my first PB and WS




Finally after playing this game for two years (and suffering from a sever case of altitis) I got my main Illusion / Kinetic controller to level 50. (having a new and much faster computer definately helped as well)

I immediately started to get a PB out (loved the fact that it flies at level 1) and started to like him a lot especially after getting him to level 6 and getting the nova form. OK he is squishy, but wow he can dish out some serious damage.

I also rolled out a WS, mind you i never had tp as a travel power before and I got the bind, which does make travelling faster and easier, but still he doesn't feel as much fun as my PB.

Do you have to get used to the WS or does he become better later in the build?



I too got my 1st heroside 50 yesterday. Personally i prefer PB's but thats more because of there human form powers. From what ive read though WS become very strong later on in the build, but are more team orientated.



that's what i read too, i'll stick it out then!



For solo play/single target damage the PB is by far the more efficient i find, due to some serious high single target attacks/self heals/build up.
However the WS in teams . . . . . . well what can i say apart from iconic. Im slowly building my WS into a human only form WS and so far . . . im very impressed at just lvl 29.
All shields + Inky Aspect on, TP into the middle of the huge mob = all minions automatically stunned (if your acc is good enough ), sunless mire, aoe/cone the lot of them and mop up the still stunned minions who moved out of range
The only problem you might find with your WS is that while most of the time it does seem unbeatable and truely epic, it will defo seem like the ultimate squishy in small mob spawns The WS's strength lies in large mobs.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



I've just started my WS and I'm already having a lot of fun at lvl5, but whats better for levelling up, tri/dual form or human only, because evidently, human only really comes into its own in the later levels



I've kept my PB (Angel of Paragon) in human form all the (currently half way to 37) and am enjoying it a lot. I find I can solo reasonably well, but when I'm in a full team thats when I have my biggest love for the toon. Only one thing has been annoying me of late - people giving me grief just because half the powers have knockback. Well its my toon and my fun



got mine to lvl21 and boy did i like the k/back and what cool damage!!!! but then did a respec dropped the shields(good or bad choice dunno yet) and took primary attacks, i love this toon now yup still squishy but can heal and solo mobs great fun

the hero formerly known as Mr.M
kin--d/blast lvl50 (retired)
'm reborn' lvl50 p/b(retired)
little miss psyche lvl50 ice/mm blaster on defiant
lil miss shade lvl50 warshade
GGRRR s/g member



Over countless hours of playing my level 50 Human/Dwarfie PB, I've never had any complaints about the Knockback. Just takes a bit of practice to hit the foes together rather than apart, or against a wall.

I did find levelling him a bit of a slog until level 18. And voids were a problem until my late 20s. And Endurance consumption was a big problem (even with Conserve Power) until I got him loaded up with IOs.

But he's probably always been my most fun toon to play. Currently he can more than handle his own endurance, and he's no slouch when it comes to either Damage dealing or Tanking. About the only thing that ever kills him these days is high-level Void Bosses. Now if only he'd get a mez protection toggle for Human form...



Solar Flare is pretty bad for kb. As a pb and as a tank i know it cant be really annoying doing it in the middle of a herded mob sending them flyin everywhere.



The kb is excellent solo though, and you can slot it with a certain proc...

I really should do something about this signature.