The Assault on Unity Plaza ((Semi-closed RP))





Liberty Girl sighed as she pulled herself to her feet, dusting rubble from her shoulders and pulling shards of glass from her shredded uniform. "You guys... always with the drama..." She pulled a face as she picked a piece of rubble from the top of her boot. "I came here to guard BODI's virtue - looks like you two fellas can handle anything they can throw up here. I'll start making my way down - see if I can link up with any strays..."

Libby started towards the ragged hole to the outside world that she had made as an entrance and tapped her comms unit.

"BODI! Sit rep please? Where's the nearest hole needs pluggin'?"




The explosion wrapped around the mysteriously armoured invidivual, before starting to clear. While reduced to its knees, the armoured enemy slowy rose, a variant of the Arachnos Longfang Channelgun unfolding from its back.

"You want to play, girls?" The pilots female voice laughed. "Bring it."


[/ QUOTE ]


Julie snarled as she heard the woman's voice. "Slave! She's mine!" She darted forward and levelled a powerful punch at the armoured leg, trying to throw the soldier off-balance. Like each of her sisters, she had taken a moment to ready her favourite equipment, which in her case amounted to a pair of soft leather gloves backed by kevlar plates laced with electrostatic shock emitters. The followed through with a barrage of punches and kicks, none of which were sufficient to prevent her opponent swinging the barrel of the channel gun to face her...

Melissa Montrose charged into the fray, drawing her short-bladed sword, and slashing at the gun. "No, Julie. Ours." The two women proceeded to hack and punch at the armoured woman, trying to finish her as quickly as they could.

Marie was annoyed that the Power Sparks hadn't had the effect she'd hoped for. Frustrating, certainly, but it was the first time they'd been used in anger, so she wasn't overly disappointed. She had other tricks up her sleeve, anyway. Her pack was easily three times heavier than those of her sisters, and for good reason. She'd spent a fair amount of time getting friendly with Doctor Huntington. Not in the 'Oh, Richard. Do me!' way that Mel seemed to be angling for, but just in a friendly likeable way, and it had paid off. Paid off big time.

From her bag she withdrew a bulky metal belt, and it was with trembling, sweaty hands that she buckled it on. Her stealth-webbing hummed loudly as it received input from a vastly increased power source.

"Hey, Tinkerbell! Watch this!" She pressed the activation button on the buckle.

Marie understood the concept. Micro-teleport buffers stored gear in a null-space attached to the belt. To an outside observer - and an inside one, she thoughts as she experienced it - it looked as though the equipment was expanding from the belt. In reality, it was appearing in sequence out of thin air. Armour plates wrapped around her arms, legs and torso, and a helmet formed around her head.

"Battle-suit online." Helena's calm voice came from the helmet's internal speakers, as Marie was nearly overwhelmed by the information scrolling across the HUD. But it all amounted to one thing: There was an enemy that needed eliminating.

Both Mel and Julie had been injured, though they were trying to ignore the wounds, and their foe was trading punches with them, her Channelgun firing almost continuously.

"Stop her!" Marie's shout was deafening, but it wasn't a panic reaction, nor an instruction to her friend, her mentor, or anyone else in the room. She was untrained in the use of the armoured war-machine she was wearing, and it was an order to Helena.

"Override protocols engaged. AI-enhanced battle-mode activated. Target acquired. Firing."


The first hellish blast of energy hurled Mel, Julie and their foe to the floor.


Moments later, a second blast, just as powerful as the first, threw the black- and red-armoured woman back toward the ruined doors of the building.


"I have got to get me one of these!" Marie's victorious whoop was lost in the crackling gunfire and shouted orders.

"Power reserves degraded. Activating stealth field during recharge process. Autonomous battle-mode activated."

As her stealth-webbing warped light around the suit and her, Marie ran forward to help Mel and Julie to their feet.


The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*





Michael shook his head in almost mild amusement and made a simple gesture with the staff, sending a bolt of blazing energy whipping at his opponent, the bolt of ravening magic expanding rapidly in size as it travelled down the corridor until it was almost two feet across and almost too bright to look at.
Slamming the bottom of his staff on the debris strewn floor, Michael conjured a series of magical constructs that formed a physical barrier between himself and any return fire.

Behind him, the concussion wave hit the remaining special forces troops, ripping those unable to get out of the way from their feet and slamming them into the walls with sufficient force to leave deep indentations in the concrete


[/ QUOTE ]


He vaulted over the Magical constructs and headed straight for any heavily armoured foes he could find, dark energy pulsing aroun his fists, his skin rippled as if something was moving underneath, "sinners, all of you such sinners, you shall feel the dark mighty wrath of the Lord himself, you shall be smote down with his instrument of great and furious anger, you shall weep as the Alpha to your Omega descends among you, I am no hero, I am an instrument of pain and wrath, fear me for I know not fear itself, fear me for I am held by no code but the code of the Lord himself, fear me for I am your judgement and your executioner!"

[/ QUOTE ]

The SHADOW Unit darted up to the ceiling, Channelgun arms digging into it as he vaulted the blast of magical energy, before scurrying along with blasts firing from his weapons at Warlock and Dr Johnson. Coming close to the magical constructs, he dropped down and propelled himself out of the way to outside, channelgun arms flittering with a red light as he darted across to flank them.

Libby started towards the ragged hole to the outside world that she had made as an entrance and tapped her comms unit.

"BODI! Sit rep please? Where's the nearest hole needs pluggin'?"


[/ QUOTE ]

BODICIA's voice came into Linda's ear. "Several groups are in pursuit of Ryan and Leo, but they are currently keeping ahead of them. Assistance is needed in the Lobby of Vigilance Tower. If you get there, I'll reroute forces to assist."

Pausing a moment, she then sent messages elsewhere. "Leo, Cara, head to Vigilance Tower Lobby. Ryan, keep moving and do not stop, intelligence recieved from Jane indicates they are looking to assassinate you."

"Please do your best Linda... as loathe as I am to admit it? I am scared. I do not like being scared."


[u]Unity Tower Lobby[u]

As Gemini exerted her telekinetic powers on the falling debris to direct it at the SHADOW unit, Number Nine had sent her singularity spiriling into the air, the chunks of falling building being drawn into its swirlinng grip.

Spotting the incoming rubble, SHADOW 3 swiped at the pieces with his energy blades, shattering them out of his way. Several channelgun arms pointed at Gemini and fired.

The Pioneer, clad in orange and black, darted in front of her, arms drew up to guard his upper body as he glowed with an unnatural light. Each blast slammed into him and ground him back towards her, before a frenzied volley sent him flying, smoke whisping from his costume.

Over by the three Sisters of Artemis and SHADOW 5, the latter was resting against the far wall, smoke pouring from her suit as the energy supply flickered. Slowly though, the arms on its back began to drag her up, the front armour plate falling off to reveal a torso deformed by the blast and cybernetic enhancements. Its ascent slowed as the arms lost power, and with a sigh it fell and collapsed to the floor.

Unity Tower's lobby was clearing of enemies now, the Malta forces having been driven or defeated back and blockaded out.

What remained was the one armed SHADOW fighting Arachidamia, and the unit firing at the others, even as rubble still slowly fell from the ceiling.

The one on Arachidamia moved quickly, energy trails blurring from its limbs as its right armblade clashed with Mary's magic empowered sword. SHADOW 7 seemed unaffected by his lost arm, and was making up for it with his other limbs as energy bladed kicks and hip mounted energy whips lashed out occasionally.

His armblade split down the middle, catching Mary's sword for a moment before he darted around and back in a fluid motion, gashing across her side and delivering a kick to her back.

Outside, the forces had encountered the dread Josie Ironside's forces, and as the battle raged and they were pushed back, they began to regroup into Vigilance Tower lobby.

[u]End of Minute Five/Begining of Minute Six[u]




Cara looked up from the skirmish she'd gotten embroiled in whilst trying to get back to Vigilance tower, and amidst throwing a fireball, a worried expression flitted over her face as she heard BODICIA tell Ryan the invaders were trying to kill him.

Taking a deep breath, she let out a yell and a huge corona of fire erupted from her body, scorching all the Malta troopers around her and forcing them to hit the dirt. In the brief respite, she jumped in the air and rocketed towards the lobby, flying for all she was worth.

"This is Cara, coming in hot! Everyone in the lobby that I like had better duck!" she quipped, though her words belied her worry for Ryan.



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




Marie knelt over Julie, gently patting her face with her armoured gauntlets. "Jules, wake up. C'mon. Wake up." Nearby, Melissa was also dazed, pressing a blood-soaked cloth to a puncture wound in her abdomen.

"Leave her, Marie. Sh-she'll be fine. Take those things out, before they rip us all to pieces. I'll take care of Julie." With those words, Mel pointed in the vague direction of the still battling SHADOW units, then crawled over the rubble toward her delirious student.

Marie immediately snapped off a salute, and rose to her feet, a little unsteadily as the suit's servos matched her movements a fraction of a second later - the software was still zeroing in on her movement patterns, but it was remarkable how sophisticated it was. She once again grabbed her pack, digging through it for something - anything - she could use while she waited for the recharge countdown to finish. Not long to go, but long enough to be a problem. She focused on SHADOW 3, as it was the more active and undamaged of the available opponents.

"Activate melee armament."


Blades sprang from the forearms of the battlesuit, and more protruded from the toes and heels of the boots, her kneecaps, and her elbows.

Data sprang into a window to the left of her field of vision.

Melee armament active - Combat ability unimpaired.

Energy armament recharging - Combat ability at 76 percent.

Autonomous battle-mode active.

Stealth-field active.

Heuristic processor online.

Target threat index: 8.3 plus or minus 0.5 - Discrepancy due to uncertainty in observed data.

Waiting for orders...

Marie thought for a few seconds, whispered an instruction, then pointed one arm at her chosen target, calling out to him over the suit's external speakers. "Hey! See this? This is my boom stick!"

The suit's energy capacitors drained once more, with a single shot that fractured the focus aperature of the weapon. Marie followed, in perfect balance, blades weaving a complex pattern in the air as she tried to get close, to distract the brute from continuing the fight.


The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



BODICIA's voice came into Linda's ear. "Several groups are in pursuit of Ryan and Leo, but they are currently keeping ahead of them. Assistance is needed in the Lobby of Vigilance Tower. If you get there, I'll reroute forces to assist."

Pausing a moment, she then sent messages elsewhere. "Leo, Cara, head to Vigilance Tower Lobby. Ryan, keep moving and do not stop, intelligence recieved from Jane indicates they are looking to assassinate you."

"Please do your best Linda... as loathe as I am to admit it? I am scared. I do not like being scared."


[/ QUOTE ]

12:06:04, Vigilance Tower

Linda bounded through the blast hole without breaking stride. "nah... you're not scared, BODI... You're excited!" She started to freefall toward the concrete, littered with rubble and bodies far below her. Picking up speed, Linda streamlined her body and flexed whatever invisible, internal organ inside her that enabled her to fly... she streaked downwards, faster and faster, toward the mashed heaps of steel, Plexiglas, wood and concrete that had once been the architectural-award nominated entrance lobby to Vigilance Tower.

The ice-blue beam caught her full square as she reached the ruined entrance. Every nerve in her body suddenly spasmed uncontrollably in searing pain and she crunched into the concrete. She lay unmoving for vital seconds. She felt nothing but pain, everywhere. She could move no muscle except those she needed to groan. She coughed, and tasted blood in her throat. She could feel her bones knitting back together and the rends in her flesh healing; but it was too slow. The sapper beam had seen to that. She tried to roll over onto her front, gritting her teeth against the pain, and eventually made it onto her hands and knees.

"I'm really... startin' to hate... today..." she muttered.

Something exploded in her belly and she lifted several feet into the air, a black armoured boot still embedded in her stomach. Linda crashed back to earth on her face and knees, and the boot struck again. Linda emitted a muddy, gurgling grunt as internal organs popped. She hung limply as a black metal fist lifted her by her hair and hurled her, head first, through the debris that had fallen across the building's entrance. The doorway collapsed even further, and huge steel-reinforced marble lintels and granite pillars tumbled, spewing dust. The Shadow powertank shouldered aside the rubble and batted away a crashed joist as it stalked into the shattered building to finish off its wounded prey.

There was a howl like someone towing a trailer load of nails along a blackboard road. The tank stopped in its tracks, it sensors flaring to white before dying to black. It reached up a metal hand to the steel rod, ripped from the concrete rubble and now stabbed into its Plexiglas visor. Gripping the rod, it's failing sensors detected something soft, about the size of a tennis ball, attached...

The explosion blasted the powertank's head clean through to the desk in the reception lobby. Whoever's skull it was that had once occupied the fried helmet, it was vaporized now.

From behind the fallen masonry where she'd sheltered from her blast, Libby smiled. Coughing a little more blood, Libby nonetheless chuckled cruelly at the smoking remains of the armoured power suit. "Butthead..." she sneered. "Never [censored] off a woman with a regenerative physiology... and a fistful of Malta C4..."




BODICIA's voice came into Linda's ear. "Several groups are in pursuit of Ryan and Leo, but they are currently keeping ahead of them. Assistance is needed in the Lobby of Vigilance Tower. If you get there, I'll reroute forces to assist."

Pausing a moment, she then sent messages elsewhere. "Leo, Cara, head to Vigilance Tower Lobby. Ryan, keep moving and do not stop, intelligence recieved from Jane indicates they are looking to assassinate you."

"Please do your best Linda... as loathe as I am to admit it? I am scared. I do not like being scared."


[/ QUOTE ]

"Acknowledged BODI." Leo spoke into his comms.

"I'm sticking to you like glue Ryan. Anyone wants a piece of you, they have to go through me!" Leo kept pace with Ryan and he had meant what he said.


As Gemini exerted her telekinetic powers on the falling debris to direct it at the SHADOW unit, Number Nine had sent her singularity spiriling into the air, the chunks of falling building being drawn into its swirlinng grip.

Spotting the incoming rubble, SHADOW 3 swiped at the pieces with his energy blades, shattering them out of his way. Several channelgun arms pointed at Gemini and fired.

The Pioneer, clad in orange and black, darted in front of her, arms drew up to guard his upper body as he glowed with an unnatural light. Each blast slammed into him and ground him back towards her, before a frenzied volley sent him flying, smoke whisping from his costume.


[/ QUOTE ]

Gemini watched in horror as the Pioneer placed himself between her and the SHADOW unit. As he was thrown across the room Gemini ran after him. When he hit the floor she bathed the area in a healing green glow.

"Why did you do that?" Gemini asked quietly, she had no idea if he could hear her. She bathed the area in another healing aura.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red




Edward grinned, "impressive, scurrying like a you're a sinner AND a coward..."

Edward flared his wings and dived at Shadow unit, claws outstretched, he was doing to rip this thing limb from limb if he had to. Dark nether-energy swirled around him a purely sadistic grin on his face, he was in his element and wouldn't hold himself back, they threatened Bodi..and nobody threatened Bodi...

"It's a good thing you're not a woman...otherwise I might be having second thoughts about tearing you a new one cockroach..."


Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Vigilance Lobby

The lobby was in chaos as the heroes began to converge on the position, Cara's entry and the addition of more of the regrouping New Vigilants as well as the tactical retreat of the Malta into it causing hell. Time ticked on as the battle raged, the ruined area glowing occasionally with the burst of Sapper gun and Titan Plasma blasts.

Vigilance Tower Corridor

Chuckling from behind his visor, the SHADOW unit darted up to cling to the side of the building, before starting his scurry to the top. Blasts of red plasma rained down behind him for any pursuers as he climbed.


Vigilance Tower Upper Corridor

A blast of energy bowled Ryan back, causing Leo to turn. "Ryan!" He shouted out, positioning himself in front of his stunned boss. At the far end of the corridor, one of the SHADOW units approached.

"Flee and I might not kill you."

Gritting his teeth and glowing fiercly, Leo took up a defensive stance. "You'll have to go through me first."

"... Fine." The SHADOW unit laughed, channelguns flaring into life as rapid discharges began knocking into Leo, pushing him back. The young man held his ground, and after more blasts the enemy raised his arm rifles.


Two single blasts struck out, starting to leech Leo's power away. Sappper tech. As the blasts hammered in, he sunk to his knees, his vision starting to fade. Something orange whizzed past his vision before he blacked out.


Unity Tower Lobby

Pioneer's eyes opened, and his fist shot up to strike a falling piece of stone out of the way. "It's my duty, Ma'am." He said with resolve, his eyes glowing with a golden-white light as he hauled himself to his feet. "And I'm more resiliant than your average person..."

Over where Marie was fighting, her suits sensors would have picked up something hot coming down from straight above. Descending rapidly thanks to his suits thrusters was a rather battered and damaged Cauter, fire screaming out of his red and gold suit's engines as he prepared to drop kick the suit.

Above all the chaos and fighting, his suits speakers enabled him to call out one thing.




Leo's eyes flickered open to see Ryan grinning, his right arm having several long gashes running across it.

"Wake up, Leo. It's over."

[u]Skyway Medical Center Mediport Control Room, 12:07:00[u]

"We've got it back up!"

"Excellent news, now... oh hell, it's happening again, they're hacking! Systems overloading... we're starting to go Code Black again!"

The attacking forces began to vanish at 12:07:02, taking their dead with them as they retreated, even as the blare of sirens began to converge on the Plaza. With a booming rush of air, the Kronos Titan flashed with light and was no longer present.

[u]End of Minute 6.[u]




Nitoichi crouched in the rubble in the courtyard, surveying for new targets. She could feel Annette trying to surface and see what was going on, but she was having none of that, this was too much fun.

There! What was that? Big thing, red and black, seemed to be heavily armoured and causing those girls trouble. They looked like Knives... but not. Well, whatever.

Ni ran, turning her swords over so that the longer edges pointed down. She took off in a long, high leap which turned into a dive as she brough the pair of energy blades down on the first of the powersuited figures she came across.


(( Edit: Grr, I swore I posted this before Z posted hers. Just thought it'd be amusing if Annette, who was worried she might have hurt one of Richard's Knife friends, was actually helping them. ))

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.




Edward wheeled out of the way of the rain of plasma blasts, seeing the unit vanish he sighed.

"Damn, was looking forward to taking that thing on mano-a-mano.."

Edward flew back into the building and landed, "as for you Bodi..." he held out his hand there was pampf of dark energy as a small potted black orchid appeared, placing it down on the ground, "enjoy my dear..."

Edward tapped some buttons on his arm, blowing a kiss to one of the security cameras, "see you somewhere in time Bodi..." he stepped into the portal and vanished.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Pioneer's eyes opened, and his fist shot up to strike a falling piece of stone out of the way. "It's my duty, Ma'am." He said with resolve, his eyes glowing with a golden-white light as he hauled himself to his feet. "And I'm more resiliant than your average person..."


[/ QUOTE ]

Two single blasts struck out, starting to leech Leo's power away. Sappper tech. As the blasts hammered in, he sunk to his knees, his vision starting to fade. Something orange whizzed past his vision before he blacked out.


[/ QUOTE ]

"Thanks." Gemini smiled at Pioneer. Then through the psychic link she had forced on her brother without him knowing, she felt him fall.

"LEO." she screamed as she ran for the nearest exit. She ran as fast as she could toward Vigilance Tower. Ignoring the battle being waged around her.

Oblivious to the disappearing Malta around her, she skidded through the broken doors to Vigilance Tower on bloody feet. Once she regained her balance she ran towards the stairwell, tears starting to dampen her cheeks.



Leo's eyes flickered open to see Ryan grinning, his right arm having several long gashes running across it.

"Wake up, Leo. It's over."

[/ QUOTE ]

Leo groaned as the numbness in his body was slowly being replaced by pain.

"Did anyone get the number of that train that hit me?" Leo chuckled which turned into a grimace when it aggravated his aching body. He saw darkness around the edge of his vision as he fought to stay conscious.

"Are you ok?" He asked when he saw Ryan's arm.


@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red




Leo groaned as the numbness in his body was slowly being replaced by pain.

"Did anyone get the number of that train that hit me?" Leo chuckled which turned into a grimace when it aggravated his aching body. He saw darkness around the edge of his vision as he fought to stay conscious.

"Are you ok?" He asked when he saw Ryan's arm.

[/ QUOTE ]

"It was the 12:06 high speed service to Painsville, dude." Ryan joked, offering Leo a hand to get up if he wanted. Looking to his other arm, he shrugged and waved it, wincing a little.

"I'm fine, just a flesh wound. After he sapped you, I got fighting and got cut up a bit, but he just vanished." Ryan replied. The blood on his arm was hissing a little from the temperature, and parts of the corridor behind him were scorched black.

"They just all vanished, BODI told me. Even the Titans outside... we did it." Ryan grinned. "Well, we didn't kick their [censored], but we're alive, and that's what counts."




Annette blinked in the smoke and looked around at the chaos. She could not really remember much of what had just happened, an found herself wondering where Linda was.

"Oh boy... someone's got a lot of sweeping to do," she muttered and then touched her finger to her ear. "BODI, if you've got a second, do you happen to know where Liberty Girl has got to?"

As she waited for a responce, she headed toward Unity Tower... or what was left of it.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



"It was the 12:06 high speed service to Painsville, dude." Ryan joked, offering Leo a hand to get up if he wanted. Looking to his other arm, he shrugged and waved it, wincing a little.

"I'm fine, just a flesh wound. After he sapped you, I got fighting and got cut up a bit, but he just vanished." Ryan replied. The blood on his arm was hissing a little from the temperature, and parts of the corridor behind him were scorched black.

"They just all vanished, BODI told me. Even the Titans outside... we did it." Ryan grinned. "Well, we didn't kick their [censored], but we're alive, and that's what counts."

[/ QUOTE ]

Leo attempted to lift himself up but as the darkness crept in around him, he thought better of it and lay back down.

"Sorry Ryan, I'm not going anywhere right now." Leo paled as the pain of a muliple laser hits started to register in his brain.

By this time Gemini had made it through the ruined lobby of Vigilance Tower, as she got to the same floor as Leo, she could see Ryan standing over her brother in the remains of the charred corridor.

"Oh my god! Leo." She ran over to them and dropped to her knees next to Leo. "I'm so sorry Leo, for everything." Gemini started crying in earnest, she let out a healing green aura that covered both Leo and Ryan.

"Gemini!" Leo reached over and took his sister's hand. "It's alright, we're going to be alright." Leo looked at Ryan with a puzzled look on his face.

With the healing aura from Gemini doing it's job, Leo got to his feet.

"What next? Clean up?" He asked Ryan while still holding onto Gemini's hand.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red