed off the simple message. "Cadaver disposed."

He blinked a little as he moved, his abdomen starting to feel a little warm... hot. Searching about some more, he suddenly doubled over in pain. He couldn't understand, why was did it feel like he was on fire inside?

"Sorry bub. Headshots don't work on this zombie." Jane grinned, tugging his hat off as she pulled him to the floor and straddled his waist. "Currently, the temperature in your bladder is going up. A simple little spell. I call it the Kettlebladder. Used to boil water to make a cup of tea. Necessary? Is it -necessary- for me to drink my own urine in the morning? No, but I do it anyway because it's sterile and I like the taste."

Grinning at the confused expression on the Gunslinger, she slapped him across the face. "It's a quote, moron. Dodgeball. Ace film. Anyway, where were we? Ah, yeah, your bladder. I'm not dropping the spell, you know. I could, but only if you're -very- good and tell me what I want to know."

Torture resistance training never covered this, and after a few more seconds Red-Alpha-Zero nodded quickly.

"Good boy. But to make sure you stay good..." Her hands flickered out in mystic patterns, muttering under her breath. His arms and legs suddenly felt... lighter. Springy... bouncy... rubbery?

"You ain't going anywhere, pal." Jane laughed. "Now, what were you doing in here?"


In the lobby, the laser sight from ADAOS's rifle flickered and blinked on the ground near Mel.

--- -.-

Repeating several times, ADAOS switched back and began firing a burst of assault rounds at one of the black and red armour clad forces that had stepped in, the rounds pinging off its armour.





Abruptly, she flung an arm out and a beam of pure heat erupted from it, causing the foam emitters to concentrate their fire on her. However the heat from the beam was far too intense, and a hole was burned through the side of the building, opening the way to the outside and letting fresh air rush in. Cara stumbled to her feet, and fell through the melted concrete and steel.


[/ QUOTE ]


Cara fell through the sky, plummeting rapidly to the hard concrete of the Unity Plaza over a dozen stories below. As she fell, the rushing wind of her passage forced its way into her lungs, giving her some much needed oxygen and forcing the fog in her head to clear.

Her eyes snapped open and she realised what was happening, and only a second from disaster, her body shifted again, transforming in the strange living ice as the fires which kept her mobile wrapped around her slender figure.

Only a couple of feet from the ground, her angle abruptly changed and she rocketed across the plaza, straight at the Kronos Titan attempting to level both towers. Pulling up shortly before impact, she circled around, blasting several mini missiles that homed in on her, and fired a blast of searing cold at the paving stones beneath its feet.

"C'mon you big lump, fall over!" She yelled as the ground beneath the huge machine became slick with thick ice.



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




In the lobby, the laser sight from ADAOS's rifle flickered and blinked on the ground near Mel.

--- -.-

Repeating several times, ADAOS switched back and began firing a burst of assault rounds at one of the black and red armour clad forces that had stepped in, the rounds pinging off its armour.


[/ QUOTE ]


Mel watched the blinking light on the floor at her feet a few times, then laughed with relief. "Roger, message received and understood."

The three women backed slowly into the lobby, firing their crossbows as rapidly as they could, but Mel's heart leapt into her throat as the first of the black and red armoured warriors pressed through ADAOS' fire.

"What the hell are you?" she hissed, pausing for a second to allow her stealth field to come back up to full power. She considered tactics - these weren't Malta, which she and her sisters had some very specific training against, nor were they anything she remembered from the threat files she'd stolen, but they were heavily armoured. She glanced in Marie's direction, and her 'technical expert' - Mel was honest enough to consider the younger woman a 'gadget-freak' - surprised her by pulling out her new favourite toys.

Marie called them Power Sparks. Well, that's what she called them to other people. In her own head she thought of them as 'Butt-kicking boomers!'. They were an adaptation of Sapper technology, particularly suited to the skills and prefered weaponry of the Sisters of Artemis. Two bulky shuriken, connected by a shielded wire, were thrown at an oncoming trooper. Though much heavier than normal, the weapons had edges literally as sharp as a razor, designed to cut through flesh like butter, and wedge into armour or bone. The tiny power cells were capable of delivering a 0.25 second jolt of the same frequency as a Sapper's energy cannon. Not enough to drop a metahuman or suit of power armour, but enough to weaken them a little... just in time for the timer on the plastic explosives to hit zero. Mel could throw a pair every 2 seconds, but she only had 3 pairs. None of them were set for impact trigger. They were tied to her wrist comm. And the button on her wrist comm she was reaching for, even as the last pair flew toward their target...


The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*




"This is BODICIA. Continue the good work everyone. I seem to have a roach infestation, and I need you all to become exterminators. Remember though, our primary goal is survival. Take no undue risks. Take... oh my. Could I have some volunteers please? Special Forces are about to try and breach my Core Room in Vigilance Tower." BODICIA announced through the commslinks. In the core room on the second Tower, the AI floated in place in the central chamber, resting on a throne that was built into the rest of her body, looking very much like the cross between False Maria and Tron. Long fibreoptic cables hung from the ceiling to reach her back and skull, and shield platforms and gun emplacements already began to circle around her chamber.

[/ QUOTE ]


Starborn tore the arm off of a Malta robot before smaching the Titan into the floor and throwing the arm at a group of KoA.

"I'll do my best to fight them off, BODICIA, but will not kill!"

Taking more attacks she charges forward, attempting the flush as many out of the tower as best posible.

"I'm not sure I can make it to help you, I'm trying to keep them from flooding in, are there any on the way to help you, Bodi?"

Tigergirl/Yoko Hatori - Full time hero
Kiyarii Kade - Model and part time hero
Mileena Lim - Alien Demon Bat Sorceress or rather Hotel property owner
Starborn/Klair Elwin - Full time hero and Journalist




Chlorr frowned to herself as the Malta firing at her hiding place suddenly switched targets, aiming at the other defenders around the lobby. Risking a glance over at the remaining, albiet fewer, group that had been hounding her, tried to decide what the best course of action next. However as she looked back around to see where a next viable piece of cover was, what felt like a truck collided with her nose, sending her sprawling as the Knife that had delivered the kick shimmered into view.

Groaning as she pushed herself up onto all fours, blood slowly dripping down her chin from her nose, Chlorr caught just a shimmer of movement as the foot lashed out again, striking her in the ribs and spinning her over to land with a thud on her back, wheezing as the Knife then jumped, knees first, onto her chest. Drawing her blade and putting it to Chlorr's throat, the Merc reached out, taking hold of the lip ring Chlorr hadn't had time to remove, grinning behind her mask, "Hey Cape, I don't think this quite suits you. Lets sort that shall we?" She began to pull at the piercing, "Shame I never got the hang of how you put these on, I'll just have to tear it out..."

Groaning as the Knife pulled her lip ring, dug her knees into her ribs more and pressed the blade more firmly against her neck, Chlorr fixed her expression to one of determination as she built up energy in herself, before unleashing it in one large blastwave, knocking the Knife clear off her and several bits of debris around, along with several stealthed Knives that made up the rest of the squad. Luckily, nearly all of the loose bits were flying towards the invaders, only a small amount towards the others defending.

Gasping for breath as she concentrated on crawling to a safe place to hide behind, Chlorr could only manage to stop the bleeding of her rather damaged nose and ripped lip, hoping that she could recover atleast a little before any of the invaders decided to try and take her out of the fight.




The other team members nodded, and Cindersnap looked to Leo with a nod. The sound of explosives rocked from the north as the door was blown off its hinges.

"Alright, let's do this."


[/ QUOTE ]

Leo returned Ryan's nod, he turned towards the north stairwell and braced himself to run and flame.


Gasping for breath as she concentrated on crawling to a safe place to hide behind, Chlorr could only manage to stop the bleeding of her rather damaged nose and ripped lip, hoping that she could recover at least a little before any of the invaders decided to try and take her out of the fight.


[/ QUOTE ]

Gemini was proving to be ineffective, her range was too short she needed to get closer. Setting the rifle to single shot she aimed at the closest gunslinger. The headshot impacted with such a force his hat flew off his head.

Keeping low to the ground Gemini made it to the reception desk. She could see Chlorr struggling not to far away.

"Why didn't I practice with my healing abilities?" Gemini scolded herself. She reached out her hand and aimed a healing energy at Chlorr.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red




Libby surveyed the reception lobby. It was a mess of dust, glass, water, steel, blood and bodies. She saw Starborn remodelling a Titan over to her right, while a trio of Knives were... what were they doing... Libby readied to launch herself, but relaxed her posture when she realised who it was. Julie tipped her a wink, and Libby blew her a kiss back. A red laser sight dotted a Malta Tac Ops and a half second later the mercenary's helmet flew from his head in a cloud of scarlet mist. Linda didn't see ADAOS but she reckoned he was there.

Leaning over the counter, Libby saw Chlorr and Gemini."You girls OK?" she shouted, trying to be heard over the noise and grinning confidently. "Listen... Starborn's got the door, I think ADAOS has the ceiling crawlspace, and there are three chicks who look like Knives of Artemis coming in the front door who are on our side... got that - they're on our side... We're covered in here - fall back with the Vigilants if it gets real hairy... I'm going to try and get to Vigilance and keep these mothers away from BODI..."

Without waiting for an answer, Libby spun around and looked for the nearest exit point - one of the holes blasted by the Titans in the initial salvo. She launched herself at it, her sudden slipstream sending a spiral of dust and debris into the air. She felt bullets rake her but ignored the stinging pain... they were expelled from her flesh almost immediately anyway. She tore through the air and directly upwards, before banking and diving towards Vigilance Tower.




Leo returned Ryan's nod, he turned towards the north stairwell and braced himself to run and flame.


[/ QUOTE ]

"Now! Ice Burst, wait two, Fire Sweep!" Cidnersnap gave the signal. With a sonic blast the two ice walls shattered into thousands of shards flying into the approaching forces. After a moment, the twins fired another wall, and at his end Cindersnap ignited the wall of air and pushed it forwards, before he, Lo-Fi Boy and Rushmore were upon the Knives of Artemis, attacking with stone, fire and sound.


[u]Over in Unity Tower[u]

A group of charging Malta suddenly... vanished, only for a moment later to fall from the top of the rafters in the lobby, a good four story drop. Another group froze in place behind their vantage point, and several of the turrets and Engineers guarding them began to ripple and crumple under gravity distortions. With a flash of light and a warping of the air, Number Nine appeared out of thin air, flanked by The Pioneer and Umbral Pulsar.

"Chlorr, Gemini." The Crey built gynoid nodded, landing behind them. "You alright?"


BODICIA's voice flickered over the comms frequency to Starborn. "None yet, but I am currently holding them off with the defenses. One of the Shadow Suits is heading this way though. You'll know one if you see one. I'll attempt to get Cindersnap's group down here, though currently a large amount of Malta forces have pushed through the lobby and are approaching his position."


Marie called them Power Sparks. Well, that's what she called them to other people. In her own head she thought of them as 'Butt-kicking boomers!'. They were an adaptation of Sapper technology, particularly suited to the skills and prefered weaponry of the Sisters of Artemis. Two bulky shuriken, connected by a shielded wire, were thrown at an oncoming trooper. Though much heavier than normal, the weapons had edges literally as sharp as a razor, designed to cut through flesh like butter, and wedge into armour or bone. The tiny power cells were capable of delivering a 0.25 second jolt of the same frequency as a Sapper's energy cannon. Not enough to drop a metahuman or suit of power armour, but enough to weaken them a little... just in time for the timer on the plastic explosives to hit zero. Mel could throw a pair every 2 seconds, but she only had 3 pairs. None of them were set for impact trigger. They were tied to her wrist comm. And the button on her wrist comm she was reaching for, even as the last pair flew toward their target...


[/ QUOTE ]

The explosion wrapped around the mysteriously armoured invidivual, before starting to clear. While reduced to its knees, the armoured enemy slowy rose, a variant of the Arachnos Longfang Channelgun unfolding from its back.

"You want to play, girls?" The pilots female voice laughed. "Bring it."


Outside, the Kronos Titan's firing brakes were down, keeping it routed to one spot and preventing the ice from causing it to slip, even as its energy weapons fired into the shields on the Towers. The Malta forces around it though, did take notice of Burned Ice, and fire was directed her way.

[u]End of Minute Three/Begining of Minute Four[u]




BODICIA's voice flickered over the comms frequency to Starborn. "None yet, but I am currently holding them off with the defenses. One of the Shadow Suits is heading this way though. You'll know one if you see one. I'll attempt to get Cindersnap's group down here, though currently a large amount of Malta forces have pushed through the lobby and are approaching his position."

[/ QUOTE ]


Starborn flies shoulder first into a Zeus Class Titan, using it to push back the intruders.

"I'll try to form a blockade from downed Titans, it might give us more time but I can't promise anything. Bodi, do we have any back up on the way? PPD or anyone else?"

She continues to use the Titans as both weapons and shields, using her strength to throw them at the intruders, though allows Libert Girl's allies to come through.

Tigergirl/Yoko Hatori - Full time hero
Kiyarii Kade - Model and part time hero
Mileena Lim - Alien Demon Bat Sorceress or rather Hotel property owner
Starborn/Klair Elwin - Full time hero and Journalist




Outside, the Kronos Titan's firing brakes were down, keeping it routed to one spot and preventing the ice from causing it to slip, even as its energy weapons fired into the shields on the Towers. The Malta forces around it though, did take notice of Burned Ice, and fire was directed her way.

[u]End of Minute Three/Begining of Minute Four[u]

[/ QUOTE ]


Cara let out a yelp as the Malta troops in the plaza finally noticed her and opened fire. Chips of ice sprayed from various impact points about her body, forcing her to give up her attack on the ground beneath the giant robot and fight for altitude, swearing all the way.

Finally, out of range of the weapons, she glared down at the Malta, her wounds already healing as the ice sealed itself. "Oh man, what are you DOING, Cara? There's WAY too many bad guys out here for little old you!"

Turning quickly away from the Malta still firing up at her, she headed back towards Vigilance Tower, muttering. "Ryan's sooo gonna kill me...."



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Chlorr gasped as the healing energy hit her, her lip repairing itself back to solid status, sans the piercing's hole though, and her various other injuries sorting themselves out.

Panting gently still, she looked around for wherever the help had come from, casting Gemini a thankful glance before looking over at the battle still going on. She looked around, trying to spot anyone who needed assistance and firing supporting bolts of energy towards them.

Nodding slowly to Libby and Nene in turn as they asked if she and Gemini were okay, Chlorr called over the sound of gunfire, powers and explosions to Nene, "Yeah, I'm okay. What took you so long?"





Gemini looked around at everyone asking her if she was alright. She felt like screaming, instead a string expletives issued from the angelic looking blonde girl.

"I'm stood in the middle of a war torn lobby, dressed in a hospital gown and a lab coat. Holding two automatic rifles that I'm barely trained to use. Bare feet getting shredded by all the broken glass. What the hell do you think?" She swung the other rifle free of the shoulder strap. "As you are now probably aware, I was never catatonic and I have also broken my cover. Let's just get this over with!"

She flicked both the rifles to fully automatic and started making her way down the lobby, leaving bloody footprints behind her.


"Now! Ice Burst, wait two, Fire Sweep!" Cindersnap gave the signal. With a sonic blast the two ice walls shattered into thousands of shards flying into the approaching forces. After a moment, the twins fired another wall, and at his end Cindersnap ignited the wall of air and pushed it forwards, before he, Lo-Fi Boy and Rushmore were upon the Knives of Artemis, attacking with stone, fire and sound.


[/ QUOTE ]

At the same time as Lo-Fi, Hi-Fi created a wall of air that Leo ignited and pushed forward. Leo counted less Malta operatives than before. He pushed on and then attacked drawing all their fire power in his direction. Allowing Hi-Fi to attack without fear of being attacked himself.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Annette blinked in the smoke, looking around. There were bodies. Women in greenish jumpsuits decked out in swords, knives, that kind of thing. Most of them were bloodied and lying still. One was winding back her arm to throw a shuriken.

Nitoichi ignored the throwing star, rushing forward, arms extending, enrgy blades driving into the woman's chest and then whipping apart with a spray of blood...


(( Still don't really have time to get into this. Bit miffed, but there you go. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Nodding slowly to Libby and Nene in turn as they asked if she and Gemini were okay, Chlorr called over the sound of gunfire, powers and explosions to Nene, "Yeah, I'm okay. What took you so long?"


[/ QUOTE ]

"Securing facilities further in the complex. They already heavily damaged a lab when we arrived." Nene said, lifting a hand up. A chunk of rubble promptly disappeared from nearby and flew from the opening portal into a Hercules Titan. "We believe we've routed the forces down there, but Vigilance Tower has less manpower in, most of it has gone towards defending the students."

The Pioneer lifted up a large tile from the floor, using it as a shield to protect the others from fire, even as Umbral Pulsar shifted into Nova form and soared up to attack from above.

"Let's gather ourselves and push them out of here." Nene said grimly, her combat HUD flipping down.


BODICIA quickly replied to Starborn, even as her AI cores worked on running every single other thing she had to control. "They're still scrambling now, there was a Troll Rave earlier in Skyway, and Longbow was drawn out into Bloody Bay earlier." She replied.




"This is BODICIA...Take no undue risks. Take... oh my. Could I have some volunteers please? Special Forces are about to try and breach my Core Room in Vigilance Tower."

[/ QUOTE ]


The exterior of Vigilance Tower was clouded with smoke, but Liberty Girl had something of a clue where BODICIA's core room was... the armoured glass on that floor was cracked from weapons fire...maybe it might give...if it was hit hard enough...

Libby summoned up the concentration she needed and wound up to her top flight speed...

Glass exploded into the corridor, shredding the flesh of the Malta engineers that were planting C4 around the door to BODICIA's outer chamber. Libby crashed through the glass and steel and barrelled into the others. She didn't see much - just lots of hard, cold, scarlet and black armour.

She lay in a heap amongst them, laughing at her luck in finding a breakable window...and groaning in pain. Her boots were streaked with dirt and blood, and her uniform was dyed almost purple with blood - hers as much as anyone's - but she was still, apparently, recognizable.

"Liberty Girl..." someone rasped. "Kill her! Now!"






The exterior of Vigilance Tower was clouded with smoke, but Liberty Girl had something of a clue where BODICIA's core room was... the armoured glass on that floor was cracked from weapons fire...maybe it might give...if it was hit hard enough...

Libby summoned up the concentration she needed and wound up to her top flight speed...

Glass exploded into the corridor, shredding the flesh of the Malta engineers that were planting C4 around the door to BODICIA's outer chamber. Libby crashed through the glass and steel and barrelled into the others. She didn't see much - just lots of hard, cold, scarlet and black armour.

She lay in a heap amongst them, laughing at her luck in finding a breakable window...and groaning in pain. Her boots were streaked with dirt and blood, and her uniform was dyed almost purple with blood - hers as much as anyone's - but she was still, apparently, recognizable.

"Liberty Girl..." someone rasped. "Kill her! Now!"


[/ QUOTE ]

"Oh I don't think so" remarked a calm, detached voice as a figure in white appeared at the other end of the corridor and gestured with the glowing staff held aloft in one hand, the previosuly still air suddenly rushing down the corridor in an almost visible rippling wave of concussive force in the direction of the troops beginning to point their weapons in Linda's direction.


Roleplayer and member of "The Unity Vigil"
Characters: Union (Heroes) -
White Warlock Lv50 Ill/Storm Controller
Black Providence Lv50 MA/SR Scrapper
Starwhisper Lv50 Peacebringer



At the same time as Lo-Fi, Hi-Fi created a wall of air that Leo ignited and pushed forward. Leo counted less Malta operatives than before. He pushed on and then attacked drawing all their fire power in his direction. Allowing Hi-Fi to attack without fear of being attacked himself.


[/ QUOTE ]

Quickfrost joined Leo by his side along with Hi-Fi Girl, smashing the butt of his ice sword into the heads of the fallen Malta.

"BODICIA here, you better move. You have several groups incoming. I could do with assistance in the engine rooms and my core."

"Leo, you're with me." Cindersnap said. "Rest of you, use the service tunnels to get to the engine room. Good luck, I know you can do it."

The four young heroes sprinited off to one of the service tunnel hatches, with Ryan motioning Leo to follow him to another.


Two more SHADOW units arrived, their black armour glowing a neon red in places. The ones near the Sisters of Artemis already had her channelgun out and ready, and the couple who stepped out of nothing but a red, shimmering portal stood ready.

With a quick burst of speed, one made towards the High Speed Transit Elevators, while the other unfolded his channelgun and pointed them upwards.

"Hell rain down on you all!" He screamed, blasts of dark red energy hurtling up into the roof of the lobby, starting to bring down more of the roof.


Over by the blast doors to BODICIA's core in Unity Tower, one of the SHADOW units stepped back, blurring with a red light before appearing a way behind White Warlock.

"The mage. How is your wife, by the way?" The man inside the high tech armour chuckled, before unfolding his channelguns. From his arms, modified Rikti Rifle barrels flicked into place and began to charge with energy.


[u]End of Minute 4/Begining of Minute 5[u]



Malta Zeus Titan 24-BRX-7, designate "Trafalgar" was busily applying suppressive fire to the scene, while maintaining its picket around the huge Kronos titan, keeping intruders at bay. Then, a small object sailed through the air, landing just in front of it, behind the Kronos. The metal shape, round and suitcase-sized, unfurled itself, revealing a squat barrel, not unlike a cross between a mortar, and one of the Maltas own autoturrets. The bleeping, shiny machine began to spin, unleashing burst after burst of canisters, canisters which shattered on impact, releasing rainsd and clouds of corrossives on all enemy targets, interfering with armour and display systems, never quite enough to do real damage, but enough to weaken armour and slow movement. As Trafalgar moved to squash this little irritation, it exploded, as a hail of laser and plasma-cannon fire impacted against its weakened hull, breaching the primary power systems. Past a billowing drift of smoke, strode the strangest portable army in creation. Gleaming robots, gleaming chrome and flashing lights, strode in battle formation, firing with perfect timing and synchronisation against targets of opportunity, bringing down troops and crippling and breaking titans alike. In the midst of the group, encircled by force-fields generated by a hovering drone, were two figures. One, the biggest of the combat robots, unleashing hails of missiles and plasma cannon fire in support of its lesser bretheren, the monniker "Friday" plainly stenciled on one burly metal arm. The other figure wore battle armour, looking like a fusion between robot and suit. Dead black, helmeted, visored, the smaller figure fired on targets of opportunity with a decidedly efficient pulse rifle. Friday sported a back-banner with the symbol of the Jolly Roger, slightly singed, but still grinning out at the Malta. The smaller also sported Jolly Roger Motifs, as well as a pair of speakers that were currently blasting out "blitzkrieg bop."

If asked, the robot mistress extreme, anarchist and technopirate that currently had her walking fortress stomping around the plaza would have stated that she was just there to foment chaos and discord, to bring mere anarchy upon both sides. In actuality, none of those beams got near any of the defenders.

Opening up breathing space, the metal death-cadre opened up on the kronos from behind, raucous punk songs occasionlly threatening to drown out the actual noise of battle.

Josie was having fun.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Starborn finished blocking the main entrance, it wouldn't save the tower but it would slow them down for them moment.

"Bodi, I'm heading up now!"

Starborn took flight, moving quickly to reach the core.


Tigergirl/Yoko Hatori - Full time hero
Kiyarii Kade - Model and part time hero
Mileena Lim - Alien Demon Bat Sorceress or rather Hotel property owner
Starborn/Klair Elwin - Full time hero and Journalist



Minute 5
The SHADOW unit made it to the high speed lifts, blasting through the floor and then dropping to the base of the shaft without seeming to take much damage. A brief moment of motion from above warned it, as its channel gun flared, ctaching a descending shape square on. The figure, for a person it was, crumpled and hit the floor, hard. Shadow 7 started to turn, as sensors linked to databanks chimed in with what data they had about the former target.

Positive ID: Target Priority 7a. Threat Rating Omega. Designation: Arachidamia. Tactical Analysis: Regenerator. Do not Assume Death until Radical Dismemberment, target is...
7 swung its arm guns back into line, to be met with a glowing, thoroughly angry and, by this point, bare-torsoed swordswoman. The blade came up, shearing through the left arm-cannon, and the arm beneath it then fouling up the weapon power feeds on the right, coming around to shred the channel-weaponry as well, only to be met by an extended blade from the right-arm port. Metal glowing with mystic force met metal glowing with scientific force, the armoured stalker and the battered warrior locked in melee combat. even armless and gunless, 7 was a scary prospect in a fight.

Sparks flew.

Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.





Over by the blast doors to BODICIA's core in Unity Tower, one of the SHADOW units stepped back, blurring with a red light before appearing a way behind White Warlock.

"The mage. How is your wife, by the way?" The man inside the high tech armour chuckled, before unfolding his channelguns. From his arms, modified Rikti Rifle barrels flicked into place and began to charge with energy.


[/ QUOTE ]


Michael shook his head in almost mild amusement and made a simple gesture with the staff, sending a bolt of blazing energy whipping at his opponent, the bolt of ravening magic expanding rapidly in size as it travelled down the corridor until it was almost two feet across and almost too bright to look at.
Slamming the bottom of his staff on the debris strewn floor, Michael conjured a series of magical constructs that formed a physical barrier between himself and any return fire.

Behind him, the concussion wave hit the remaining special forces troops, ripping those unable to get out of the way from their feet and slamming them into the walls with sufficient force to leave deep indentations in the concrete


Roleplayer and member of "The Unity Vigil"
Characters: Union (Heroes) -
White Warlock Lv50 Ill/Storm Controller
Black Providence Lv50 MA/SR Scrapper
Starwhisper Lv50 Peacebringer



((yes I asked Zortels permission first))


A familiar two diamond shape of the Oroborous Menders appeared next to Michael aka White Warlock...there was a flash of light.

With a grin stood Edward Johnson, "hmm looks like you people could use a hand...a rather more...deadly hand," Edward cracked his knuckles with a chuckle.

"Incase you're wondering I'm doing this to protect BODICIA and the few friends I have left in the Vigil...oh...and because I love to preach and punch at the same time..."

He vaulted over the Magical constructs and headed straight for any heavily armoured foes he could find, dark energy pulsing aroun his fists, his skin rippled as if something was moving underneath, "sinners, all of you such sinners, you shall feel the dark mighty wrath of the Lord himself, you shall be smote down with his instrument of great and furious anger, you shall weep as the Alpha to your Omega descends among you, I am no hero, I am an instrument of pain and wrath, fear me for I know not fear itself, fear me for I am held by no code but the code of the Lord himself, fear me for I am your judgement and your executioner!"

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Leo, you're with me." Cindersnap said. "Rest of you, use the service tunnels to get to the engine room. Good luck, I know you can do it."


[/ QUOTE ]

"Stay safe!" Leo said to Quickfrost and Hi-Fi girl. He turned and ran after Cindersnap.


"Hell rain down on you all!" He screamed, blasts of dark red energy hurtling up into the roof of the lobby, starting to bring down more of the roof.


[/ QUOTE ]

Gemini stood with her jaw open at the sight of the Shadow unit. It took her a moment to realise what was happening. She watched as the roof started to break away. She threw the guns to the floor.

"Use your environment to your advantage." She mumbled to her herself. Using a telekinetic blast she started aiming the falling concrete at the Shadow unit.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red