Trouble in Transit ((closed RP))




((this RP is for myself, Kelvinbridge and whichever other villains (or even heroes...who knows) want to be part of the 'break out' team which Soren may have assembled to help in springing Edward (PM Kelvin to be on the team)))

Edward sat in the back of the heavily armoured PPD prisoner transport van, deciding it was best that he was transfered by himself. His actions indicated he may be a danger to other criminals, super-powered or not.

"Shame when a good hero goes bad isn't it?"

The other guard sighed and shook his head, "doubt he wanted to be a hero in the first place, just playing us for fools so he could have greater access to Paragon..."

"Nah, you wouldn't go rescuing Statesman and earning yourself that hero of the city medal if you just wanted peoples trust, if that was the case, he would have just let Tyrant pummel Statesman."


Edward flexed at the cuffs, Impervium, designed to hold in the strongest of criminals and he wasn't one of those.

Edward smirked to himself, "wonder if my old cell is available in the Zig..."

The guard spoke up, "You're not just a crazy old man any more, you don't get to be put in the lower security area, you're fully powered, you get to go into the nice high security wing with all those big criminals you busted...they're gonna be happy for some fresh meat and a shot at revenge..."

Edward grinned, "oh I wouldn't be so sure that they'll get their chance..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Søren Dekker waited patiently in a side street off of the transport route to the Zig. Accompanying him was the 18-wheeler truck he'd appropriated for the small job he had to do. Mounted on the top of a trash can at the mouth of the street, looking like an innocent piece of junk, a large, old mirror.

The prisoner transport convoy approached, Søren pushed against the truck causing it to roll forward slightly and as the first police escort drew almost level with the junction, he quickly pushed the truck out across the whole width of the road, slamming the cab, and the unfortunate first police car, into the building on the other side.

"Holy [censored]!" shouted the driver of the transport as he slammed on the brakes and attempted to swerve to lessen the crash somewhat.

The prisoner transport skidded sideways into Søren's roadblock, the police escort at the rear coming to a similar stop.

"Fun time..." muttered Søren as he viewed the scene he'd created.



Wild Red had followed the events after the incident with the freaks with curiosity. She knew what it felt like to be on the receiving end of 'justice'. She vowed to give Edward an alternative option, as thanks for saving her a few times.

She had been scouting the transport route, looking for a good place attack, when she spotted the large truck and the mirror. "Clever" she thought. She settled on a nearby roof top. Her dusty cape blended in nicely with the slate roof. A small receiver in her ear scanned the police bands for any broadcasts. She wasn't taking any taking chances, she was on the wanted list after all.

When the truck rolled out and caused the collision Wild Red stood and aimed a radiation blast at the Police escort. She dropped off the edge of the building and landed next to the prison transport. She opened the drivers door and threw a ball of radiation which fried the radio.

"Keys, now!" Wild Red held out her hand.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Edward was thrown from his seat as the prison transport came to a sudden halt, landing on the floor with a grunt.

"Well seems like the rescue party is here..."

He slowly go to his feet, hearing through the viewing slit in wall Reds demand for keys.

"I know that voice..." he chuckled.

The guards looked shocked, they had expected trouble but not quite in this way, seeing the first police car slammed into a building, sending shattered masonry work and glass flying across the street in a plume of smoke.

"Ok, ok...take em...just don't hurt me..." the guard held out his hand shakily with the keys to Red.

Meanwhile the Police car escourting at the back had two officers, armed with shotguns, get out the car and take up positions behind the doors, radioing in for support. Heroes listening to their police radio bands would also here the distress call...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



(( Posted with Doc's permission, and Zortel's collaboration for her character's part. ))

Not far from the scene of the ambush, the young heroine known as Burned Ice was just completing her fourth arrest of the day. As she slapped a zigtag on the still form of a Freakshow Slicer, she looked up and grinned at her trainer, and friend; Cindersnap.

"That's four nil, boss. You slackin'?" she chuckled.

Ryan grinned in return, and was about to reply when his hand moved suddenly to his ear, listening to an alert coming over the comm system. Cara heard the same alert, and listened intently as details of the ambush started to come over.

Ice glanced up at a nearby street sign. "That's just three blocks from here, Ryan. We'd better go help those cops."

Ryan nodded, his expression all business. "I'll meet you there, Cara, Keep low, okay?"

Burned Ice nodded and headed in the direction of the ambush. A second later, Cindersnap streaked into motion, running at super speed towards the same destination.

Moment's later, Ice arrived at the scene, and came in to land behind the police cruiser and the two officers, seconds after Cindersnap's own arrival. Taking in the scene, she spotted a woman threatening the driver of the prison transport.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



"Thank you." Red said as the keys dropped into her palm. "Bad news is your friends called in back up. So I can't take any chances." She reached up and with a single swift movement snapped the drivers neck.

"Hey you." She shouted at Søren. "We need to move quick, we are all over the police bands." She used the transport van as cover. She reached around to the rear doors and unlocked them. "Hey honey, did you miss me?" she laughed as she threw the keys to Ed, at the same time as playing with a radiation ball threateningly. The guards eyes followed the ball as Red rolled it around her fingers, while Red watched the guards.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Dropping out of the orange blur that always occured when Ryan hit top speeds, the young hero quickly looked about, his eyes glowing brightly behind his glasses. He could see Wild Red by the door at the front of the vehicle, and his HUD display soon put a name to her.

"Too late to save the officer... dammit." He muttered, clenching a fist as he started to ignite the air around it. While he might not have agreed with the severity of Edward's sentance, or his good deeds not being taken into full account, there were better ways than this. He gathered his wits about himself even as his thoughts went through his cybercom.

"Burned Ice, I'll draw the woman's attention, you need to stop them from... busting out Edward." His tone had a lot of regret in it, to be taking on a friend like this. "He might be Unity Vigil, and a friend, but we gotta do the right thing."

"Wild Red!" Cindersnap shouted out, hurling a bolt of fire towards her. "I'm Cindersnap, we're the New Vigilants, and you're -not- busting anyone out today." As he called out to her, his fists erupted into flame before standing ready for combat.



Burned Ice nodded as Cindersnap's instructions came over the cybercomm, and she moved to one side; closer to the transport and out of Ryan's way. Looking in to the interior of the truck, her eyes widened with shock at seeing Ed fumbling with the keys to his handcuffs. Raising her hand, she pointed it towards him, and ice as hard as steel began to form over the cuffs; filling the lock and making it impossible to get the key in.

"Ed!" She shouted, her voice cracking. "Please! Don't do this! You're one of us, you're my friend! I don't want to hurt you!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Edward was about to get the cuffs free when an icy chill went over his hands as the metal cooled with the ice.

Ed moved to the front of the van for a moment, giving the last rites to the driver, "all good people deserve peace in death."

He saw Red and shook his head, "didn't think you'd be here to bust me out..."

"Don't hurt those two...delay them but try not to hurt them...they're here to work against me but I do not forget friends..."

His eyes quickly darted around the streets, looking for an escape route, spotting a manhole cover he sighed, the sewers, he wasn't much safer down there than he was up here but it was an option.

He shouted to Ryan and Cara, "Stand down, don't get in the way, you know the sentance was unjust...I wont hurt you but I can't control the actions of my colleges...I've requested that they try not to harm you but what they do is their own free will..."

He muttered into a cybernetic comm unit, "'s time..."

Something big, green and glowing came lumbering out of an alleyway...the recognisable form of Steve the Shivan...

"Cover me while I move for that Manhole and follow me down afterwards...aim to miss, I don't want them hurt"

The Shivan nodded as it hurled a ball of radiation at Ryan, the projectile clearly off course but close enough to force him to move...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



As Ed ran towards the manhole cover, the ground underneath his feet turned a pale blue as a sheet of slick ice formed. Ahead, more ice covered Ed's escape route, sealing it shut, and a blur of black and orange flew past Ed, coming to rest on top of the cover.

Cara, Burned Ice, stood on top of it, hand on hips, and glared at Ed.

"I'm sorry, Ed, but I can't. You know I can't. It's the law, you have to obey the law. Please... Go back to the truck... Don't do this... We can appeal the judgment! Get you out legally! This... This is just showing everyone you really ARE a villain..."

Cara's voice cracked as she spoke, the young girl clearly upset at someone she trusted being connected with killers.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Wild Red nodded at Ed's request. "Aye Aye, captain - set to stun." The only thing missing was the salute. But she was turning to the sound of her name. She saw the bolt of fire and managed to move so it only singed her shoulder.

While Ed said his piece, Wild Red used her x-ray beam to sever the fuel lines on the police car and the prison transport. Gasoline was slowly spreading across the floor, she smiled behind her mask.

"That should slow the little fire thrower down." she laughed.

Wild Red then turned her attention back to the Heros attempting to prevent their escape. Picking on the younger of the two, she threw a powerful stunning radiation ball straight at the girl on the ice.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Cindersnap rolled away from the blast of radiation, cursing as the fuel line was cut. But he wasn't a one trick horse, and his Unity Vigil training was strong in his mind.

"I can't stand down, Edward. I'm sorry..." Ryan called out. "I appriciate that request... but the New Vigilants don't let jail breaks happen at all. We work in the law!"

Breaking into a sprint as Wild Red's attention was on Cara, Ryan bunched a fist up ready to attack her.

"Cara, keep using your cryokinetic abilities, Wild Red put gasoline on the ground. Take them down hard and fast!" Ryan's thoughts went through his cybercomm, face resolute.



((I hate working lates, things happen while I can't respond!))

Søren watched as the situation spiralled rapidly away from his original plan of attack. Seems other people wished to take advantage of his roadblock.

On seeing Cindersnap's arrival, he shook his head slowly. "Oh, brodad. Why're you getting yourself invovled?" he muttered.

He noticed Ed heading for the manhole, then the girl with the ice causing that to route to be blocked. "Hmmm. Fire and Ice... A difficult combination." He reached up and ripped off one of the doors from the trailer of the truck with a single hand. With his free hand, he pulled out a coin from a pocket and flipped it.

"Heads it's the ice bunny. Tails for my little brodad."

The coin fell to the ground with a light tinkle, Søren looked down, shrugged, then hurled the sheet of metal at Cindersnap.



Burned Ice sees the ball of radiation heading for her, and true to her training, rolls smoothly to the left, letting it fly past. Setting herself, she once again lifted her hands, and a blast of freezing air rushed forwards towards her attacker (Shiver).


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Ryan broke off the attack as he saw the sheet of metal slicing through the air towards him. With a grimace, sweat immediately coated his forehead and bare arms as the young man gritted his teeth, eyes glowing brightly.

His molecules moved faster, phasing out as the sheet passed through his abdomen. A most unpleasent thing for him to see, Ryan kept his concentration up, even as veins stood out on his forehead. Once it had left his body he phased back in with a gasp, the effort leaving him unable to do that for at least a few minutes.

"Glad you're not going easy on me, Soren." Cindersnap grinned. "Though that was a close shave."



Søren watched Ryan's phasing trick impassively.

"I'm not wanting to hurt yah, brodad... But yah got yahself mixed up in one of my business transactions. I'd prefer if yah'd just, yah know, step away. Goes for the little ice bunny too..."

He grabbed the back of the truck, and the teeth-tingling sound of metal grinding against stone could be heard as he began to pull the truck from where he had wedged it into the building.



Seeing the heros were distracted, Wild Red flew up and then straight down on top of the cops. She grabbed one of them by the neck and stunned the other. She walked forward using the panicking cop as a shield.

"Now we all know, hero's protect, villians destroy... Yadda yadda. How does get out of my way or he dies sound? Is it a reasonable request?" She glanced from hero to hero waiting for a reaction. She glanced at Søren suspiciously.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



(( and with the kind permission of Kelvinbridge aka Dekker ..))

Cara's ,Burned Ice ,left eye blinked , as the bright red laser dot of a pistol sight slide across her face .....

A very ordinary looking hand held a ultra high tech handgun , the hand belonging to a equally ordinary looking man ...dressed in a tan coloured business suit , less the jacket , the undone waist coat and rolled shirt sleeves gave the impression he had just left his desk in some boring office , the small round glasses completing the officer worker picture .....

..... the other hand of this person waves a number of more unsavoury looking men into a line across the road around , to Cara's rear ,these men had the look of the Rouge isles , pure breed thugs , the huge brute in a sleeve-less biker jacket is carrying a pair of Uzi 9mm's , the others a range of large handguns and one what looked like a number of firebombs.....

a flat accented voice speaks “take a walk darling , .. ya'see i'm a big fan of the Doc's work ..and I wants to see him do some more ....”

the hand locks the red laser dot on Cara's left temple ....and its fellow pulls a heavy automatic pistol from the suit's pants waistband .......



Cindersnap glanced about, from the people with guns aimed at Cara, to the police officer being held hostage. The addition of the gasoline on the ground didn't help matters. With a final glance about, Ryan sighed. His HUD data wasn't helping him get a grip on the situation, and they were outgunned.

"Burned Ice, stand down." Cindersnap gave the order, before looking about. "On conditions though. Let the hostages go, and let my team mate come over to me."



Burned Ice stared down the barrel of the gun pointing at her, then glanced briefly behind her. She looked back at the gunman, a scared expression on her face, and gulped.

Slowly, she raised her hands in surrender.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Søren glanced across at the rapidly changing situation, his original plans totally blown out of the water.

He glared at the new thugs, and at the hostage taker. "Yah both better do what he's saying. This ain't about causing bigger problems..."

He pulled the truck free from the building, and lifted the trailer slightly, "If yah want to make problems, yah get a truck in the face, yah know?"



"I will let him go once, that manhole cover is open." She acknowledged Cindersnap. She stroked the Cops face and in a childish voice said. "You've been a good hostage, yes you have! You get to live!"

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



“clever move luv , now talk a long walk down that road , and no peaking back Kenny there will keep his beedy peepers on ya ...”

the flat voice was very unpleasant despite the total lack of menace in it , and the hands that the voice went with seemed locked in place , keeping the red dot anchored on Cara's skull ...

The Thugs seemed more obvious waving their guns and smirking , oen steps aside to let Cara pass , and crudely winks ..”yous Kenny here will see ya home doll ..” he slowly points a pair of chromed long barrelled .44 Magnum revolvers at her chest ....”after you ...”



Cara looks down at the guns poking in to her chest, and lets herself be prodded down towards Ryan. As she walks, ice slowly begins to form inside the barrel of each weapon, unseen by the goons.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



"Soren, kindly tell Kenny to shut up before I go over there and kick him in the balls so hard he'll be coughing them up for weeks." Cindersnap said in a flat voice. "Anyone talking like that to a young girl deserves to be in the Zig." The young man was clearly not impressed.

"As I said before, let her walk over here without the gun on her. She's surrendered, and I've given orders to stand down."