I had a cunning theory.




<points to the terms & conditions>

"This ballot paper is only valid for votes in favor of Lord Recluse, tampering/substituing another candidate's name will invalidate the ballot as there are no other valid candidates than Lord Recluse. Cash value 0.000001p. Any objection to terms & conditions will make the objectioner suitable for beatings."



yes. all hail recluse, brutal tyranical dictator supreme

*votes Recluse



"This ballot paper is only valid for votes in favor of Lord Recluse, tampering/substituing another candidate's name will invalidate the ballot as there are no other valid candidates than Lord Recluse. Cash value 0.000001p. Any objection to terms & conditions will make the objectioner suitable for beatings."

[/ QUOTE ]

*Buys Lord Recluse Halloween costume* Dark Ebbon SPiiiderrr? Where aaarreeee yooouuuu???



"'Ere! Your not the real Recluse!"

"How can you tell?"

"Well for one, your spider-arms are made of plastic. One just broke off as ye came through the door."



*Performs assassins wedgie on ReclusesPhantom causing 1 million discomfort type damage*





*Goes to hosp and gets glue to glue back the broken plastic spider arm on the Recluse costume*



we seem to have swung completly off-topic here






Hmm... Err.. yes *cough*..... WELLL back on topic!
I think this would be a good idea but then in a way it defeats the point of "Soldiers of Arachnos"..
IMHO I think the Fifth will end up using the Ouro time travel to their advantage and destroy the Citadel then run out into the Rogue Isles and Paragon City.

Maybe there'll even be a co-op TF (Like LGTF) where you must travel back in time to prevent the Ouro Citadel from being destroyed offering a badge along the lines of "Column Breaker"... But then again thas just me and my imagination