Graphics Driver crashing?
It's an ongoing problem with a couple of threads in here already, such as Random Crashes / Freeze Problem
The problem is actually affecting many people on more than just CoH and seems to be driver related with the 8800 series of cards, but we can't be sure...
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
Hey mate,
I'm probably thinking that your 8800GTS is the new G92 version?
I'm using the 9800GTX G92 based and there are BETA drivers out for the G92 based cards which you can get hold off. I'm using them now Version "177.39" and there is a major improvement.
EDIT: Shizz! Just checked out the "Nvidia drivers" download those drivers are only for the GTX 200 series and 9-series. They enable the new PhysX hardware for the cards with a UT3 PhysX pack.
Sorry mate, tried to help.
EDIT: Ahh, remembered something! You could do what I did for a few games when i built my computer. When I built my computer there were a few issues with games and the Nvidia drivers.
I used this method and it worked flawlessly, hopefully it works for you:
1. Uninstall 175.19 drivers - [DEVICE MANAGER]->[VIDEO CARDS]-Right click-UNINSTALL.
2. Download Driver Cleaner Pro: ""
3. Install Driver Cleaner Pro and run it. Under [CLEANING SECTION] - find "nVidia" and click it. Then simply press start. This will delete all other driver bits here and there which are not uninstalled when you uninstall it from device manager or any other place.
4. Goto ""
5. Fill in all details -i.e. graphics card 8-series etc..
6. Download drivers, NOTE: Re-download the drivers don't use the one you downloaded from before. Also try not using Accelerators, use normal Firefox or IE download.
Hopefully this makes it work. If it doesn't give me bell and i'll surely do my best to help.
Thanks, but if you'll read some of the other threads, you'll notice I've given people the same advice.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
i'm getting this aswell but goes at random times last night it didn't crash for 2 hours and 41 mins and when i first had it it happened 16 times and even weirder it only seemed to happen when the latest patch came live
Guys found the fix!! The proper fix! it was because of crappy [censored] Vista! This start happening to me also so i tried to find out and found out directly from a Microsoft technical support representative:
RELEASE DATE: May 21, 2008
Update for Windows Vista 32bits >>>
Update for Windows Vista 64bits >>>
According to Microsoft, KB938194 will resolve the following problems:
"The screen may go blank when you try to upgrade the video driver.
The computer stops responding, and you receive a "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" error message.
The computer stops responding or restarts unexpectedly when you play video games or perform desktop operations.
The Diagnostic Policy Service (DPS) stops responding when the computer is under heavy load or when very little memory is available. This problem prevents diagnostics from working.
The screen goes blank after an external display device that is connected to the computer is turned off.
There are stability issues with some graphics processing units (GPUs). These issues could cause GPUs to stop responding (hang).
Visual appearance issues occur when you play graphics-intensive games.
You experience poor playback quality when you play HD DVD disks or Blu-ray disks on a large monitor.
Applications that load the Netcfgx.dll component exit unexpectedly.
Windows Calendar exits unexpectedly after you create a new appointment, create a new task, and then restart the computer.
Internet Connection Sharing stops responding after you upgrade a computer that is running Microsoft Windows XP to Windows Vista and then restart the computer.
The Printer Spooler service stops unexpectedly.
You receive a "Stop 0x0000009F" error when you put the computer to sleep while a Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connection is active."
I hope this helps you, i'm going to try it out now and will report back asap.
If you're running Service Pack 1, then this patch should already be installed.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
which i am, and still get the error. a fix that fixes nothing.
Well then theres no more i can do, sorry.
This is a common problem with both Nvidia and ATI cards for which there is no real solution at the moment. The only help that I can give here is to 1st have a look at your system and make sure that you are 1) using certified memory for your motherboard 2) Using a good PSU with dual or more 12v rails 3) have adequate cooling for the vga cards and system.
If all the above are fine then try different driver versions until you find one that works for you. Nvidia, ATI, Microsoft etc. have all been working on this for awhile and while a solution ( new driver or windows update etc. ) works for some it makes other systems worse. As a last resort you could even try getting rid of vista and install XP instead.
I have fix it, surely is a temp solution...
Go on nvidia site and download driver beta 174.74 (i use windows vista 64 bit)
Cox don't crash.. and eve online too, my two fav best games!
It's the nvlddmkm driver issue, I take it (Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding, but has succesfully recovered.)
I have had this issue repeatedly and have done researche on this for long. There is no fix at this point.
Games are randomly affected. Lost Planete, TF2, CoH, WoW, COD4, Assassin's Creed... Sometimes you can play for 3 hours and nothing, sometimes a couple of minutes with a crash... Hell, sometimes even just being on my desktop, this would happen too.
It happens to Vista and XP users. It's random.
Some say it's due to an excess of ram. I haven't been bothered running tests by opening my pc, again, to see for myself.
So far my fix was to do as ilvipa74 said. I downloaded the 169.25 Vista (Ultimate) 64bit drivers.
I have had extented hours of play without any crash since and had forgotten about the issue.
Having said that and after writing about it here, I hope I haven't jinxed myself.
A few links for those who care:
This thread over at the Nvidia forums has been going on since Jan 2007...
As none can find me good solutions from the compagnies that should know.. I go and try yours. I will first install the 174.74 drivers.. if those will not work I will go back to 169.25.
I hope this will be the solution. Even then... when the &%*()(&* is NVIDIA going to accept that this error is there.....? The system reacts as if it has a memory error. And will crash on that too. The NVIDIA monitor gives a blue screen.
- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!

I *Really* don't wanna spend a day reinstalling the OS and losing god knows how much data.
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No need to reinstall the OS. The problem will still be there.
If anything, roll back to earlier display drivers or install beta-type drivers. It won't fix the issue but it may help reduce considerably the amounts of crash/failing drivers/BSOD.
Prior to getting AOC and a new machine i had no problems, now since upgraded PC which came with Vista OS, installing latest Nvidia drivers AoC seems to work wonderfully but CoH now gives a grey or black screen and stops working.
Also notice the error message at bottom of screen about drivers doing something and then recovering, but unfortuantly Heros dont like what ever the new Nvidia drivers are doing. Is an 8800 series card i have to.
Possibly even could be vista causing it
Hope a fix from Nvidia or Ncsoft comes about in the not to distant future.
Defiant: Snow + many other alts
Arc ID 61069
Possibly even could be vista causing it
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Windows XP users that have rolled back from Vista are still experiencing the nvlddmkm driver issue.
Hope a fix from Nvidia or Ncsoft comes about in the not to distant future.
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Nvidia and Microsoft are both working on a fix (while both companies are accusingly pointing at each other).
I'm guessing it's not a "top" top priority issue since it's affecting 8800 users only.
Only thing we can do so far is just wait for new driver releases...
which i am, and still get the error. a fix that fixes nothing.
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this ^
Well, not played CoH for a bit due to the sync bug. Only a little here and there since they put in the /sync command.
But yesterday i played for a fair amount of time, couple of hours. And as i played i the screen went black for mebbe 30 secs, then came back with a little chat bubble in the lower right corner saying something like "Graphics driver stopped responding and has been reset". Computer works, but CoH is still black, need to shut it down forcefully via task mon. Then i can restart it and play for a couple of mins then it comes again.
CoH is the only game this happens in atm. Using 175.19 driver from Nvidia, card is a 8800 GTS 512mb. Upgraded to 175.19 cause it gave a huge improvement in age of conan.
Tried reinstalling the driver and it functioned for longer before crashing again.
Any ideas?