Trouble in Transit ((closed RP))




"Sorry, Ry. These haoles ain't anything to do wit me. This was meant to be a private transaction, yah know?"

He looks over to Ed, who is clearly now broken out of the prison transport.

"But, seeing as how I tink I have completed the task I was hired to do, the transaction is now complete..."

He turns his head to look at the gang of thugs and their leader, "Let the ice bunny walk alone, dudes. I'm sure that she ain't gonna disobey her orders... They are backing down, yah know?"



Suddenly ignoring Cara ,and waving the Thugs to stay put the tan suited person turns and walks towards the prison van ..the two guns lowered, pointing to the ground

“well I must says Doc Mechano .. a real pleasure it is , I have heard good good things about your past works , glad to see you final woke up again and dumped that hero guy act ... I just about to make a withdrawal from the bank here , isnt fate a f'ker that you should be passing .....

...names Vyllian , Archibald Vyllian , these here are me boys , 'nuckles Norm , kneecapper Kenny , razors Ronnie and the guy wiv the burning fetish is hot Henery.....”



Wild Red walked over to where Ed was stood with the newcomer. Oblivious the the scratches her barb wire was causing her hostage, as she dragged him with her.

"What are you doing? Having a pleasant coversation while our location and situation is broadcast all over the police bands!" Her voice was boarding on manic.

She could hear the police reports over her ear peice. She had no idea how long it would take before back-up arrived.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Cara continued to walk slowly over to Ryan, her expression seething with anger and frustration. Arriving next to him, she mutters under her breath. "I can't believe we're letting them get away with this! You should have let me barbecue the lot of them, Ryan! Ed's gonna get away now!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



"I made my order, Cara, and I'll stand by it." Ryan replied over his commslink. "You could have gone inferno on them, but with that fuel on the ground, and their numbers, no way of knowing how many or how much collateral you could have done. Or they could have put a bullet in you." Ryan said. "Which isn't acceptable. We let them get away now, we minimize the other casualities. We've already had one man die today..."



Archy turned to face the arriving Wild Red ...”the coppers can go screw them selves my dear ,... you know Doc I saw you a few times in that Pocket D club , course you was doing your Hero act so I kept my distance ....,“

seeing the hero duo where now some distance off , he wave his thugs over to the prison van ..”lads go scout the area , seems old bill may be dropping in ...”

“you need a lift any wheres Doc ? we 'ave a couple of fast cars park round the back , guess ill be leave the bank till a'nover day ...”

(( how long would the ice in gun barrels last , I am thinking not very long as metal is a good conductors and a lot of ice , or very low temperatures would get noticed , your call ))



(( Cara's ice isn't natural; it's far colder than normal ice and as hard as steel. It doesn't last as long as natural ice away from her body, but it should last 5 minutes or so before melting as fast as it forms. Up to you if it gets noticed. ))

Cara glanced up at Ryan, then replied over her implanted cybercom. "Their guns are iced up, and I can freeze the gas; but I'll do what I'm told. I just HATE this!"


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(( no problem with the nature of Cara's ice just if it is .." far colder" than zero but still natural water ice the gun's metal will frost over in the air , and the chilling may even be felt by the gun holder as the metal of the gun will conduct heat way from warm parts of the gun ie the grip area ...just wanted to check it was ice and not some frezze energy field , its your power , .. as they are all doing other things at mo , i will play it unnoticed until the have reason to look to their guns ....nice underhand trick by the way .. ))



Edward looked at Cara, "you know the appeal would never work, once a villain always a villain in the eyes of the public...especially a man like me..."

Edward whistled and called Steve over, the massive Shivan smashing the ice covering the manhole and the ground itself, leaving a large hole in the road, "good man Steve.."

Edward looked to the two villains, "thanks for the help guys, wasn't expected but then I didn't expect this kind of trouble..."

He turned back to the heroes, "and with this I bid you goodbye...tell those at the Statue I still respect them all, well..some of them anyway...stay safe.." he bowed and dropped down the hole into the sewers where some very surprised Lost were greeted with a Demon and followed by a very large Shivan, causing them to scatter, "quickly Steve, no doubt they will try to follow me...from here I can make it to Tyras house..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Cara yelled out just as Ed vanished down the manhole.

"What about in the eyes of God, Ed? Was everything you said, everything you did, a lie?! God's never going to forgive you for this!"

Angered almost beyond words, Cara's emotions flared up, and with it; her unique ability to transform her body. Her skin shifted and grew transparent as her body transformed into living ice, steel hard yet semi liquid. With the ice also came the fire, erupting around her slender body and transforming her into a flaming ice statue. The temperature around her fluctuated wildly, and ice spread out from her feet, freezing the spilled gasoline solid.

"I'LL FIND YOU, ED!" she screamed.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Arch nodded a goodbye to the Doc , and spotting Cara's transformation , grins mirthlessly ....”time to skedaddle coming lady” he asks Wild Red ..and without a backwards glance sprints for the nearest shop entrance ...



((Late arrival by permission of the Doc))

Wavekite skimmed low over the city rooftops, zeroing in on the source of the police call. Even from a distance, she could smell burning in the air and a faint stink of spilled fuel; things had obviously gone very bad. But she was still surprised when she arrived just in time to see what looked like a giant Shivan diving into a manhole that had been smashed wide open.

She quickly took stock of the situation. She recognised Cindersnap on the ground, and if Jay Reynolds said he was one of the good guys, he was one of the good guys. The woman who was rapidly turning into a juggernaut of ice and flame seemed to be with him. The man with two dangerous-looking guns who was sprinting away from the scene, on the other hand...

Jennifer slowed to a hover and concentrated, trying to form a sonic barrier to seal the doorway the running man was making for.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Edward heard Caras shouting, even down here in the sewers as he begun to sprint along, the foul water splashing against his trousers, he was use to it by now.

"In the eyes of God my actions were just, those men were befitting of punishment and to be sought for his judgement, the laws of the Almighty are not the same as the petty laws of man..." answering only to himself and the few rats that were scattering from his path...

Edward turned to the Shivan, "Alright've served your purpose and what they do to me would pale in insignificants to what they would do to you should you be caught...I don't want you to end up some experiment on some DATA scientists table..."

Steve nodded and disappeared off into the blackness of the sewers.

Ed was alone, without backup, in a city that now hated him, there was one place he knew he could be safe and that was Tyras house, even then he would have to dodge the many police drones which guarded the Trams and other essential areas...

"Lord be my guide in this time of need, show me a light through the darkness..." he continued his trek through the Sewers, knowing that the heroes could not be far behind.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Cara, you need to wrap things up on the surface. I'm going after Edward." Cindersnap said quickly, tapping his boots together. The grips on his soles reformed into something more suitable for running on ice, and his eyes glowed brightly.

"Looks like you're getting some help from Wavekite. Stay in contact!" The young man said, before sprinting off in a blurr towards the manhole cover, fast enough to be just a black and orange streak as he passed and dropped down. On his heads up display, BODICIA began transmitting plans of the Brickstown sewer system to him, as the young man began his search for Ed.



Edward turned around as Ryan caught up with him, Edward had been limiting his own super speed because of the hazardous nature of the sewer system.

"Well, you caught up to let me go Ryan, I wont be troubling the city, I just want a quiet life away from all this...a chance to meditate and pray..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



"Honestly, Doc?" Ryan said, taking his glasses off to look at him. "If you were to promise me you were going some place quiet, not to start up the old villain schtick again, heck, even maybe to do some good elsewhere, I'd be real tempted to let you go. I've been in Juvvie, I know kind of what it's like to get locked up, and I know what it's like to have my freedom and do good."

"Say I do let you go, and you go back to a life of crime. That's my career ruined. That's like, my life gone down the drain. Zori'd be forced to let me go." Ryan sighed, before slipping his glasses back on.




Arch spotted the Sonic barrier with just enough time to merely bump it rather than bouncing off it ...

“ ...sneaky “ he mutters and makes a two fingered shrill whistle ....from every door and ally way a swarm of thugs flows into the street , armed with a array of basic thug weapon loadouts , they mass towards Wavekite “ swat that flying pest for me lads ..”

Arch re-engages his feet in a rapid exit move away from all the hero types , heading to the street corner where his main boys are now regrouping ...

“ Henery at little cover please ... the van ...”

a sickly smile blooms on Hot Herey's face as he rips the igniter cord and flings a bundle of fiery destruction towards the prison van and its surrounding pool of gas .....



Edward shook his head, "I don't want to fight you Ryan...don't make me..." using the intense focused heat from his eyes to melt the ice blockin the keyhole of his cuffs, still clutching the key he turned it in the lock, the cuffs dropping off.

"Remember Ryan..I've already been inside the Zig once, how can I do the Lords work from there, punishing the wicked while they are still free is the only way to show them their wrongs...even if the judgement required is death..."

Edward rubbed his wrists, "just stand down Ryan...please...I have no want to hurt you..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Cara nodded and took a step forward, her gaze locking on Wild Red and the cop she was still holding captive. As much as her anger was fueling her powers, her training still held and she sized the woman up carefully, judging the danger to her hostage should she act carelessly.

Ice crept across the ground towards Red; spreading out in an increasing circle from Cara as the temperature around her continued to drop. Abruptly, she raised her hand, and ice erupted around the womans captive, sealing him inside a block of the unnaturally cold ice and forcing her to either let go, or be frozen with him.

Cara's voice was cold as she spoke, and her breath condensed in the frigid air around her, forming clouds of steam. "You're NEVER going to warm again, Red. Do you know that? Never. I'm going to take your temperature down so low, that even a thousand years in hell wouldn't warm you up."


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



"My boyfriend's taught me a little something about God, Edward. That you shouldn't kill, that it's God's place to judge people. Bring them in, stop them from hurting others, that's fine, but killing them? That's not the Unity Vigil's way. That's not -my- way." Ryan said with regret, flames starting to lick round his right hand as a blade of pure flame formed from his palm.

"I don't want to fight you either, Ed. But it's the only way we can save face." Ryan smiled sadly, standing ready for combat. "Come a long way, haven't we? Like, first we hated each other, then you were trying to find me a boyfriend... okay, your suggestions didn't really work out, but it was a nice offer y'know..."



Edward smiled, giving a sad sigh, "There is one place you simply can't get me.."

He grinned and tapped some buttons on his forearm, the sigil of the Oroborous Menders appearing on the floor, "see you some place in time Ryan..."

He gave a low, fancy bow, "if being a villain taught me one was always have a backup escape plan..."

Edward stepped into the portal and disappeared in a flash of light, the portal begining to fade behind him.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Wild Red looked around and saw everyone was making their escapes. She was on her own, the forgotten hostage still in her grip. She saw the creeping ice and siphoned off some speed from the cop she was holding. As the ice enclosed the cop, Wild Red took a step back. Hearing Cara's challenge Wild Red started laughing.

She stepped out from behind the copsicle. Hand on hip "You will have to catch me first." She challanged. With a small movement of her hand she threw a small low powered bolt of radiation at Cara. "TAG, your it!" She flew off at supersonic speeds. Flying low while siphoning more speed from civilians as she passed.

@Wild Red

"In the Rogue Isles, loyalty goes to the highest bidder." Wild Red



Cara neatly sidestepped the bolt of radiation and raised her arms into firing position, taking careful aim at Red as she fled. Flames licked around her hands as the power built up, and suddenly a beam of white hot flame erupted from young girls hands, moving far faster than Red's fleeing body.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Jennifer cursed as the air filled with gunfire from the gang leader's backup posse. Her disruption field flared up in visible ripples of energy as it sapped the momentum from the incoming projectiles, turning a deadly wall of lead into an almost-as-deadly obstacle course. She ducked and weaved between bullets, cursing again as stray rounds bounced off her body armour, and reached for her bow, which activated in a flare of light.

Around the truck below her, the world was a mess of fire and ice. She couldn't afford to stop dodging long enough to figure out what was happening; hopefully Ryan's friend could keep things under control a little while longer.

She drew a riot arrow from her quiver, took aim, and launched the concussive warhead into the midst of the massed thugs. She turned weightlessly in the air to gain a better angle of ascent, just in time to let a burst of bullets hiss past her face. She swooped ahead, scanning for where the ringleader had fled.

Knights Exemplar: Wolfram, Autumnfox, Starlit Spirit.
Militia: The Portent, Wavekite, Mr. Sandman.
The Cadre: WarpLocke, Zajin.
Numerous others.



Hot Henery's fire bomb landed and slide across Cara's ice field ., bounced at the curb and rolled to a stop against a shop front , that dissolved in a cloud of glass and flames ... clear of van and puddled gas ...

....the gang mob was half scattered by Jennifer's blast arrow , but the rest turned and started to chase her along the street firing wildly and not caring where the strays fell ..

As Arch dived through a door way , into a office block , he called out a order to this boys ..” Mayhem time gents , make it loud ...” and flung a them a bag of new toys

the Boys face took on a look of sheer malign pleasure .. guns are reloaded from the bag with explosive ammo .(( I am assuming ice will have gone , or spotted and cleared ))....
...the boys open fire , standing in a ring spraying everything in range ..shops , cars ,bus shelters , bystanders , even parking meters become targets ....