Now, why I wasted my bandwidth on THAT?
Ok, sorry, this really should have been in technical, didn't notice that forum...
Anyway, I found out what that "safe mode" and it sounds like thing which might work for me. Also, I'm sorry, but my chipset/builtin card is really 945G, not 950, and there was a minor update of dreivers since I last checked. (build only, so I'm not hoping much...)
How waiting for download to complete...
Ok, re-downloading seems to be caused by that EU/US confusion. Although file called should be an EU updater...
Anyway, I still have "invisible bars" problem... But I'll write on that into technical.
I've never heard of this glitch of invisible bars before - is it like that even in safe mode?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
In safe mode there's no UI at all
Here are specs as reported by driver,screenshot and things I tried.
have you tried omega drivers instead of nvidia?
Mind you saying that I had problems with a rubbish inbuilt graphics card. as soon as I swapped over to a decent card everything worked fine.
have you tried omega drivers instead of nvidia?
Mind you saying that I had problems with a rubbish inbuilt graphics card. as soon as I swapped over to a decent card everything worked fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
He's using an Intel chipset not Nvidia.
Ok, all solved, UK ver downloaded, NV card installed instead of builtin, and tutorial + one solo mission completed... Works fine so far... although I'm not sure I made a good char...
have you tried omega drivers instead of nvidia?
Mind you saying that I had problems with a rubbish inbuilt graphics card. as soon as I swapped over to a decent card everything worked fine.
[/ QUOTE ]
He's using an Intel chipset not Nvidia.
[/ QUOTE ]
i was tired and didn't read it properly
Ok, everyone knows I'm stupid
Ok, all solved, UK ver downloaded, NV card installed instead of builtin, and tutorial + one solo mission completed... Works fine so far... although I'm not sure I made a good char...
[/ QUOTE ]
Glad you got it going, welcome to the game
Octavian Vanguard
@ohmsEU and @ohms 2
Badging character: Bimble on the Union server, and City Info Tracker.
Ok, all solved, UK ver downloaded, NV card installed instead of builtin, and tutorial + one solo mission completed... Works fine so far... although I'm not sure I made a good char...
[/ QUOTE ]
As long as you like the character, and enjoy playing, it's good. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
Ok, all solved, UK ver downloaded, NV card installed instead of builtin, and tutorial + one solo mission completed... Works fine so far... although I'm not sure I made a good char...
[/ QUOTE ]
As long as you like the character, and enjoy playing, it's good. Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yay you and totally agree with above poster. Ask questions and try out different different alts and styles, but if you are having fun then don't let people tell you that your alt is rubbish. There are certain things you need to bear in mind such as slots only doing good up to three of the same enhancement and going for fitness power pool to get stamina on alts that are very endurance hungry, but that is more game mechanics and enhancing your enjoyment of your character rather than being rubbish if you don't have a cookie cutter build identical to everyone elses.
Oh, it isn't that sort of thing... It's just that arrows don't look cool enough (Archery/Device blaster...) OTOH they don't obscure what's going on by tons of FX...
Anyone who says that Rain of Arrows isn't cool needs their head testing - especially if you fire it at something BIG.
The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise.

Glad to hear you got things working again and that you are enjoying the game. So here a belated welcome to the game and forums and have fun.
I like my Archery/Dev blaster, especially once I had cloaking device. But yeah wait for Rain Of Arrows and love the look of that, fired into a tight group it looks amazing
"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"
Welcome to the game, and enjoy. If you need any advice/help in game my global is @Riff
As several have pointed out, try different power sets and ATs until you find what you like. There's a lot of fun to be had

Thelonious Monk
Also never believe anything Riff says (jokin')
Just to repeat try as many powers and AT as you can
Happy to be on Defiant.
Global name @mereman
Member of P.E.R.C. Representing Defiant
CoH faces
Glad to see you got it all sorted.
For future reference, Intel graphics cards don't deserve the name. I can fully accept that you don't want or need a beefy graphics card, that's fine. Just remember that Intel graphics chips don't have a lot of hardware which other GPUs do. The 945G is a particularly bad offender, performing almost no work, telling the CPU to do most things. CoH isn't the only game to fail on this, and I'm quite surprised you ain't come across this before now. As an example, it won't draw Sim City 4 right at all, with trees and water not showing up, while all land is covered in grass (even beaches).
You picked up some cheap nVidia card though, which is good. Anything ATi or nVidia in stores these days will draw the game as it's meant to be. It ain't shiny, but it's there.
Archery may seem plain, and you might feel inadequate next to a posh Fire blaster, but it's a very reliable set. Rely on your speed above all else, as your attacks are cheap to use and fast to recharge.
Necrobond - 50 BS/Inv Scrapper made in I1
Rickar - 50 Bots/FF Mastermind
Anti-Muon - 42 Warshade
Ivory Sicarius - 45 Crab Spider
Aber ja, nat�rlich Hans nass ist, er steht unter einem Wasserfall.
Don't get me wrong, CoX is probably a great game, and someone who couldn't even complete the tutorial surely can't say for sure. Your forum is grreat too. But..
Which only adds injury to insult.
1) This fine piece of software doesn't work on Intel builtin card. Or, to be more precise, world renders just fine, BUT I can't see my stats bars, - all three are gray, except for blinking star when values change. In fact all the scroll bars in the game are gray. AND as the final touch cursor is a black square.
Damn all NVidia fanboyz. I don't have, don't want, don't need 31337 GFX card Ok, It has more to do with my PCs draconian warranty policy, for the next year it's as unupgradable as a laptop, for all practical purposes. (And yes, around here all the warranties are like that.)
2) To solve (1) I tried to change resolution, among other things. Game asked for a restart. Fine. What's not fine is that first it tried to launch
"C:\Program Files\City of Heroes/CohUpdater.exe" Instead of correct "C:\Program Files\City of Heroes\CohUpdater.exe" until I manually specified the install directory. Install directory thas the same as the default one, BUT that ingenious piece of artificial idiocy decided to re-download all the 3 gigs anyway!!! (BTW, what is "safe mode" auto updater asks about? Is it some parental-control thing or something technical which may help me solve the first issue? Can I disable it afterwards? )
That said, what I saw of the game was superb, hero generation is fun, and tutorial gameplay looked promising...
Ok, sorry, I shouldn't rant like that... But... It's just so disappointing...
System: Pentium E/2 Gb/Intel 950/Win XP SP2.